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July 3, 1984
A meeting of the Charter RevIew Com mittee of the City of Clearwater was held
on Tuesday, July 3, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. in the Mayor's Conference Room, City Hall.
Members Present:
William Schwob
Frank Donnell
Lee Regulski
Helen Theofilis
Mary Lou Dobbs
Howard Groth
Jeff Butler
Elaine Cornillaud
Jerry Lancaster
Members Absent:
Charles LeCher
Nancy Pappas
The minutes of the June 5 meeting were approved as written.
Chairman Schwob felt that the Committee had completed the input stage of the
charter review and was now ready to start focusing on specific recommendations. He
suggested that a good procedure might be to begin with the items the Committee
agrees on and then work on the more controversial issues. He also suggested taking a
sounding vote - a vote to see where the issue stands with the Committee - an? then
setting a date for the final voting.
, There was a discussion regarding the proposed surplus property provision
submitted by the City Attorney. The procedure for declaring and disposing of surplus
property was also discussed. A suggestion was made to provide that surplus property
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over an "X" amount of acres has to go to referendum. Another suggested provision
was that public property may only be disposed of as prescribed in the provIsIon.
Chairman Schwob suggested that the Committee start discussions and voting on
the issues most likely to be agreed upon. The first issue for the "sounding" vote was
whether to change the City's form of government from mayor-commission to strong
mayor. The Charter Review Committee voted unanimously (9 members present) to
keep the present mayor-commission form of government.
The Committee next discussed the issue of the evaluation of the City Manager
. and City Attorney. Frank Donnell proposed adding paragraph (d) under Section 3.02
reading as follows:
"Annual evaluation. The Commission shall develop, adopt and maintain a
personal evaluation form designed to identify and assess the performance
of the City Manager; each Commissioner shall by the first day of February
of each year file with the City Clerk a completed and signed personal
evaluation form assessing the adequacy of the performance of the City
Manager durIng the previous calendar year. The City Clerk shall distribute
copies of each such evaluation to each Commissioner and the City
Manager; these evaluations shall provide the basis for approprIate action
and direction by the Commission at the first regular meeting during the
following month of March."
It was noted that the above would also apply for the City Attorney. There was a
discussion on the various Committee members' opinions on ways in which the annual
evaluations might be accomplished. After discussion on various aspects of this issue,
it was decided that there be a sounding vote on whether the Committee wanted to
propose a scheduled evaluation of the City Manager and City A ttorney. There was a
unanimous vote in favor of a scheduled evaluation. Frank Donnell and Lee Regulski
volunteered to come up with some proposed language to submit to the Commission.
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Chairman Schwob brought up the issue of whether membership in advisory boards
shoUld be limited to City residents and there was a discussion on the pros and cons.
Some suggestions were made regarding opening the boards up to non-residents but with
limitations, such as number, etc. It was agreed by the Committee members that there
should be more publicity when a vacancy comes up on any advisory board. A sounding
vote was taken on whether to continue limiting membership on advisory boards to City
residents. The vote was 7 in favor, 2 against.
Chairman Schwab brought up for discussion and sounding vote the proposal of
increasing the l-year minimum residency requirement for election to the Commission.
After discussion, a vote was taken on whether to continue the present I-year residency
requirement. The vote was 7 in favor, 2 against.
The next issue discussed was whether to continue election of commissioners at
large or to change to election by district or by seat. There were several suggestions as
'J to how to change the method of election. After discussion on the pros and cons of
changing the present system, it was decided that this issue was very controversial and
should be added to the list for further discussion.
The next issue discussed was the proposal to change the city election date. It
was brought up that the date of registration of candidates would also need to be
changed. After discussion, a sounding vote was taken as to whether to continue city
elections on the second Tuesday in February. The vote was 2 for February, 6 for
March, 1 abstained.
Chairman Sahwob brought up the $1 million revenue bond issue. After a lengthy
discussion of the various recommendations including removing the limit, aontinuing at
$l million, increasing it, and/or providing an escalation clause, a sounding vote was
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~ taken to determfn~ how many were in favor of increasing the limitation of $l million
based on a cost of living increase over the past 5 years with a cost of living escalation
provision. The vote was 6 in favor, 3 against.
Chairman Schwob brought up the proposed change in the provision for charter
review committee appointments from at least every 10 years to at least every 5 years.
, The sounding vote was 7 in favor, 1 against, 1 abstaining.
It was suggested that 3 people be appointed to draft proposals on the various
, methods of election to bring back before the Committee. It was decided to place this
issue on the agenda for the next meeting. It was also decided that the August 21
, ,
, meeting will be the official voting meeting, and if the voting is not completed then, it
will be completed at the September 4 meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 17.
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