06/24/1996 (2)PARKS &
]Parks & Recreation Board
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June 24, 1996
Present: Charles Weaver Chair
Gary Giordano Board Member
William Kirbas Board Member
Larry Lindner Board Member
Freda Clayton Board Member
Ream Wilson Parks and Recreation Director
Steve Miller Recreation Superintendent
Gwen Legters Board Reporter
Absent: Donald Harris Vice Chair
Gary Meritt Board Member
The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall.
To provide continuity, the items are listed in agenda order although not necessarily
discussed in that order..
Minutes Approval - May 20 and June 10, 1996
Member Lindner moved to approve the May 20 minutes with the correction of the
February date in the title, and the June 10 special meeting minutes as submitted in writing
to each member by the Board Reporter. The motion was duly seconded and carried
Correspondence - None
Upcoming Recreation Events - Report by Steve Miller
Mr. Miller distributed handouts highlighting programs and events scheduled for the
month of July. He called attention to 1) "Clearwater Celebrates America" at Coachman
Park on July 3rd and 4th; 2) "Concerts in the Park" on July 5th, 12th and 26th; and
3) Special Olympics Summer State Games (Opening Ceremonies) at Coachman Park on
July 19th. He provided board members with parking permits and front row seating permits
for the July 4th celebration.
Public Hearing -- Consideration of Name for New Park on Bayshore Boulevard - 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Wilson provided background information, stating the board's recommendation will
be forwarded to the City Commission for final approval and adoption.
Sharon O'Flannery urged the board to consider the name Urschel Park, and reviewed
the history of the property. A former land owner, teacher and librarian, Ms. Urschel had
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deeded portions of the land to the Presbyterian church in return for her nursing care in a
Presbyterian retirement home in Winter Park during the 1970's. Ms. O'Flannery indicated,
if Ms. Urschel is still living, she would be well over 100 years old. Ms. O'Flannery said
Ms. Urschel had dreamed of having the land used as a park. Ms. O'Flannery submitted a
petition with 19 signatures of neighbors in support, and read one letter in support of the
name Urschel Park. In response to questions, she said she did not canvass every one of
the 325 homes in her neighborhood.
Dan Grimmer, president of the Del Oro Homeowners' Association, stated the board of
directors came up with a list of suggested names but did not reach consensus.
Mr. Grimmer recommended the name Cooper's Bayou Park because of the geographical
location. He relayed a history of problems at Cooper's Point and how the land came to be
purchased for the City with Federal grant money. He did not feel the Urschel name has
the same recognition it had 25 years ago, and while Ms. Urschel may have desired for the
land to be used as a park, this was not stated in the land deeds to the church.
Mr. Grimmer said he represents 160 homes and a 10-member board of directors. He
noted the board voted 3-2 in favor of Cooper's Bayou Park.
Commissioner J.B. Johnson said, as a 31-year resident of the Del Oro Subdivision, he
knew Ms. Urschel. As a private citizen, he felt the City has enough "Cooper's Points" and
urged the board to vote for "Urschel Park". As a City Commissioner, he thanked staff and
the board members for their hard work on behalf of the City.
Member Weaver read into the record the board's criteria for naming parks. He
indicated the board spent considerable time drafting the resolution for clarity and felt the
criteria must be followed. Board discussion ensued regarding proposed names. While
some felt Urschel does not meet the naming criteria, one member pointed out Ms.
O'Flannery met the condition of surveying the surrounding property owners. Some felt the
name Bayshore was more descriptive and appropriate. Others expressed concern creation
of another Cooper's, or Bayou, or Bayshore does not promote clear identification.
Discussion ensued regarding whether the homeowners' association or the petition with 19
names reflects a broader cross section of the residents.
Member Kirbas moved to recommend the name Coopers Bayou Park to the City
Commission. The motion was duly seconded. Members Giordano, Kirbas, and Clayton
voted "Aye"; Members Weaver and Lindner voted "Nay." Motion carried. Mr. Wilson will
advise the City Commission of the board's recommendation and send invitations to the
park dedication ceremony.
Informational Presentation -- Moccasin Lake Program, Cliff Norris, Nature Park Supervisor
Mr. Norris gave a photographic slide presentation regarding the Interpretive Center
classroom and gift shop, Weather Watcher station, windmill, xeriscaping, experimental
hydroponic garden and picnic facilities. He explained how public orientation, tours, and
presentations are conducted. He reviewed how alternative energy is used for heating,
cooling, pumping water, and composting restroom waste. The Ranger Rick Discovery
Club, Suncoast Herpetological Society and the Sierra Club hold meetings and conduct
educational programs. Other activities include a Tai Chi program, summer nature camp,
hands-on experience with caring for animals, and guided tours through the birds of prey
enclosure, poisonous plants display, den tree, morning bird watch, and City tree giveaway.
Mr. Norris said the nature trail system is boardwalked, ADA accessible, and features
meandering streams, a small waterfall, and a small teaching meadow. He described the
creation of Moccasin Lake, the dock and the Eagle Scout shelter. He listed the plant and
animal life that can be seen throughout the park.
Mr. Norris explained City staff prepares all animal diets, and relies heavily on volunteer
help with grounds maintenance, elimination of exotic plant species and planting native
species. Boy Scouts help with park maintenance and debris pickup. Donations of cash,
equipment, and supplies are accepted. Discussion ensued regarding animals with injuries,
a free mulch program and City tree giveaways. The board thanked Mr. Norris for a
fascinating presentation.
Old Business
A. S.talug !2f Proposed Skateboard Ordinance
Mr. Wilson stated the ordinance is being held in abeyance pending further direction.
B. Capital Improvement Projects - Update
Mr. Wilson highlighted three projects started since the last meeting: 1) Renovation of
Carpenter Field Clubhouse, 2) Construction of Soule Road Park, and 3) Light replacement
in the north field of Frank Tack Park.
New Business
A. Name for _New_Park„Qr1 $g! ]d Key. - (Referred to as Tombstone Property)
Discussion ensued regarding a proposal for park name submitted by the Sand Key
Civic Association. The proposal lists flour suggested names. In response to a question,
Mr. Wilson said the board is required to choose from among the names submitted.
B. Informational Preseatelign_fgr ilily
Member Weaver suggested a presentation on the Sailing Center for the next meeting.
Mr. Wilson will contact Harbormaster Bill Held to see if this can be arranged.
C. Annual Report to the City Commission -- September 6, 1996
Member Weaver will prepare a speech and submit a preliminary draft at the next
meeting for board review and comments.
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Board Comments
Member Lindner thanked staff for taking care of the weed problem he reported at the
downtown tennis courts. He said signs prohibiting skating on tennis courts at Clearwater
High School were posted, and seemed to help, but had been removed by the end of last
week. Mr. Wilson said the signs can be replaced. He will investigate a suggestion to post
higher signs.
Member Lindner requested staff to look at the way information regarding recreation
programs is disseminated to citizens. He was concerned telephone volunteers at the Long
Center may be unfamiliar or may not have accurate information regarding aquatic and
other programs at the Center. Mr. Miller announced the program information number is
462-6028. He will follow up on better educating the Long Center staff regarding City
The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Parks and Recreation Board
' Attest:
and Reporter
4 06/24196
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