08/12/1996 (2)
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August 12, 1996
Rita Garvey
J. B. Johnson
Robert Clark
Ed Hooper
Karen Seel
Elise Winters
Kathy S. Rice
Elizabeth M. Deptula
Pamela K. Akin
Cynthia E. Goudeau
Patricia O. Sullivan
David Stone
Chair/CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
Ex-Officio Trustee
Interim Director/Deputy City Manager
City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
Board Reporter
Ex-Officio Trustee
The Chair called the meeting to order at 1 :07 p.m. at City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed
in that order.
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ITEM #2 - Aooroval of Minutes
Trustee Clark moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 15, 1996, as
recorded and submitted in written summation to each Trustee. The motion was duly seconded
and carried unanimously.
A reference was made to the DDBts (Downtown Development Board) goal setting plan
described on page 3. Ex-Officio Trustee Elise Winters requested the CRA (Community
Redevelopment Agency) complete the form for use at the November 2, 1996, joint CRA/DDS
meeting. Staff will review the form and bring back suggestions to also address CRA concerns.
ITEM #3 - New Business
a) Amended Budget for FY (Fiscal Year) 1995/96
Staff is presenting an amended FY 1995/96 budget for Trustee consideration and
approval. The revenue budget is proposed to be amended to reflect changes in amounts
already received or amounts expected to be received. The expenditure budget is proposed to
be amended to reflect Changes in the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) office. Staff
also recommends the Trustees authorize the appropriation of the entire balance remaining in
the eRA Trust Fund as of September 30, 1996, for previously approved redevelopment
projects and projects to be idf3ntified in the redevelopment plan.
In response to a question, the City Manager said when the Atrium Building was
constructed, the DOB agreed to pay their tax increment from the project to the CRA. In
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answer to question, Finance Director Margie Simmons said $400 of ttother income" comes
from copying charges and other small amounts. Trustee Seel questioned why the debt reserve
interest earnings budgeted for $10,000 was amended to $0. Ms. Simmons said it has been
placed under another category. The expense for Harborview Center parking covers the cost of
removing meters from that lot. Ms. Simmons said the large increase in administration costs
reimbursed the City for a loan officer and contract clerical employee while the CRA had no
staff or executive director. In answer to a question, Interim Director/Deputy City Manager
Kathy S. Rice said the eRA pays the parking fund for Checkers' employees. Staff will check
and report on the time limit of this arrangement.
The transfers for funding redevelopment projects were questioned. The City Manager
indicated that amount, an estimate of funds expected to be left over at the end of the year, will
be transferred to the CIP. Ms. Simmons said an anticipated $10,000 charge was not needed
because of staff vacancies.
Trustee Johnson moved to approve the amended budget for FY 1995/96 and authorize
the appropriation of the entire balance remaining in the CRA Trust Fund as of September 30,
1996. for previo~sly approved redevelopment projects and projects to be identified in the
redevelopment plan. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
b) Budget for FY 1996/97
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The FY 1996/97 budget is presented for Trustee consideration and approval. The
revenue budget is based on estimates of taxable values and assumes the DDB's payment of
the tax increment. Interest income assumes the 1986 CRA bonds continue to be outstanding.
The expenditure budget assumes the transfer of $50,000 to the City for staffing the CRA
office. This budget assumes the 1986 CRA bonds remain outstanding, therefore, the transfer
of $1 56,935 to the Debt Service Fund is required. Funding this budget requires transferring
$89,911 from prior years' working capital.
Ms. Rice said the DDB may request some changes following the joint eRA/DD8
November meeting, after the start of the next fiscal year. In answer to a question, the City
Manager said this year (1995/96), the CRA had to dedicate 20% of their tax increment
revenues to debt service. This resulted in the CRA having to contribute approximately $4,600
to the debt service reserve after the DOB's entire $23,000 plus contribution was returned to
the DOB. In FY 1996/97, the CRA must allocate an additional $156,935 above the 20% to
meet debt service reserve requirements. If the CRA used 20% of the DOB contribution, the
amount the CRA has to put into the debt reserve would be reduced by a like amount. The
Chair recommended establishing a policy to address the ODB's contribution. The City Manager
agreed it would be more accurate for the DDB to contribute 20% of their tax increment
revenue to the debt service and reduce the CRA's contribution by a like amount.
Ms. Winters said last year the CRA did not charge the DOB for the 20% debt service
requirement and this year it is Ita wash. It She hoped this issue will be corrected by legislation
and not be ongoing. She suggested the eRA return the DDB's contribution for uses allowable
by the CRA. It was suggested legislation may not address this issue within the next year and
the CRA may wish to retain the DDB contribution to fund half the staff. The City Manager
said, according to the recommended FY 1996/97 budget, the eRA would use $4,708 of its
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savings account to fund the debt service requirements if the entire DDS contribution is returned
to the DDB.
In answer to a question, the City Attorney said according to State statute, only a few
entities are exempt from paying the increment. During a period when entities could have
applied for exemption, the DDB did not as it did not think the requirement to pay applied to it.
It was noted the DDB paid the tax increment last year for the first time. Ms. Rice said the CRA
returned the DDB's full contribution then had to allocate 20% of that amount to the debt
service. The 1996/97 proposed budget includes the eRA returning the DDB's full $23,540
contribution. Ms. Winters said when the opinion regarding the required DDS contribution was
rendered, the DDB had considered contesting it. Based on the CRA's approval of an interlocal
agreement whereby the full DDB contribution was returned and the entities agreed to work
together to obtain the exemption, the DDB did not contest it.
In answer to a question, Ms. Rice said the debt service funds will payoff two parking
bonds. Ms. Simmons said after the bonds are paid off, the 20% debt service charge
requirement no longer will be in effect. Trustee Seel noted funds transferred to the debt
service allow funds to accumulate to payoff the bonds sooner. Balancing the budget required
taking $89,911 out of the CIP projects. If the DDB is charged for the debt service payment on
their contribution, that amount can be reduced. The City Manager recommended delaying
approval of this budget until September. The budget currently does not include CRA support
staff for the economic development effort. Trustee Hooper suggested part of the DDB's
$23,540 contribution could be used toward shared office expenses.
Trustee Hooper moved to continue the 1996/97 Budget until September 16, 1996.
The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #4 M Executive Director Verbal Reoorts
Ms. Rice reported staff is making little progress with the International Jazz Hall of Fame
regarding their interest in locating to Clearwater. The group is splintered and trying to
ITEM #5 - Other Trustee Business
Trustee Clark questioned what legislative steps have been taken to remedy the tax
increment issue between the eRA and DDS. The City Attorney said there are two options: 1)
add the DDB to the list of exempted entities or 2) reopen the window to allow application for
exemptions. Any change would affect more than Clearwater and have a Statewide impact.
The City Attorney knew of no legislative bill prepared by the eRA or DDB. Commissioner Clark
recommended the CRA and DDS reach consensus regarding this issue. The City Attorney said
the City Commission had not indicated a willingness to petition a change of legislation. She
said the two groups could enter into an annual agreement that designates how the money will
be spent.
Ms. Winters recommended resolving this issue legislatively as annual conflict can arise.
The Chair expressed concern legislative proposals may not address City concerns. The City
U Attorney said entering annual agreements is the only alternative to changing State legislation.
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() Ms. Winters noted the two organizations has not yet agreed on the allocation of these tax
" increment funds. In answer to a question, Ms. Winters believed the DDS and CRA, as
currently composed, can work harmoniously and recommended reaching a solution before the
composition changes. In answer to 8 quastion, the City Attorney said both the CRA and City
Commission would have to act to support the change to State law. Information on the number
of cities that would be affected by a proposed change was requested. The City Manager
requested direction as sponsors and local delegation support will be necessary.
DDS Consultant Judi Hackett suggested the Florida Redevelopment Association, staffed
through the Florida League of Cities; could provide advice and information regarding the impact
on other cities. The City Clerk noted the members of the legislature body will not be
determined until Novemberts election. If information is available, this issue will be agendaed for
the August 15, 1996, City Commission meeting.
Commissioner Hoocer questioned the time line for hiring the Development Director. The
City Manager said the consultant evaluation responses are expected mid-week and the Human
Resource Department input is expected by early next week. A decision will be reached shortly
thereafter. In answer to a question, the City Manager expected a City representative only will
visit the site where the top candidate currently works.
ITEM U6 - Adiournment
The meeting adjourned at 1 :46 p.m.
Community Redevelopment J\gency
Attest: ,
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Reporter C:1 QA.q,.rt-
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