10/10/1996 (2) " '. " : . '. ,<' ' ~ . .: :.: ,...... ~ '.. ..... ., , ." . " " .. "'. '.,' ':. ..... ". ' ..". .'. ; ~ ' . . ". . . , . . I ','. . '~I I '. . ,I' > ~..;' . , I' '. ", '" c .' )' c' ..0; '.' ,:' " +'. .>' ',' .": , '. ~ \' c . . ~. , . . > . C ~ ". . . I . . . ,. '. .,....' < , , .' .. .: : .: . '~ .' / .... " . ...<....'...v(' <, '_ . , ".' .'." '., .1. ... _~<?~~~,rcf~,:~~"V.."~l'~:'~':O-.~~~~~I~~.:.r" .' .'..f.~:'.... ~.~,~J~'~ ';?II-':'~~1~",~:..,~: :.;- ".'. r" , '. .<:. :.1._. . ." ~\ . .; . FRC Fiscal Review Commlttee Minutes' , , . Date Or10b:-v (Q r( qq(p ) .~ t G, . " , ,,' . ._..HH~' . .-.'-....._r.'.....c.lr...'.'.,d."..T1."';'".+' c". .' ,,',. .. '. ,: : ,", ' . ,.,':1 " .': , " , '. "....,., " .,' ", . ,: .., '. .'.,','" ' . '.. " ,", ' ._',.,"\" , \",\. . ,"",', " "', .: ~.~ .. ~~' ,.' , .", .:, I, ~ l .' '. ~ 'I .......' .' ." t,'" I " " \.',' I"" . I L ". " ' . f ...,..,. J . ,~ ' I , '. L 1 .".~ .... .H'.....:I'.' :,':.'.: :..~..;....:..~,.,._..~:..~:-._~......~:'::.j,..~.;... ......'1,'...: .';: I.... :.':',~.......: ,,'.~ .......,.':,.:..;.,.......::..~::.,...... ". .......::I....'.,~;..',I.I:~".< ~ " "1:' t I " I~ . r. FISCAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF CLEARWATER October 10, 1996 Present: John Rich Daniel Moran Daniel Fleck Carol Warren Tina Wilson Bob Brumback Paul Nystrom Jim Maglio Brenda Moses Chair Member (arrived 4:52 p.m.) Member Member Budget Director Director of Solid Waste Solid Waste Controller Solid Waste Superintendent Board Reporter Absent: Janet MacNutt Member The meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m. at the Municipal Services Building, Clearwater, Florida. In order to provide continuity for research, the items listed were not necessarily discussed in that order. Budget Director Tina Wilson briefly reviewed handouts supplied to members. ':; f - " , Director of Solid Waste Bob Brumback, Solid Waste Controller Paul Nystrom, and Solid Waste Superintendent Jim Maglio presented a detailed proposal on CSW (Clearwater Solid Wastel roll-off service. CSW proposes an economical solid waste, compactor and roll-off service to citizens and businesses in Clearwater and in unincorporated Pinellas County, in open competition with private companies. RolI- off service would provide a long term, low cost, quality service to citizens and enhance the City's emergency management debris clearance capabilities. CSW would purchase compactors to lease to customers. CSW began providing limited roll-off service to customers in Clearwater in June of 1996. The previous City Commission authorized expansion of the program. . Notices had been issued to private solid waste companies that effective October 1, 1996, their permits would not be renewed. Plans were to have exclusive roll-off services in place for residents of Clearwater. The current Commission is requesting CSW present a proforma on the proposed roll-off concept to the Fiscal Review Committee. The Commission prefers CSW continue to compete with the private sector, rather than eliminate competition altogether. Economic development was a key factor in their suggestion. It was remarked that private industry can continue to compete with the City by lowering their prices. It was noted there are 50 customers interested in roll~off service from the City. o Financial projections were reviewed in detail. It was noted the City is losing $466,389 in annual revenue due to its inability to provide roll-off sAfvice. Roll-off service is becoming an industry trend, and the City is losing solid waste customers. Mr. Brumback said the City's first year investment for containers and compactors is estimated at $235,400. CSW will offer customers leasing and servicing of mFRC10.96 1 10/10/96 '.- . """" -.'..' 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It was explained the process of a truck picking up a container, hauling it to the appropriate place, and dumping and returning the container, is referred to as a "pull". Various types of containers, equipment and prices for "pulls" were discussed. The City would invest $467,400 over a five year period, and make $1,153,170, which is a 15% net annual profit, or $28 per pull. CSW customers would save the 15% surcharge imposed by private haulers. The average cost of each open top container is $2,720; the average cost of each breakaway compactor container is $3,750; and the average cost for each self-contained fully installed compactor is $10,000. The City owns and operates the only solid waste transfer station in Pinellas County, which would allow maximum pulls per day, at $100 per pull, or $800 per day. Trucks are anticipated to cost $80,000 to $91,000 each, or $13,000 per year per truck. The estimated useful life of each truck is seven to ten years. Personal services and other operating expenses are projected to increase 4% per year. Garage services are projected to increase 3% per annum. Insurance coverage is included in garage services. It was noted no additional land for storage purposes would be required. Margins will be achieved through volume business. ,,~ ~"",,"'t~ Mr. Brumback discussed marketing methods for roll-off services. Plans include individual mailings, TV spots, commercial staff contact, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, and utility stuffers. It was noted municipal governments are responsible by State law for the public health and welfare of citizens. As a result, the waste stream belongs to municipalities. When permits are issued to private companies for waste collection services, the City is still responsible for public health operations within the City. Siphoning of public health revenues to private organizations results in higher costs to citizens. CSW wants the opportunity to provide long term, low rates and good quality solid waste service to residents. It was noted Largo, St. Petersburg and Dunedin are actively involved in the roll-off business. Largo provides exclusive roll- off service to citizens and businesses. The next meeting is scheduled for November 14, 1996 at 4:30 p.m. An annual report regarding the Fiscal Review Committee's goals and achievements is due to the Commission on November 21, 1996. It was noted the December 1 2, 1996 meeting will tentatively include the gas management study presentation. .:J mFRC10.96 2 10/10/96 "~:'~"S:i.t'~;'~"~';'~ :"'J , . I"J' I' ,..,\ , ' \ ' , ~ ' I, ,: ' .' '~":", " , '.' J, ,j... ,.' . , f i.' ' .' .' 1': . ..' ' ,.4. ' ,,;.:.1 :, .'. I.' , . :.' I.:' ; '., '. .', .' ,.' ,.,', " ..' . ',., . .,'. '.";. '. ',' , .: '; .' l " :. ' . "-.. .." ,., '" ,,,(.,.,,,'.' ". .'" 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