04/13/1983 '.' . . ~, . . " . :'.'." '. '.' ": l ,.... ." " : . .:.''':/",: \. '....:.. ,:: . .,. . " " , '.' ';. I. '~ '.' ...' '. '.' ," ,'. . '," ...' '.' . . ,'. .' " , , '.- ,"'~" ..,.., .:..... ..":....<'...,~....".~. .....,.,~....t..:.... +' ...~.,.A. ~ ......T". .,.~.~.~.. C .1 ". .', , CLEARWATER HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY MINUTES , Date A:priJI~, I9K~ I .' ;1~ -.,....,."..\A 'J'.' ... t;; I, .t; .~'c ,.., .': .' ..I... ,.........-. . ~-''''.._..."......'r..'.....,. . ....-...."',.. ~ ......H~.. ", . :,','.....'//:.,~:":,',',;';.",,' "'.';i}:;"lJ..';;::t.:I<:"\"~" .}'\;.'6>,:;"(,/~,,,""/~'i;''''/ . "', . "' "'. . t ,. . ;. _...:, ','. : I " '. . I '. ..' , ." "., I : '. .. ::.",.' I'. : .' ..' ". '. . , . '. '. . ~. \' . . ' f . " '.: . , ,~I~ "." . C,C.:; ~~':' .',;.....~........" ~.~...\-1""'~....J."':t..!'"i;...'l.......,....+.............':. ....~ '~"'." ~ .....,..~ ....... .. ~ :.< ,,..... n J~ ~~,~ ~ 1) I..... CLBIIlVAt'KIl IBILTB FACIl..lT:[ml AmmRITf Agenda - Apm' 13, 1983 11:15 P.M. 1. Call to Order '2. Approval of Minutes 11/17/82 ' , ' 3. Morton Plant Update by Attorney Marquardt and a member' of the Morton Plant Hospital Association. 4. Chairmans's report on Clearwater Health Faoilities Authority's Annual ~inancial Statement. S. Other Board Action a. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. () b. Selection of next meeting date. 6. A~journ. " . ,J o /; 'j" , , ...?:......,' .' ,"'.'..:""" ',' ""... "...,i::'~;:121.,'j':I'/\~"< ~t: ..\~'{.('/' \,';,.:','; X .\.... ....',......, :'.,:.:'..:': "":~." "~I""":"""~':;'''';'':''~ .,..... ",' ;....:!~. ,," . '.,:..t'.' .'. . . .' "'.'" '. ," .,.... .... ",':'~ .I'I...,'~ " . "' '.' '.. I< '... , ~. ~. ." ..., < /) ,'~ . ~ ~ CLEARWATER HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY April 13, 1983 The City of Clearwater Health Facilities Authority met in regular session in the Conference Room, City Hall on Wednesday, April 13, 1983. The fallowing members were present: C. J. Wollett George Bouse Carr. 4:34 p.m.) Ruth Condon Clinton Holden Chairman Vice-Chairman Absent: Frank George Also present were: Duane Houtz President, Morton Plant Hospital Association Attorney for Morton Plant Hospital City Attorney City Clerk Emil C. Marquardt, Jr Thomas Bustin Lucille Williams <J The meeting was called to order at 4:19 p.m. by Chairman C. J. Wollett. He presented the minutes of the November 17, 1982 meeting which had been mailed to the members of the Authority. Upon hearing no corrections or additions, he declared the minutes approved. ITBH '3 - Morton PlaDt Update. Duane Houtz reported on the current status of construotion of the $4,000,000 Addler BUilding. It was to be inspected today and occupancy was projected within 30 days. Two major equipment purchases, each costing 800 M, were reoently approved: 1) a new telephone system is under construction and should be completed in June; and 2) a laboratory computer is on order. This oomputer will tie-in all the automated equipment in the laboratory for more rapid communioation of test results and will correlate the information with other tests. He also noted that within the past year the hospital had purchased a parallel which does 20 tests on one small sample of blood. This is the type of equipment that will be tied-in to the new laboratory oomputer. l.;"'~ ,"W Future plans of the hospital will include an addition to the North Witt seotion of the hospital that will include 24 additional beds at a cost of 2~ million dollars. The final arohitectural drawings are to go to the State for approval early in May, 1983. An ambulatory surgery fac1lity at a cost of two million dollars is also waiting approval. This faoility will be oonstructed on stilts over the emergenoy room parking lot. Both projects should go to bid as soon as State approval 1s reoeived. The City of Clearwater approved varianoes for the hospital and a oertifioate of need is on hand. 1. 4/13/83 t. , " :\... :........., ,,":, ...."""....,.......:),:,,:,':.t;!',?,'~';~:}:l~~,'.,','::.AJi;S/;"~..;::;:";E:'.'.?:::,'>~,:::';;... .;, .".":;"",,.':";}i: ," ....: .'. '. ......I'.r.'..:.:r.:: . : ....~!....:.o-:..:.,.~ '~,~..'.';...~'.' ~ 4 '.'~ .'......:. ........ ,,', 'n':., .\' \. I ,.,.,'r:" ." '. ..... ,,:.' . ~ ,....~ ~ (~ The hosPital reoeives its revenue for oapital oonst~uotion from various souroes: donations from the Morton Plant Hospital Foundation; funds from hospital revenue, above expenditures; and industrial development bond financing through the Clearwater Health Faoilities Authority. There are two other projects going through the review and appeals process of the State, the 110 bed psyohriatic unit and a 65 bed rehabilitation hospital at a cost of $12,000,000 each. There has been some delay in approval as the State is in the prooess of changing it methodology. If these two projects are approved the hospital will also need to purchase additional property for parking. The present psychiatrio faoility has accomodations for 30 adults and 12 adolescents, but there is a need to expand as current'use exceeds 60-65 beds per day. Psychiatric patients tend to stay longer in a hospital and 85% are paying patients. .~) There are new government regulations about medicare patients and the hospital will reevaluate both of these projects. Two-thirds of the hospitals patients are medicare patients. The new program will be phased in over three years. During the current year 10/1/82 to 9/30/83, the hospital will be reimbursed for medicare patients on an annual basis in the amount of $2,820.00 per patient irregardless of the hospitals cost. It will be a fixed dollar per admission fee. The following year they will be reimbursed on a diagnosis related review with 467 diagnostic categopies to be considered. Befope finalizing plans the hospital will reevaluate the financial feasibility of the two projects, the economic viability and if the hospital is in a position to support them. Discussion ensued on health/maintenance organizations and their operation. This is a medical group practice in which costa are prepaid. I'!'BH A - CbainIaD's Report ClIl Clearwater Health Facilities .luthority':s A-I Pjm:lnolal. Statement. The Chairman reported on the annual report filed with the Department of Banking and Finanoe Bureau of Looal Government Financing, Tallahassee, Florida, by W. D. Cantlin, Chief Accountant for the City of Clearwater. This is titled an Annual Financial Report of units of Local Government. He also reminded the Authority members that financial disclosure repol'lts would be due in July. ITBH 15 - Other Board Aoti.OIl. a. Eleotion of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Mr. George Bouse moved to reappoint C. J. Wollett as Chairman of the Authority. Motion was duly seoonded. Clint Holden moved to reappoint George Bouse as Vice-Chairman. Motion was duly seoonded. '" Mrs. Condon moved to olose the nominations. Motion was duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken for the reappointment, motion carried unanimously. 2. 4/13/83 :',:,': -::',;':,,:,_' :' ".',." "',:" ,:',"'.': '. '. ':; ~l''''r'';: :~ ': :."~i\';.::,.,",~": ":,~:.,;"':':':::'.:;.:"~,",:.\,:.:.,/':".?:~.~:<:,','~,~':)':,} ,'>.~:,:...',.:;',';',>:/\::::;\",::',,:,.,~~/,:,:.:':;':::~'::.:.:<',/..::P;~:':',/":,:~\':';:"~;'/~"~:,,~':,:':':~"':\':,:<:; - " .' "I; /..'...,.. ,,~,' " ~" " '.~I"" 'L' ,,'...' ".\,'" ,.,,'.','.',. .;.~ .',' . .' '.~ .~. .~ 'L'!',' ..',',',.:....:.:.:..1:.:1.:.... ''"'.'':',1.,.:.:1 ~"',;.':-::~~.,. ..',;', ..;IC:..~:..:..'.I,:I.;..:..!:...:......~.:',~;~~...:l"-i v. ., . " .. ,..... ... ,..1 \'. :.:' ,'. clJ'1"'fr/'- <~ff.-' ~.~i(""_,"4.~1P;:f--!,:.~\,,~'~':".:~I"'\ ..';1,', ,..... ~',..." ."... . f t .\ ~ ". ..' '" t'" '." , . a n !~ , ..".~~ " " b. Selection of Meeting Date. Wednesday, October 12, 1983 at 4:30 p.m. in the Mayor'S Conferenoe room was established for the next meeting date. There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 4:59 p.m. ot~L~ City Clerk as Seoretary to the Authority \1 I:! . I, Luoille Williams, duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Clearwater, Florida, certify the foregoing to be a true and oorrect oopy of the minutes of the April 13, 1983, meeting of the Clearwater Health Faoilities Authority, and all persons dealing with the Authority may rely upon this certifioate. :..,..1::) ~itness my hand and the corporate seal of the City of Clearwater this I day of (ttZ:l"W 1963. (/f(~L~ Luoille Williams, CMC City Clerk . , ... Q , . "~I' 'I ':'::".:.:.:.:.,_" ". '." ,:.' . "';'i..:.,I.,~.'~.:..','....>:;"\:'/:'::':;'<':"":"":',':":'./...\..',.'.' .""" ....:':::...:'.,.,.'..,:..'..>,...:...,:..','.,:",,:,.',.:::.. . \ ., " . t.., .I . L __ . < ... .. ~~ . ',."' . ' ..,.. . '. ' " - ". .' 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