04/09/1996 (2)
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April 9, 1996
Present: John Doran
Bill Carroza
Sydney Snair
Wayne Brett
H. Michael Laursen
Leslie Dougall-Sides
Gwen Legters
Absent: Annette Patterson
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Human Resources Director
Assistant City Attorney
Board Reporter
Board Member
To provide continuity, the items will be listed in agenda order although not necessarily
discussed In that order.
The Chair called to order the regular session of the Civil Service Board at 5:00 p.m.
Minutes Approval
Member Carroza moved to approve the minutes of February 13, 1996, according to
written copies submitted to each member by the board reporter. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
Welcome New Member -- Wayne Brett
Board members congratulated Mr. Brett for being elected by the employees and
welcomed him to the board.
Recognition of Service Resolution -- Mary Drew Kane
Member Snair moved to adopt a resolution recognizing Mary Drew Kane for her
13 years of exceptional and dedicated service on behalf of all the board members with
whom she served. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
It was indicated a plaque was prepared for presentation at the April 2 Advisory Board
Appreciation dinner to recognize Ms. Kane's service. Mr. Laursen was asked to deliver the
board's resolution and the plaque to Ms. Kane personally.
Guest Comments -- City Manager Elizabeth Deptula
Ms. Deptula portrayed the City administration's vision of empowering employees,
according to the City Commission's statement affirming the dignity of public service and
recognition of respect for employees. She said the City will be launching a program
designed to allow employees more latitude, allowing them to be responsible for their
actions within parameters that will be developed. Ms. Deptula felt employees will rise to
the occasion when the concepts are enacted. She looked forward to a refreshing change
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as decisions are pushed down to the lowest level possible and adults begin treating each
other with respect. As suggested by former Commission Deegan, she requested the Civil
Service Board bring their talents and abilities into play, acting as a sounding board to keep
the program on track as it develops. Copies of the City's Principles of Operation were
distributed to the board.
The board commended the proposal as a valuable means of promoting more consistent
leadership and accountability among staff members. Ms. Deptula said some employees
who were promoted through the ranks because of good job skills may need management
training. She will work with Dr. Pam Skyrme to train supervisors in management,
directing, counseling and coaching skills. Discussion ensued regarding self directed work
teams, developing accountability, and equipping the organization to accomplish more with
the same number of workers. One member felt this approach will be effective in weeding
out uncooperative personnel. Ms. Deptula agreed, stating the team will be working to
correct the perception the City cannot discharge employees with unsatisfactory
performance levels. Ms. Deptula invited the board to contact her with their suggestions
and offered to attend future board meetings as the need arises. Mr. Laursen noted these
concepts will be presented to the union later this week.
Ms. Deptula left the meeting at 5:22 p.m.
Presentation Positive Discipline Concepts -- Mike Laursen for Susan Highsmith
F~" Ms. Highsmith was unable to attend due to a recent surgery. Mr. Laursen reported on
the positive discipline concepts under review by Human Resources staff and the employee
committee assigned to the project. He distributed copies of the Disciplinary Action Team
Report. Mr. Laursen described how the processes for termination, appeals and grievances
were streamlined through department reengineering. He explained how the employee
committee, or core group, met with individual departments to gather information regarding
existing procedures. They found supervisors need training in communication, expectations
regarding behavior and values, and consistent application of discipline. Discussion ensued
regarding examples of positive disciplinary techniques. Mr. Laursen pointed out
implementation will have to be coordinated with the unions.
Mr. Laursen distributed copies of a second handout titled, "Performance and/or
Behavior Modification Program." He explained this is based on three components known
as P.I.E., or Personal Responsibility, integrity, and Excellence. The handout defined and
expanded each of these organizational values, and included a number of guidelines for
dealing with employee performance and attitude through intervention, coaching,
counseling, and disciplinary alternatives.
Mr. Laursen said Pinellas County administrators tried a total positive discipline
approach and indicated it did not work well for them. He said the City is working to
modify this approach and develop an effective means of moving away from punitive
discipline toward a process of treating employees responsibly. While still conceptual, he
hoped for a positive response from department directors and the unions. Assistant City
Attorney Dougall-Sides said she is a member of the employee committee and responded to
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questions at the end of the meeting. She said the focus group still is actively examining
performance standards and procedures such as those outlined in the budget manual. As
an example, she said the group has discussed replacing the points chart for evaluating
employee suspensions. Concern was expressed with having a procedure replaced with a
personal judgment. It was indicated both are needed to ensure a commonsense approach
to discipline. Ms. Dougall-Sides said guidelines from other agencies are being considered.
Related discussion ensued under Other Items for Board Discussion below.
Mr. Laursen asked the board to review both handouts for further discussion at the next
Director's Reports -- Mike Laursen
a. New Employees' Pension Plan
Mr. Laursen distributed copies of information on the Pension Plan as provided to the
Pension Advisory Committee. The handout provides basic information about the plan and
a copy of the ordinance is available upon request. Discussion ensued regarding disability
pensions granted in the past and the City now reserving the right to reassign employees to
different work they are capable of doing. He pointed out that some believe there are cases
where people were granted disability leave and went on to strenuous or lucrative work in
other fields.
E' Discussion ensued regarding changes to Rule 16, related to retirees being called back
`'` . to duty they are capable of doing. It was indicated the City could benefit by occasionally
calling upon the years of experience offered by retirees. Mr. Laursen explained how the
rule applies to people going out on disability versus Social Security.
B. Vacancy Placement Process
Copies of a booklet titled, "Vacancy Replacement -- A planning review process," were
distributed. Mr. Laursen explained the City Manager expects department to ask questions
and evaluate a vacant position before filling it. Human Resources has committed to honor
requests to reevaluate positions within a few days. The City Manager will monitor the
process and could ask for explanation of the review process followed by any department
asking to have a position refilled as it previously existed.
Old Business
In response to a question, Mr. Laursen said Charyll Jones received the information she
requested at the last board meeting and has not filed a grievance.
Other Items for Board Discussion
Mr. Laursen reported April 24, 1996 is scheduled as Bring your Daughters and Sons to
Work Day.
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107) Mr. Laursen said one of his departmental goals is to review and simplify the Civil
Service Rules, eliminating excessive and redundant language while still protecting
employees. As an example, he referred to the seven pages of sick leave rules in the Civil
Service Rules that mirror contract provisions that were previously deleted.
Discussion ensued regarding other streamlining of Civil Service Rules. Member
Carroza said he would like to see elimination of the rule requiring outside employment to. be
at the discretion of the department heads. Mr. Laursen concurred, stating he is aware of
only two instances when employees were told they could not pursue outside jobs. It was
indicated the employees would be better served by lifting the restriction and providing for
the department head to document and take action if conflicts arise.
Copies of the new employee handbook were distributed to the board.
Employees / Citizens to be Heard -- None
The meeting adjourned at 6:21 p.m.
oard Reporter
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