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February 12, 1996
The Community Redevelopment Agency with Chairperson, Rita
Garvey, presiding, met in the Commission Chambers at City Hall
on, Monday, February 12, 1996 at 1:04 PM, with the following
members present:
Rita 'Garvey
Sue Berfield
J. B. Johnson
Bob Clark
Fred Thomas
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
Also present:
Peter Gozza
Betty Deptula
Pam Akin
Vickie Crouch
Jacquie DeGroy
Executive Director, CRA
city Manager
City Attoryney's Office
Chamber of Commerce
David stone
Elise Winters
DDB Representative
DDB Representative
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to
approve the minutes of the January 16, 1996 meeting.
3. Unfinished Business
AIDS Coalition Pinellas Lease Proposal - After a brief
discussion of the proposed leased and assurance from
Kathleen Farrell that the required insurance was in
place, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously
carried to approve the AIDS Coalition Pinellas lease
as submitted. The renovations, repairs and/or alter-
ations to the property at 1180 Cleveland Street will be
inspected per requirements of the City of Clearwater
Building Inspections Department.
CRA Executive Director Position Reporting status -
Pam Akin reviewed the options the Board of Trustees could
consider regarding Mr. Gozza's current contract and
reporting status. After much discussion, a motion was
made, seconded and unanimously carried to pa} Mr. Gozza
the four (4) months severance package. A motion was made,
seconded and unanimously carried to accept Friday,
February 16, 1996 as Mr. Gozza's last employment day.
, 1
February 12, 1996
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Trustee Thomas stated that Mr. Gozza's termination should
read, "Termination without cause ~ due to a change in the
terms of the contract." Pam Akin indicated that the
termination paperwork would reflect this.
Trustee Thomas suggested that a memo written by
Chairperson Garvey to Mr. Gozza (made a part of these
minutes) referencing the IDA convention, be expunged from
Mr. Gozza's personnel file. Per Pam Akin, personnel
records cannot be expunged. It was recommended that
Mr. Goiza's reply to Chairperson Garvey's memos be made a
part of his personnel file as a rebuttal.
4. New Business
storefront Grant Appeal/Wilson & Gerlach - Dera Kelly,
121 N. Osceola Ave., explained that the Design Committee
had denied a portion of her application for the storefront
grant. Since a representative of the Design Committee
was not in attendance and since the Board of Trustees felt
an appeals rocess procedure needed to be in place, this
item was continued. A motion was made, seconded and
unanimously carried to institute an appeals procedure to
the CRA Board of Trustees. Pam Akin will submit an
appeals procedure to the Board for their review and
approval at the March 18th eRA meeting.
Executive Director Verbal Reports
Peter Gozza announced that Jacquie DeGoy, Administrative
Assistant, had submitted a written resignation effective
March 1, 1996.
,6. other Trustee Business
7. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 1:42 PM
Board Reporte
February 12, 1996