06/03/1996 - Joint Meeting
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June 3, 1996
Rita Garvey
J. 8. Johnson
Robert Clark
Ed Hooper
Karen Seel
Elise Winters
David Stane
Buzz David
Glen Warren
Dwight Mathney
Roger Woodruff
Judi Hackett
Kathy S. Rice
Elizabeth M. Deptula
William C. Saker
Pamela K. Akin
Cynthia E. Goudeau
Patricia O. Sullivan
Ron Ricardo
Chair/eRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
DDS Chair
DDS Member
DDS Member
DDS Member
DDS Member
DDS Member
DDS Consultant
Interim CRA Director/Deputy City Manager
City Manager
Assistant City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
Board Reporter
DDS Member
The DDS Chair called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. at City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily
discussed in that order.
ITEM #1 - Legal Issues
The City Attorney said the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) and DDS
(Downtown Development Board) cannot merge. However, the DDS can be reconstituted to
include the City Commission as members and the DDB can be designated as the CRA. As
the County set up the eRA, they would have to approve reconstituting the DDS. She
expressed concern the statue specifically states the entity needs to have been established
as of 1977. An argument could be raised that the reconstituted DDS did not exist then. It
was stated if the reconstitution is successfully challenged, all actions taken could be
invalidated. The City Attorney said no precedent has been established regarding this issue.
The DDS currently operates pursuant to the ordinance. In answer to a question, the City
Attorney Indicated the County is not the only party that can challenge the reconstitution.
The City would decide which powers, such as condemnation, the new board would have.
She said the City would delegate CRA authority to the DDS following its reconstitution.
She said the CRA could have 10 members as long as the DDB is the CRA, otherwise
membership would be limited to 7. The City Attorney said the board's composition could
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ITEM #2 - Budget Issues
be challenged as differing opinions exist regarding the City's authority over the DDB. She
said the legislature could act regarding this issue but noted the legislature no longer is
involved with special acts for special districts. Most challenges would be eliminated if
Pinellas County and downtown property owners consent to the reconstitution.
In answer to a question, the City Attorney said a successful challenge's results
would depend on board actions that could be invalidated. An outside risk exists that the
board could lose its taxing authority. In answer to a question, the City Attorney said her
comfort level would increase if the County Commission approves the plan. It was
suggested the eRA, DDB, and City jointly request County approva).
The City Attorney reported the City will not lose any millage. In answer to a
question, she felt the DDB could return to its current form if the reconstitution is
challenged successfully. Concern was expressed the suggested reconstitution could risk
DoB's taxing authority. The City Attorney did not think that will occur but agreed it is an
area of concern. She recommended proceeding cautiously regarding anything affecting the
ordinance or taxing authority.
It was questioned if the CRA could return to its original form if the reconstitution is
successfully challenged. The City Attorney said that would depend on the reason for the
challenge. The County has the authority to designate the CRA and would decide that
issue. The City Attorney indicated staff had not confirmed with bond counsel if this
proposal would impact City bonds.
Interim eRA Director/Deputy City Manager Kathy Rice reviewed the CRA's budget.
This year, the CRA's income was $345,521. Next years' revenues will be lower. She
reported $157,250 was allocated for parking agreements. She said the CRA holds a three-
year lease they can sublease but cannot break. The eRA may have some liability as a
result of a pending lawsuit regarding the Park Street garage. As the lawsuit is in discovery,
its resolution cannot be predicted.
DDB Chair Elise Winters said DDB's assets are cash, including $125,411 in revenue,
which includes some carryover. This year's budget is $237,813. Continuing liabilities
include operating expenses, parking garage costs, and contractual obligations. She
expressed concern regarding DOB's continuing tax liability to the eRA. In answer to a
question, Mr. Rice estimated the combined incomes for both organizations would be
$525,000. CRA revenues include the tax increment and relatively small amounts of rental
and interest earnings.
Regarding the Park Street garage litigation, concern was expressed the outcome
could result in a serious problem for the existing CRA or combined entity. The City
Attorney agreed the problem is unresolved. She was not able to discuss the case. Ms.
Rice said the worst case scenario would be for the judgment to be greater than the
combined assets of the CRA and DDB and the reconstituted board would not have funds to
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ITEM #3 - What Do We Hope to Achieve
Concern was expressed too many groups work independently to accomplish things
downtown. It was felt downtown property owners have little to say regarding what
happens, It was felt downtown property owners provide revenues and deserve a say in
what happens. It was suggested reconstituting the DDS to include the CRA would create a
true public private partnership and result in efficiencies, sharing power, and a coordination
of activities. Administration costs would be halved.
An opinion was expressed that the role and powers of the DDS have been
diminished. It was suggested the reconstituted board focus on economic development. It
was suggested sharing staff would be the simplest way to work together. It was
suggested the board focus on giving property owners more of a voice, creating efficiencies,
sharing resources, and overcoming past problems. It was suggested the six separate
bodies working on downtown functions combine and work as a team.
It was stated the groups need to work together. It was recommended the DDS be
reconstituted if the issues can be worked out legally. It was suggested work on downtown
can go further and faster jf one entity is addressing downtown issues,
It was stated neither group wants to do anything that risks their taxing authority. If
the reconstitution is successfully challenged, the two organizations will be difficult to
untangle. It was suggested staff, space, and interlocal agreements be shared while both
groups maintain separate voices. Concerns were noted that some feel the DDS will lose
power if it is reconstituted. It was suggested if members of both organizations commit to
making the reconstitution work, it will work.
It was pointed out a reconstitution will take time. It was suggested joint processes
and budgeting be established now. The importance of continuing to promote downtown
was noted.
DDS Member Stone moved that the DDS pursue merging with the eRA, The motion
was duly seconded. ODS Members Stone, David, Warren, Mathney, and Woodruff voted
"Aye"; DDS Chair Winters voted "Nay." Motion carried.
eRA Trustee Seal moved that the CRA consider a merger with the DDS. The
motion was dUly seconded. CRA Trustees Johnson, Clark, Hooper, and Seel voted UAye";
eRA Chair Garvey voted "Nay." Motion carried.
DDS Member Stone moved to reconsider his previous motion. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
DDS Member Stone moved that the DDB work toward merging with the CRA
provided all issues of concern can be resolved and the CRA feels likewise. The motion was
duly seconded. DDS Members Stone, David, Warren, Mathney, and Woodruff voted
"Aye"; DDS Chair Winters voted "Nay." Motion carried.
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The meeting adjourned at 6:36 p.m.
Downtown Development Board
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ITEM #4 . Structure and Staffing
In answer to a question, the City Attorney said the County.s position on a
reconstitution is political, not legal. It was suggested the City Manager contact the County
Administrator. The City Manager said it also would be appropriate for the boards to
forward a letter expressing their opinion regarding this issue.
Consensus was to send a combined letter to all County Commissioners.
ITEM #5 - Problems & Solutions - None.
ITEM #6 - Where Do We Go From Here?
Establishing a common budgeting process was suggested. The October DDS
election was noted. It was felt it is important to inform downtown property owners to be
informed of board discussions. It was suggested a referendum be included on the ballot.
Concern was expressed property owners are not the only downtown stakeholders.
Tenants also have concerns. Property owners vote. It was recommended that all structure
inequities be reviewed.
The City Clerk stated DDB's voting method has changed over the past few years.
She said an equitable solution has not yet been reached. It was suggested other
communities be researched regarding this issue. It was felt things should happen quickly
and stakeholders be asked if they support the reconstitution. The equity issue can be
addressed at another time. The City Attorney referred to the need to be careful not to
describe the proposed reconstitution as a "merger. It
ITEM #7 - Adjournment