10/09/1996 (2)
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Marine Advisory Board Minutes
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October 9, 1996
David C. Martens
Donald McFarland
David Smith
David Hemerick
Edward Dohrman
Bill Wilhelm
David Perkins
William Held
Terry Finch
Brenda Moses
Environmental Programs Supervisor
Board Reporter
Ernie Cline
The meeting was called to order by Chair David Martens at 8:00 a.m. at the
Marina conference room, 25 Causeway Boulevard, Clearwater, Florida. In order to
provide continuity for research, the items wiIJ be listed in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
Mr. Held said Member Cline would be absent from this meeting.
Mr. McFarland referred to Item #3, sentence #3 of the September 11, 1996
minutes. No one was sure there is a 150 foot rule in place for boaters. He
requested it read, Of. . . there is no rule to that effect." Mr. McFarland moved to
approve the minutes of September 11, 1996 as corrected. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
1. aoat Ramps Within the City
The City currently has boat launching facilities at Seminole launch ramp and
the Clearwater Beach Recreation Center. The Sailing Center, with 3 ramps for non.
mechanically propelled vessels of less than 20 feet, could be classified as a City
boat ramp. Mr. Held referred to a posted chart. Edgewater Drive and other
locations were discussed as possible boat ramps. There are inadequate ramps for
the number of boaters in the area. It was noted proposed boat ramps would require
Commission approval, appropriate funding, and approval by various state agencies.
Ms. Terry Finch, Environmental Programs Supervisor, arrived at 8:21 a.m. She said
many areas in the county are too shallow for boat ramps or involve environmental
issues. She noted there is a park off Overbrook on Stevenson's Creek that may be
used as a boat ramp. The City was looking at a property for sale on the west side
of the 8ayside Bridge. It was being considered for park and storm water quality
purposes, but the sale price is $1.6 million, putting it at the bottom of the list. One
of the most confining issues in construction of new boat ramps is the shallow water
depth. Should dredging be required, chances are slim necessary approvals would be
obtained. Specific numbers of parking spaces would also be required for each boat
ramp. Ms. Finch said the City has not considered purchasing private properties for
, mMAB 10.96
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boat ramps.' Mr. McFarland moved to recommend City staff investigate the
possibility of constructing additional boat ramps in the Clearwater area including,
but not limited to, the area near Stevenson's Creek, the west end of the Courtney-
Campbell Causeway, and the area near the proposed new bridge. The motion was
duly seconded and carried unanimously.
2. Fishing Pier at Clearwater Pass
There is $200,000 this current fiscal year in the CIP (Capital Improvement
Project) for construction of a fishing pier or piers at Clearwater Pass. Money in the
CIP is retained if not used within the same year allocated. Discussion ensued
regarding the depths of water and length of proposed piers. It was noted the
, permitting process can take 6 to 12 months. Preparing all appropriate paperwork
may expedite the process. Ms. Finch said impacts on ecology, manatee concerns,
whether the City owns the bottom land, and water depth are some of the major
issues when permits are being considered. Navigational lighting would also be
required. Mr. Held noted that using wooden piers would eliminate contracting the
work and would save money. He said the Marina has design plans for docks which
can be adapted to fit various types of piers. He will supply cost per foot on 6, 8
and 10 foot wide piers. It was suggested members visit the bridge location before
the next meeting.
3. Wake Zones
The Florida Marine Patrol approves wake zones. They check each zone
before approval and indicate where signs should be placed. Discussion ensued
regarding the wake zones at the Seminole launch ramp and connecting the channel.
The wake zones at the Seminole launch ramp and the channel will be discussed at
the next meeting.
4. Round Table Discussion with City Commission
It was noted the City Commission is offering round table discussions with
boards which have special issues they would like to discuss.
5. Magnolia Street Dock
Mr. Martens said the owner of the old Harrison home filed suit against the
City because the Magnolia Street Dock project was rubber stamped without a public
hearing. When the issue came up before Pinellas County Water Navigation, it was
considered an old dock re-building. Owners also filed an injunction to prevent the
beginning of construction. This matter will be heard at a public hearing by the
County Commission in November. Members asked Ms. Finch to keep them
informed of upcoming meetings. She agreed to keep members informed of all
meetings and departed the meeting at 8:53 a.m.
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Marina and Pier 60 Business Plans
The City Commission approved the Pier 60 business plan. The Marina
business plan was approved with amendments to slip rents as submitted last month.
7. Swim Area Pilings
A letter was received by a Mr. Martin. He was concerned about the pilings
marking the swim area. The Commission discussed the issue and Mayor Garvey
sent a response to Mr. Martin.
Mr. Held noted due to this past week's storm, all the buoys and one piling on
Sand Key were lost. There are 14 pilings in place to help separate the lines
between swimmers and boaters.
8. Memorial Causeway Bridge Meeting - October 15. 1996 - 5:00 p.m.
The last meeting regarding the Memorial Causeway bridge replacement is
scheduled for October 15, 1996, at the Calvary Baptist Church, Building 4. From
5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. recommendations can be viewed. The meeting will
commence at 6:00 p.m.
9. Letter from City Manager on Campaign Buttons
The City Manager has requested all board members refrain from wearing
political buttons at board meetings.
Mr. Held briefly discussed other issues. Marina Dock Age Magazine's cover
features the Clearwater Marina and an enlightening article about the new pump-out
system and the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) personnel lift. The Marina
has received telephone inquires from Maryland and other states regarding these
services. A chart, aerial view, and an article on the Marina are in the Coastal
Cruising Magazine. 80th publications offered excellent exposure for the Marina.
Mr. Held will supply copies of both publications to members.
The meeting adjourned at 9:08 a.m. /) r'/1) fl'L
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Chair '
Marine Advisory Board
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Board Reporter
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