12/11/1996 (2)
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Marine Advisory Board Minutes
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City Engineer Ideparted 8:45 a.m.)
Board Reporter
December 11, 1 996
David C. Martens
Donald McFarland
David Smith
David Hemerlck
Edward Dohrman
Ernie Cline
Bill Wilhelm
Dave Perkins
William Held
Rich Baier
Brenda Moses
The meeting was called to order by Chair Martens at 8:00 a.m. at the Marina
conference room, 25 Causeway Boulevard, Clearwater, Florida. In order to provide
continuity for research. the items will be listed in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
1 . Memorial Causeway Bridge - Rich Baier. City Engineer
City Engineer, Rich Baier, gave an overview of the 5 proposed bridge
alignments which have been reviewed at public meetings throughout the City. The
south and north alignments have been the preferred choices. Roadway networks,
traffic patterns and costs are major considerations in the final determination of a
new bridge. A bridge architect has been retained to review bridge lining, lookout
areas, decorative outside balusters, and park features. It was noted the funding for
the new bridge is tied to the Penny for Pinellas tax. If the tax passes, the county
and the state will fund replacement of the bridge without ad valorem tax hikes. It
will remain a state bridge and the City would be a partner in the construction.
Although the current bridge is structurally soundt it is functionally obsolete. It lacks
inside and outside shoulders, wide sidewalks, and a median separator, which are
design factors that would make it safer. The signalized location of the bridge and
the grade itself is a high accident location. The current bridge is 34 years old. If
funding were obtained today, it would take 5 years to build, which would make it
nearly 40 years old; It was designed to last 50 years, and the City is doing the up
front/planning now. In response to a question, Mr. Baier said the DOT is not
receptive to a tunnel due to the costs, elevation and probability of flooding. Board
members took a straw vote regarding the proposed new bridge. Four members
preferred the south alignment if a bridge must be built, and 3 members voted to
retain the existing bridge.
Mr. Baier said the City Commission is putting the parking lot issue for the
Memorial Causeway on hold. It was noted this Board voted for it. The
Beautification Committee, the Parks and Recreation Board, and the Environmental
Advisory Board voted against it because one of the first things you see when you
come to Clearwater would be a parking lot. The perception is that there is a
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"parking problem" at Clearwater Beach, which ultimately affects businesses.
According to studies done by KimleY4Horn, aside from the parking lot at the Marina,
there should not be much need beach.wide for a parking lot. Currently the parking
deficit is 30 days a year. People prefer convenient parking at or on the east and
west sides of Mandalay Avenue. If activities and events doubled; there would still
only be a 60 day per year parking deficit. There are between 1,000 to 1,200
parking spaces at Clearwater Beach. The spaces on the east side by Eckerd Drugs,
the Clearwater Recreation Center lot and the Memorial Civic Center lots are
infrequently used and only bring in $100 to $200 per space per year. The Pier 60
lot brings in $1796 per space per year because of its convenient location.
2. Fishing Piers at Clearwater Pass
Mr. Held referred to an aerial map while discussing the addition of fishing
piers at Clearwater Pass. It was suggested lltilizing Marina personnel to construct
three 10 foot wide by 48 foot long wooden fishing piers at Clearwater Pass. The
total cost would be $10,000 to $15,000 each. It was noted as part of the
permitting process, in order to comply with the ADA (Americans with Disability
Act), it is possible a paved area would be required at the entrance to each pier.
Member McFarland moved to proceed with the construction of the 3 fishing piers at
Clearwater Pass. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
3. Wake Zones in Marina Channel and at Seminole launch Ramp
Mr. Held referred to an aerial map of Clearwater and discussed the existing
wake zones. Over the years residents in various areas of the City have requested
wake zones, basically to protect their property. In April of 1996, the zones were
reviewed by the presiding Marine Advisory Board for consideration of extending
some of the zones, such as in the Marina channel and at Seminole launch Ramp.
The Board did not vote to extend the wake zones. This information was given to
the State. It was noted if the new bridge is constructed, the wake zones may be
affected, and this issue can be further discussed at a later date.
4. Ma~molia Street Dock Update
The Magnolia Street dock is on the corner of Magnolia Street near Morton
Plant Hospital, and is one of only 2 docks left on the south side of the causeway. It
is a covered dock, similar to a gazebo, which was built in 1925. It is not used for
fishing, but as more of a place to sit and enjoy the view. Some residents who have
recently moved into the area prefer more privacy and are against reconstruction of
the dock. The hearing before the Pinellas County Commission was held December
10, 1996. Chair Martens and Member McFarland attended the meeting and spoke
in support of reconstruction of the dock. The Magnolia Street dock was
recommended for reconstruction by the Pinellas Water and Navigation Authority and
the City. The attorney for the opposition, Patrick Macguire, will appeal the decision
to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals and sue the City to prevent issuance of a
building permit. The dock was insured and FEMA IFederal Emergency Management
Agency} is giving the City $85,000 of the $120,000 for construction of the dock.
The issue is not one of money, but of opposition from some of the residents. It was
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noted 86% of residents and many other Clearwater residents are in favor of
reconstructing the dock. Chair Martens will keep members informed of the status of
the situation.
The meeting adjourned at 9: 11
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Chair, Marine Advisory Board
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Board Reporter
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