02/27/1992 (2)
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February 27, 1992
Members present:
Ed Mazur, Chairperson
Jim Graham, Vice-Chairperson
John B. Johnson
Phoebe Moss
Hal Ebersole
Stephen Saliga
Robert Kennedy
Wray Register
Bob Bickerstaffe
David Little
Joshua Magidson
Gregory Jewell
Debra Weible
Jackie Tobin
!arriVed 4:09j
arrived 4:10
arrived 4:04
Also Present:
Michael J. Wright, City Manager
Cynthia E. Goudeau, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 4:01 p.m. at the Clearwater Main
ITEM #2 - Approval of Minutes
Member Magidson moved to approve the minutes of January 9, 1992 and January
23, 1992. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #3 - Presentation: Florida Gulf Coast Arts Center - Gil McArthur
Mr. McArthur, President of the Florida Gulf Coast Arts Center, stated their
proposal is tentative at this point. He reviewed the history of the art museum
stating it was originally in Clearwater in the 1940's and they moved to Belleair
when a gift of land was made to them. He said over the years, they have
considered moving back to Clearwater. They have considered this move in order
to make themselves more accessible but due to the waterfront property they
currently have and the invitation of Belleair to remain in that city, they have
not moved.
They have recently started planning to expand the facility. He stated an
exhibition area, as well as an education component, are major portions of their
operation. He stated they wished to reach out to a broad segment of the public.
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When they began discussing expansion, they found they needed to address ways in
which to develop their existing property as well as address concerns of the
Belleair connnunity regarding traffic and congestion. He stated they became aware
of the Maas site being available. He stated if it can be found to be mutually
agreeable, the arts center would like to move back to Clearwater which would be
beneficial for the City as well as reduce the arts center pressure they are now
feeling from their adjacent residential neighborhood.
. He stated the Maas site would afford them an opportunity to attract the
large number of people that they need in which to grow and which downtown needs
in order to revitalize. He stated they are proposing the Task Force recommend
to Clearwater that they investigate the possibilities of the arts center moving
to the Maas site. He stated funding would have to be investigated and details
would be worked out after it is determined they are able to work with the City.
He stated if the arts center's proposal does not work'out, the City would
still be able to move on to other proposals.. He stated currently they serve 200
clients a day and if they were able to locate on the Maas site, he would see
multiples of that. The types of classes were listed and it was indicated they
have classes for children, elderly, dyslectic and visually impaired individuals.
It was indicated some classes have been abandoned due to lack of space at their
current facility.
In response to a question, Mr. McArthur indicated they would like to own
the land and they have plans for open space as well as other facilities. He also
indicated the funding for the project would be private, not tax money.
A question was raised regarding how large a building is planned and Mr.
McArthur indicated this had not been determined, but the plans for the current
site contained a building of 53,000 square feet of net usable area. He indicated
on the Maas site, they could have the ~xhibition space as well as special event
space for activities other than arts related.
In. response to question, he indicated they did not corne forward during the
previously advertised public forums as they had not become aware of the concerns
of the Belleair residents regarding their proposed expansion. He also indicated
that Florida Gulf Coast Arts Center is non-profit and the property would not be
on the tax rolls.
He indicated the plans are for the center to be as self-sufficient as
possible. In response to a question regarding whether or not the arts center
wou1d be able to use the building if it were simply renovated, Mr. McArthur
indicated personally, he would not invest money in the current building but that
would be a decision of the board.
ITEM #4 - Discussion of Goals
The Chairman indicated he would like to discuss what the goals of the Task
Force should be and what they want to accomplish with the recommendation to be
presented to the City.
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Di scuss ion ensued regarding the need to estab 1 ish these goa 1 s and what they
should be.
. Mr. Mazur stated he felt they need to establ ish the goals in order to
exp 1 a in why they develop the recommendation that the Task Force will be
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the Task Force should consider
more property than the 3.8 acre Maas site.
Mr. Graham moved that the Task Force look at the property bounded by
Cleveland Street on the south, Drew Street on the north, Osceola on the east and
Clearwater Harbor on the west. The motion was duly seconded.
Further discussion ensued regarding whether or not the Task Force should
consider properties other than the Maas site. Some members stated the
recommendation should be just for the site with keeping the other properties in
mind while others expressed the opinion that the decision needed to reflect what
the Task Force felt should happen on all sites as it is now all owned by the
Upon the vote being taken: Members Magidson, Weible, Mazur I Graham I
Jewell, Moss and Saliga voted lIAyell~ Members Simmons, Little, Kennedy, Register,
Bickerstaffe, Ebersole, Tobin and Johnson voted lINay". Motion failed.
Member Weible moved to primarily focus on the 3.8 acre Maas site with a
second goal being to include thoughts regarding city owned property generally
bounded by Drew Street on the north, Pierce Street on the south, Osceola on the
east and Clearwater Harbor on the west. The motion was duly seconded.
Discussion ensued regarding which properties this would entail and it was
stated it would include all city owned properties in that general area.
Upon the vote bei ng taken: Members Mazur, Graham I Johnson I Moss, Ebersole,
Kennedy, Register, Bickerstaffe, Little, Weible, Magidson, Simmons, Tobin and
Jewell voted lIAyell; Member Saliga voted lINay". Motion carried.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the Task Force should break up
into subcommittees at this time in order to develop pros and cons for particular
options. There was some concern that the subcommittees would need to understand
the goals of the Task Force prior to being established.
Task Force members suggested the following goals and/or objectives: 1)
provide as much green space as possible; 2) bring people downtown~ 3) have a
facility not available in Clearwater~ 4) increase the tax base~ 5) bring commerce
downtown~ 6) minimize capital investment by the City~ 7) minimize risk to the
City; 8) have it as an entity owned by the City to generate profit; 9) maximize
view to the water; 10) maintain city control by lease or buy back; 11) minimize
or eliminate parking on the waterfront below the bluff; 12) address traffic flow
in the area; 13) provide a transportation hub to the beach; 14) create a catalyst
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for future development of the City, make it a destination pointj 15) consider
other Task Force and consultant studiesj 16) distinguish between bluff and lower
1andsj 17) address the water, including the coast and harbor; and 18) generate
the greatest benefit to the largest number of people.
Discussion ensued regarding the proposed goals. A concern was expressed
regarding limiting ownership of the property to the City when developers have not
had a chance to present their proposals to the Task Force. Further discussion
ensued and it was determined the number one objective would be to generate the
greatest benefit for the largest number or people.
Futher discussion ensued regarding the other goals with it being stated
some of them are felt to be "musts" in the consideration of the Task Force while
others will be considered secondary goals,
Discussion also ensued that some of the goals would occur if other ones
were addressed.
Consensus of the Task Force was to eliminate the goal regarding it being
an entity owned by the City to generate profit as being too limiting on the Task
Discussion ensued regarding the need to maintain City'control of the 3.8
acres of the Maas site and it was stated that if the City did not maintain
control, how could they guarantee the project would generate the greatest benefit
to the largest number of people.
~~~ A motion was made to make maintaining City control by lease or buy back of
the 3.8 acres as a necessary component of the objectives. The motion was duly
seconded. Upon the vote being taken: Members Mazur, Graham, Johnson, Moss,
Sa11ga, Register, Bickerstaffe, Little, Weible, Magidson, Simmons, Tobin and
Jewell voted UAyellj Members Ebersole and Kennedy voted IINay". Motion carried.
Consensus was to eliminate a facility not available in Clearwater and a
catalyst for future development of the City as it was felt these would be
strategies to meet the goals, not goals in and of themselves.
Discussion ensued regarding why a goal should be to minimize capital
investment by the City if it is determined a project needs capital investment.
It was the consensus of the Task Force to eliminate this.
Members Register and Tobin left the meeting at 5:40 p.m.
Member Kennedy moved to approve the generation of the greatest benefit to
the largest number of peoplel providing as much green space as possible, bringing
people downtown, minimizing risk to the City, maximizing the view to the water,
maintaining City control by lease or buy back of the 3.8 acres Maas site and
minimizing or eliminating parking on the bayfront as primary goals of the Task
Force and that increasing the tax base directly or indirectly, bringing commerce
downtown, addressing traffic flow in the area, providing a transportation hub to
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the beach, considering other Task Force and consultant studies, distinguishing
between the bluff and the lower lands and addressing water, including the coast
and harbor as secondary goals. The motion was duly seconded and carried
Three members, Mr( s). Johnson, Sa 1 i ga and Kennedy, presented wr itten
information on their thoughts regarding the Task Force's mission. Other members
wishing to present something in writing to the Task Force are to submit their
thoughts to the City Clerk by March 6, 1992, in order for them to be mailed out
to the Task Force prior to the next meeting.
It was suggested there still be time allotted for the Task Force to hear
presentations and it was suggested the Task Force continue to take input
throughout the process.
It was the consensus of the Task Force to provide time at the beginning of
each meeting for presentations, no more than two, 10 to 15 minutes presentations
at each meeting. It was also the consensus to invite Mr. Massee, who had
appeared at a public forum indicating he would be happy to bring a developer in
to make a presentation, and George Athens, who has a presentation regarding
Moonbeams, would be scheduled for next meeting.
It was stated the Task Force would address all concerns and ideas that are
presented to them.
ITEM U5 -Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
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