05/28/1997 (2)
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Ric Ortega
Jean Stuart
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May 28, 1997
David Berry
Cookie Gilreath
Margaret Kiehl
Don McCarty
Brenda Moses
Senior Planner, Central Permitting
Board Reporter
The meeting was called to order by Chair Berry at 1: 16 p.m. at the historic
Plumb House, 1350 South Greenwood Avenue, Clearwater. In order to provide
continuity for research, the items will be listed in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
1. Aooroval of Minutes - March 18, 1997
Chair Berry noted since there were no corrections or additions to the
minutes, they stand approved as submitted in writing to each member.
Discussion of Historic Preservation Matters
Last year the election of Historic Preservation Board officers took place in
September. Chair Berry noted that he would not be able to continue as Chair next
year. It was suggested that over the summer Members contemplate others for
consideration as Chair and Vice~Chair of this Board, and the matter will be further
discussed at the September 1997 meeting. Mr. McCarty distributed information
regarding the term limits for this Board. In 1993 term limits changed from 3 year
terms to 4 year terms. It is now permissible to serve 2 consecutive terms but then
skip one term before consideration for serving again on the same Board. Discussion
ensued regarding the number of meetings a Board Member may be absent during
each year, ~ependent upon the frequency of Board meetings.
Discussion ensued regarding the Statement of Financial Interest. It was
noted that not all questions on the form are applicable or necessary to complete
since this Board functions as an advisory board to the City Commission. The intent
of the disclosure farm is to avoid any member of a board or commission making a
rule, or participating in a decision, indirectly or directly, that they may have a
financial interest in. It was suggested that Board Members contact the Supervisor
of Elections should they have any questions.
Discussion ensued regarding buildings owned or for sale in the downtown
area. The building that was at one time the Ritz Theater on North Fort Harrison is
being remodeled. The group leasing the building are attempting to restore it to more
of its original condition. They have agreed to participate in a Facade Improvement
Grant Program tor signage and paint color considerations and reimbursement. Plans
are to name the building The Ritz, and operate it tor dances and big bands.
It was explained that the City has adopted 3 design review districts, one of
which is the downtown district or urban center district which basically corresponds
to the CRA boundaries. Because of the irregular district lines, some of the buildings
Board Members have referred to are not in those districts. A remark was made how
disappointing it was that the Winn Dixie store will not be constructed on Cleveland
It was noted that the Clearwater Main Library Site Selection Task Force has
narrowed down the recommended choices for a new main library to 2 sites. A final
recommendation to the City Commission is anticipated at the Task Force's June
meeting. It was noted that the current main library was built in 1916, and has been
expanded 3 times. Technology will require further expansion, which is not possible
at the current site. One Member stated that they felt the library should remain at
the bluff.
3. Uodate of Historic Preservation Grant
A total of 5 applications were received to perform the historic preservation
grant study. Archaeological Consultants, Inc. in Sarasota, Florida was rated as the
number one firm to perform the study. Stevenson Architects, Inc. in Bradenton,
Florida was second. The City is negotiating with the top ranked firms and upon
completion of contract negotiations and a firm commitment, the survey will begin.
Southeastern Archaeological Consultants and Research in Gainesville was third,
Janus Research in St. Petersburg was fourth, and Historic Property Associations in
St. Augustine, Florida was fifth. It is anticipated the entire grant project will take 6
to 8 months to complete.
4. Discussion of Turner Street Prooerties
Discussion ensued regarding some type of official acknowledgment of those
properties worthy of recognition, and what specific criteria should be used. It was
noted that many of the homes on Turner Street and throughout Clearwater have
been modernized to an extent. Some suggestions included selecting categories
such as basic rehabilitation work as opposed to restoration; historic preservation;
and interiors and furnishings. Other considerations in developing specific criteria for
the program included: 1) the date the home was built; 21 exterior features denoting
a specific timeframe; 3) history of the building and whether the owner was a
prominent person; 4) whether or not historic meetings were held; 5) what part, if
any, has the structure played in the history of Clearwater; 6) when the structure
was restored and for what purpose; and 7) what is the present use. The idea of
recognition is to encourage others to help to preserve Clearwater's past. It was
suggested that in the fall when this Board's annual report goes before the City
Commission, a letter of explanation regarding the recognition program be included in
the presentation.
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The meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.
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Historic Preservation Board
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Some suggestions for various types of recognition included: 1) the Law
Offices of John Haggett at 300 Turner Street; 2) the Law Offices of C. Richard Nail
. at 114 Turner Stre~t; 3) Millspaugh Real Estate at 110 Turner Street; 4) Offices of
Golobish at 100 Turner Street; 5) a private residence at 39 Turner Street; 6) offices
of Kenneth Brown, M. D. at 201 Turner Street; 7) the Law Offices of Gainesy
Helinger & LeRoux at 209 Turner Street; 8) Oberentz Designs at 213 Turner Street;
9) the fashion design shop at 221 Turner Street; 10) the house hidden behind the
Fulmer Building; 11) 614 Pine Street; and 12) Seaforth Realty on East Turner Street.
The recognition program will be further discussed at the September meeting. It was
remarked that someone should take pictures of each structure that is being
considered for recognition.
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Board Reporter
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