10/13/1988 (2)
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October 13. 1988
The Charter Review Committee met at City Hall on Thursday, October 13.
1988. at 6:30 P.M. with the following members present:
Ron Crawford
Mary Lou Dobbs
.Joanne Faruggia
Roy May
Trish Muscarella
Carol Nielsen
John Tscarios
Marian Justice
Charles LeCher
Jackie Tobin
Also present:
Cynthia E. Goudeau, City Clerk
The City Clerk opened the meeting at 6:32 P.M. stating that the purpose
of the Committee is to review the Charter and make recommendations to the City
Commission regarding changes. She stated the purpose of this meeting was to
elect a Chairperson and for the Committee to determine how it wishes to
operate. In response to a question. she indicated that the election must be
advertised February 7. 1989; and therefore. the readings of the ordinance
would need to take place at the Commission meetings of January 5th and 19th.
A question was raised regarding what action the City Commission would be
taking after the Board makes its recommendation to the Commission. It was
indicated that the Commission would be adopting the ordinances and could make
changes to the recommendations presented by the Committee. The City Clerk
cautioned the members of the Committee that they are subject to the
provisions of the Sunshine Law and that members of the Committee should not
meet privately to discuss any of the issues before the Committee.
A request was made that F.S. 171 and 166 be copied to the Committee
members~ Discussion ensued regarding the procedure the Board wished to
follow. It was suggested that the previous Committee's procedure of
identifying the sections to be discussed at each meeting would be appropriate.
It was suggested that a definition section is needed in the Charter.
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Discussion ensued regarding the powers of the Chairman, and it was
indicated that the Chair would conduct the meeting, prepare the agendas in
conjunction with the City Clerk and that it would be up to the Committee
whether or not the Chairperson could make motions.
John Tscnrios moved that the committee select a Chairperson whose duties
would include conducting the meetings, setting the agendas in coordination
with the City Clerk, and that in the actions of their office have the power to
make a motion. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
A suggestion was made that a Vice-Chairperson also be appointed.
Roy May moved that the Committee recognize and appoint a Committee Vice-
Chairperson. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
John Tscario8 moved to appoint Trish Muscarella as Chairperson of the
Charter Review Committee. The motion was duly seconded and carried
Roy May moved to appoint John Tscarios as Vice-Chairperson. The motion
was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Discussion ensued regarding meeting times of the Committee and consensus
of the Committee was that Wednesday nights would be the regular meeting days
for the Committee.
Discussion ensued regarding what should be discussed at the next meeting
and it was requested that copies of the last Charter Ordinance be provided to
the Committee. Charters from comparable cities were also requested and
charters from Daytona Beach, Pensacola, and Fort Myers were specifically
mentioned. It was also requested that, if there are any model charters
available from the Florida League of Cities or other groups. they be obtained.
Ron Crawford distributed materials that he had prepared stating he had
gone over the current Charter carefully and was concerned regarding the format
of the Charter. He stated he felt there are some changes in the fo~at that
will improve the Charter. He asked to be given an opportunity to explain his
rationale for the changes and it was agreed he would be allowed to do this as
particular sections are discussed.
Consensus of the Committee was to meet once a week with the regular
meetings being on Wednesday at 6:30 P.M.; however, due to conflicts, the next
meeting would be scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th, at 6:30 P.M.
Discussion ensued regarding the need to establish a quorum and procedures
for a tie vote. Quorum suggested were six and seven. Discussion ensued
regarding whether or not the Chair should be allowed to vote only in the case
of a tie vote. A suggestion was made that an eleventh member be appointed by
the Committee allowing the Chairman full voting powers.
John TscarioB moved that for the purpose of establishing an odd number of
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people on the Board, the Committee elect an eleventh member. The motion was
duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Ron Crawford moved that the quorum be set at seven members. The motion
was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Consensus of the Committee was to discuss Articles 1 and II at the next
It was questioned whether or not the Committee needed to address action
to be taken should members miss meetings. It was indicated that the Committee
would not have the authority to remove its own members and that authority lies
with the Commission. Consensus of the Committee was to go on record that
those individuals that have volunteered to serve on this Committee have an
obligation to attend the meetings and should make every effort to do so.
The meeting ajourned at 7:26 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 7:27 P.M.
when the issue of. the eleventh member was revisited.
Some concern was expressed regarding the way in which the eleventh member
was to be appointed in that several people would be nominated and only one
would be actually appointed to the Board. A suggestion was made that the
names be submitted to the City Clerk and those individuals who might be
suggesting another name contact the City Clerk to determine the status of the
nominated. Concerns were still expressed that this would still have people
volunteering for a Board when they may not be appointed. It was indicated
that tie votes may not be a problem. The general feeling was to address this
issue only if necessary.
Roy May moved to rescind the action taken by the Board in regard to
appointing an eleventh member. The motion was duly seconded and carried
The meeting adjourned at 7:32 P.M.
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, City Clerk
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October 13, 1988
The Charter Review Committee met at City Hall on Thursday. October 13,
1988. at 6130 P.M. with the following members presentz
Ron Crawford
Mary Lou Dobbs
Joanne Faruggia
Roy May
Trish Muscarella
Carol Nielsen
John Tscarios
Marian Justice
Charles LeCher
.Jackie Tobin
Also presentz
Cynthia E. Goudeau, City Clerk
The City Clerk opened the meeting at 6:32 P.M. stating that the purpose
of the Committee is to r'3view the Charter and make recommendations to the City
Commission regarding changes. She stated the purpose of this meeting was to
elect a Chairperson and for the Committee to determdne how it wishes to
operate. In response to a question. she indicated that the election must be
advertised February 7. 1989; and therefore, the readings of the ordinance
would need to take place at the Commission meeti~gs of January 5th and 19th.
A question was raised regarding what action the City Commission would be
taking after the Board makes its recommendation to the Commission. It was
indicated that the Commission would be adopting the ordinances and could make
changes to the recommendations presented by the Committee. The City Clerk
cautioned the members of the Committee that they are subject to the
provisions of the Sunshine Law and that members of the Committee should not
meet privately to discuss any of the issues before the Committee.
A request was made that F.S. 171 and 166 be copied to the Committee
members.' Discussion ensued regarding the procedure the Board wished to
follow. !t was suggested that the previous Committee's procedure of
identifying the sections to be discussed at each meeting would be appropriate.
It was suggested that a definition section is needed in the Charter.
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Discussion ensued regarding the powers of the Chairman, and it was
indicated that the Chair would conduct the meeting, prepare the agendas in
conjunction with the City Clerk and that it would be up to the Committee
whether or not the Chairperson could make motions.
John Tscari08 moved that the Committee select a Chairperson whose duties
would include conducting the meetings, setting the agendas in coordination
with the City Clerk, and that in the actions of their office have the power to
make a motion. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
A suggestion was made that a Vice-Chairperson also be appointed.
Roy May moved that the Committee recognize and appoint a Committee Vice-
Chairperson. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
John Tscarios moved to appoint Trish Muscarella as Chairperson of the
Charter Review Committee. The motion was duly seconded and carried
Roy May moved to appoint John Tscarios as Vice-Chairperson. The motion
was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Discussion ensued regarding meeting times of the Committee and consensus
of the Committee was that Wednesday nights would be the regular meeting days
for the Committee.
Discussion ensued regarding what should be discussed at the next meeting
and it was requested that copies of the last Charter Ordinance be provided to
the Committee. Charters from comparable cities were also requested and
charters from Daytona Beach,Pensacola . and Fort Myers were specifically
mentioned. It was also requested that. if there are any model charters
available from the Florida League of Cities or other groups. they be obtained.
Ron Crawford distributed materials that he had prepared stating he had
gone over the current Charter carefully and was concerned regarding the format
of the Charter. He stated he felt there are some changes in the format that
will improve the Charter. He asked to be given an opportunity to explain his
rationale for the changes and it was agreed he would be allowed to do this as
particular sections are discussed.
Consensus of the Committee was to meet once a week with the regular
meetings being on Wednesday at 6:30 P.M.; however, due to conflicts, the next
meeting would be scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th, at 6:30 P.M.
Discussion ensued regarding the need to establish a quorum and procedures
for a tie vote. Quorum suggeoted were six and seven. Discussion ensued
regarding whether or not the Chair should be allowed to vote only in the case
of a tie vote. A suggestion was made that an eleventh member be appointed by
the Committee allowing the Chairman full voting powers.
John Tscarios moved that for the purpose of establishing an odd number of
people on the Board, the Committee elect an eleventh member. The motion was
duly seconded and carried unanimously.
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Ron Crawford moved that the quorum be set at seven members. The motion
was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Consensus of the Committee was to discuss Articles I and II at the next
It was questioned whether or not the Committee needed to address action
to be taken should members miss meetings. 'It was indicated that the Committee
would not have the authority to remove its own members and that authority lies
with the Commission. Consensus of the Committee was to go on record that
those individuals that have volunteered to serve on this Committee have an
obligation to attend the meetings and should make every effort to do so.
The meeting ajourned at 7:26 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 7:27 P.M.
when the issue of the eleventh member was revisited.
Some concern was expressed regarding the way in which the eleventh member
was to be appointed in that several people would be nominated and only one
would be actually appointed to the Board. A suggestion was made that the
names be submitted to the City Clerk and those individuals who might be
suggesting another name contact the City Clerk to determine the status of the
nominated. Concerns were still expressed that this would still have people
volunteering for a Board when they may not be appointed. It was indicated
that tie votes may not be a problem. The general feeling was to address this
issue only if necessary.
Roy May moved to rescind the action taken by the Board in regard to
appointing an eleventh member. The motion was duly seconded and carried
The meeting adjourned at 7:32 P.M.
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