10/01/1997 (2)
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Beautification Committee Minutes
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October 1, 1997
William Baldwin
Katherine Merriam
Delphine Pullar
Thelma Blasko
. Marcia Blakemore
Robert Sudalnik
Ream Wilson
Mark Roether
Brenda Moses
Parks and Recreation Director
Parks and Recreation Nursery Superintendent
Board Reporter
Sheila Cole
Nancy Aft
David Stitt
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Baldwin at 8:02 a.m. at the
Municipal Services Building, Clearwater, Florida. In order to provide continuity for
research, the items will be listed in agenda order although not necessarily discussed
in that order.
2. Aporoval of Minutes - September 3. 1997
Member Merriam moved to approve the minutes as amended. The motion
was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
.3. Correspondence
No correspondence was received for discussion.
4. OnCloin~ Business l
A. Bayfront Park
1. Discussion regarding park design
No further decisions have been made by the City Commission regarding the
, Bayfront Park.
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Clean-up Campaign
No further information has been received from Lt. Jeff Kronschnabl, Special
Assistant to the City Manager, regarding the proposed minimum property standards.
Parks and Recreation Director Ream Wilson will follow up with him and supply
copies to Board members.
Discussion ensued regarding street signage, litter bags, and other issues
which affect the clean.up campaign. Chair Baldwin remarked that a good start
would be to target one particular area of the City other than downtown, the beaches
and other areas that are already receiving attention. Convincing individuals that
each of them are responsible for taking pride in their neighborhoods is a difficult
task. It was noted that a continuing education program for children with the
involvement of the school system may be helpful. Commercial property owners
must also get involved and take pride in their business properties. There are various
annual City-wide clean-up programs sponsored by various City departments as well
as some community organizations, but much more is needed.
C. Beautification Awards Program
This program is a great incentive for beautification throughout the City.
Consideration can be given for various improvements such as new or improved
landscaping, consistently well-maintained properties, remodeling or restoration, and
other factors. It was suggested a sign be placed on the property receiving the
recognition to bring more attention to beautification efforts. Bob & Eddy's
restaurant on Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard was suggested as a possible award recipient.
Members were encouraged to visit the business prior to the next meeting. Member
Blakemore suggested that pelicans or some type of character be placed on City
trash bins to encourage people to dispose of litter properly.
Discussion ensued regarding a proposal to remove the asphalt on the
southbound lane of East Avenue from Turner Street to Drew Street. Grass, trees,
an irrigation system and benches could be installed, to create some inviting green
space along that portion of the Pinel1as Trail. CSX approval would be required. All
the cross streets would remain the same. This is just a proposal which requires
more research.
Chair Baldwin requested that Mr. Wilson extend a formal invitation to City
Manager Roberto to attend next month's Board meeting. Members felt it was
important to discuss this Board's beautification efforts and determine what Mr.
Roberto's plans.
5. Staff Reports
In response to questions at the last Board meeting, Mr. Wilson responded to
issues regarding landmark Drive. Marlow Boulevard is closed but it will have a
pedestrian entry into Lake Chautauqua Park. The east side of landmark Drive will
be primarily residenti?1 property. There will be a vehicle roadway and a bicycle trail
down to the water. Plans were to open the extension of landmark Drive April 1,
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1998. However, a meeting will be held to discuss pipes instead of swales to handle
the water drainage on the roadway. There is a wetland area close by which requires
the City to work with various regulatory agencies. Residents in Country Park were
promised that the new roadway would not follow the existing maintenance road and
cut behind their homes. The City promised them a buffer would be placed in the
area so that they would not see tl1e roadway entrance.
Discussion ensued regarding the lighting of the welcome sign on the
Courtney-Campbell Causeway. Nursery Superintendent Mark Roether stated he is
compiling bids for the work. It may be possible to utilize Parks and Recreation
electricians to install the necessary equipment. Further information will be supplied
to Members at the next meeting.
In response to a question, Member Sudalnik noted he has not received any
information regarding his participation on the committee for the Memorial Causeway
bridge. He will contact Rich Baier to obtain details.
6. New Business
No new business was discussed.
7. Adiournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m.
Beautification Committee
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Board Reporter