06/12/1996 (2)
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MacArthur Boykins
Rev. William Graham
Mayme Hodges
Joe Marshall
Kathy S. Rice
Gwen Legters
Bertha Kelley
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Deputy City Manager
Board Reporter
Team Member
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June 12, 1996
Deputy City Manager, Rice called the, meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. in City Hall
Commission Chambers. To provide continuity, the items will be listed in agenda order
although not necessarily discussed in that order.
Ms. Rice introduced the members and thanked them for offering to serve on this task
, team formed, at the request of the City Commission. She gave an overview of the
proposed agenda as follows.
Why are we here 7
Mr. Rice stated the City did some things wrong when they made the decision to site
the reclaimed water storage tanks in the North Greenwood neighborhood. She
acknowledged lack of communication between the City and the community. The purpose
of the task team is to develop a process or system to help staff avoid those kinds of
problems in the future. City staff hopes to learn how to build and be a part of the
community. At tonight's organizational meeting she hoped to be able to establish
consensus among members regarding the team's function and membership, and to develop
a mission statement to take to the City Commission. She indicated one of the City's
values is to help, not direct, citizens in accomplishing community objectives.
Concern was expressed this task team was formed to cushion friction between the
people of Clearwater and the City Commission. It was hoped to establish a clear definition
of the team's role in relation to the community, and the City Commission. While it was
felt this group could have a positive effect, careful implementation is needed to avoid
sending the wrong message to the public. Ms. Rice agreed, stating staff needed a vehicle
to learn from community ,leaders what is wanted in the community. The "task force"
concept has worked well in the past, and it is hoped development of a mission statement
will define the group's role and establish consensus among team members, staff, public,
and the Commission.
A question was raised regarding the life of the task team. Ms. Rice said a time limit is
not set and will depend on the mission statement, and feelings of the members. While six
months has been suggested, the Commission did not set a time frame.
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One member felt the City had communicated with the public adequately. She felt
each Commissioner had considered the public's input carefully before making a decision
and suggested the lack of communication may have existed among community members.
Ms. Rice responded staff can always improve dialog with the community.
Devafoolml a mission statement to aat consensus with the City Commission
Ms. Rice indicated feedback has been requested with regard to specific issues raised
by the neighborhood and the City Commission. Discussion ensued regarding a memo from
Commissioner Clark requesting recommendations on present and future impact of Jack
Russell Stadium in North Greenwood. It was indicated the stadium issue is one of many
the team hopes to study. In response to a question concerning the Marshall Street plant,
Ms. Rice stated the decision to locate the storage tanks is final. Whether or not the
decision 'was correct, the City hopes the task team will enable a working relationship with
the Greenwood community.
General discussion ensued regarding factors to include in the mission statement, while
Mr. Shuford listed issues on a flip chart. Based on the discussion, he suggested the
following language, "'Identify and address critical community concerns in a way that will
promote the long term positive development of the North Greenwood Neighborhood."
Unanimous consensus was to accept this language as a working mission statement.
Who else should be recommended for this committee?
Discussion ensued regarding recommendations to the City Commission for additions to
task team membership. It was indicated City employees will not be exempt. Ms. Rice
advocated allowing the membership to be as inclusive as possible. Mr. Shuford agreed,
indicating a large membership would enable breaking into subcommittees. Concern was
expressed it is difficult to schedule meetings at a time agreeable to everyone due to work
and personal schedules. Names mentioned were, David Grice, Lucius Pitts, Tal Rutledge,
Charles Harris, Jr., and Muhammed Abdur-Rahim. Consensus was to recommend David
Grice, Rev. Lucius Pitts, and Tal Rutledge for City Commission appointment.
Discussion ensued regarding recruitment of a large number of participants from the
, community. Suggestions for advertising were discussed as a means of soliciting
volunteers. Members were encouraged to seek volunteers from among the business,
youth, and residential communities, NAACP, Sepia, Elks Lodge, Masons, Black Nurses
Association, AKA Sorority, and APA Fraternity. Ms. Rice asked members to contact the
City Manager's office with their suggestions for names to be recommended to the City
Commission. Consensus was to look for seven or eight more members to recommend for
City Commission approval.
AdminIstrative Items
A. Sunshine Law w_ Ms. Rice gave a brief overview of Sunshine Law requirements. One
member questioned whether, the meetings must be public, due to the perceived public
sensitivity toward some of the issues. Ms. Rice stressed all team meetings are a matter of
public record and minutes will be taken. The proceedings are recorded and open to the public.
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B. Next Meeting .~ The next meeting of the North Greenwood Community Task Team was
called for Monday June 24, 1996, at 5:45 p.m., at a location to be determined. Ms. Rice will
prepare a written notice to the members. In response to a question, she said posting public
notice in City Hall is sufficient to satisfy the specific notification requirement. She welcomed
board suggestions if outside advertising is desired. Consensus was to wait for advertising the
meetings until task team organization is complete.
C. Where do we go from here? .. Ms. Rice questioned issues the members wanted prepared
for the next meeting. It was indicated a Sunshine Law update would be helpful for some
members. Ms. Rice listed examples and discussed suggestions for various approaches the
team might wish to consider for conducting business. She will provide copies of the Clearwater
Beach Blue Ribbon Task Force report for members' review. At the next meeting, the team may
wish to choose a chair and assign roles and strategies for identifying and addressing issues.
A question was raised regarding whether another location large enough for a new stadium
exists. Ms. Rice agreed few parcels are large enough, but some do exist. She will bring aerial
maps of the existing Jack Russell Stadium and available parks and recreation sites. Concerns
were expressed the North Greenwood community should be allowed to participate in the
commercial aspects of the stadium, such as vending and parking. Mr. Rice said this could be
brought up during lease negotiations.
Ms. Rice raised the issue of Irvin Babalola having been given a house he wishes to
move into the neighborhood. She will bring information to a future meeting.
A question was raised regarding whether a Legal Department representative would
attend future meetings. Ms. Rice said the City Attorney or a designee may attend, as
needed, and if desired by the team. She encouraged anyone with a specific legal question
to put it in writing and she will submit it to the Legal Department.
Mayor Garvey was invited to address the members. She said it had been difficult to
sit on the sidelines without becoming involved in the discussion. She stressed the task
team is not a token board because the City Commission truly wants to address and
develop consensus with regard to community issues. As in the case of the Clearwater
Beach Blue Ribbon Task Force, the City Commission may not be able to honor every request,
but will put the issues in context with City business as a whole. She stated it is not the City's
intent to end the task team without notice. She noted many issues are on the list and hoped
to gather information from the team on a long term basis, to be able to appropriately respond to
community concerns. She stressed the team should not feel as if they need to answer all the
issues within a specific time period. Mayor Garvey emphasized a decision on the Jack Russell
Stadium issue will not be considered seriously for many years, so is not a high priority for
immediate team concern. She welcomed the team to consider a membership roster of 25 or
more, to ensure at least 1 5 or so can make it to each meeting.
Commissioner Seel echoed Mayor Garvey's statements, stating she appreciates the time
members will be taking over tha next six months. She looked forward to hearing their input
and moving ahead on the issues. In response to a question from Ms. Ripe, the Commissioner
stated the mission statement was good and she was very ,comfortable with it.
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Mayor Garvey asked if it was possible for Rev. Graham to notice the search for volunteers
and future task team meetings in his church bulletins. He responded he would. A question
was raised regarding residency requirements. Consensus was members should be Clearwater
residents who identify and are interested in the long term positive development of the
Greenwood area.
One member stressed the importance of achieving consensus regarding the role of the task
taam, and encouraging neighborhood participation by making it understood the task team
belongs to the community. The Mayor agreed the team is uours. t, As issues come up, staff
will provide information regarding the City's side of the issues and any problems that arise.
Ms. Rice felt the people on the committee have indicated their desire to make a balanced
approach and work with staff to achieve workable, sustainable solutions. She agreed this is a
, great opportunity to provide a voice for the community. She encouraged team members and
staff to believe in this effort and verbally support it.
The meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Board Reporter
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