01/23/1992 (2) , ,', c . .' , . ..." " I [. .r ,.:"" . .,,'" ""'i :'. ". ,,', ;,~: T:',~'" ':,1 ,i",;i,,,,;.~ .. .;... :. .. , ..' ... .' . l' I .; , - , . ",I -:: .,:."" ',' . ... ,t. , " , , c' ~ ' , .. , ' ~, . ',; ( , '.", "~ .' ; :Ic;: ;,' c',' , , . . L', ' ". , . c ~ :. \ < c : _' . . , ~. '. '. ~.' ~.;.\, '. " ,'. c.. " c I- c , ~ '. '.' :.( '. " ~ ,j i, . t ' \ " MAAS BROTHERS TASK FORCE MINUTES " Date ;)3 .l .,' I, 1 Ll ~4 i., '.;' .' .. .' " , I " ',:, \' " l' " , ' ~ , ..' ~ , \ ~. ':.' " . . , ""\~ < .. , t 1t'x~~.r~:.:~t;+)~~~;t~:',;:7:'~ r' . 'I " , ,:,' :., ','" ''': ," ,!I ~," .';!-;' .:.::~,~}~t::~;:r\~,!;,,:~:'~t,l.-;:>b?: ~,,;,; ::,"',~' .,'" " ''''',' ':' : ~ o o MAAS BROTHERS TASK FORCE MEETING January 23, 1992 Members present: Ed Mazur, Chairperson Jim Graham, VicewChairperson John B. Johnson Phoebe Moss Hal Ebersole Stephen Saliga Joshua Magidson Robert Kennedy , Wray Register Nancy Simmons (arrived 4:22 p.m.) Jackie Tobin Bob Bickerstaffe David Little Debra Weible Members absent: Joanne Faruggia Also Present: Michael J, Wright, City Manager Jerry Sternstein, Economic Development Director Cynthia E. Goudeau, City Clerk The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. at the Clearwater Countryside Library. ITEM #1 - Public Forum The Chairperson thanked everyone for coming. He stated the purpose of this meeting is to receive input regarding what to do with the property, not how to do it. He stated there would be no debate regarding the ideas at this meeting. Ken Hamilton, representing the Chamber of Commerce, stated decisions regarding how to use this property should wait for the Master Downtown Development Plan. He stated the City currently has an opportunity that may never come again. The Chamber is suggesting the three contiguous properties, Maas Brothers, the Main Library and the Chamber of Commerce be used to draw people downtown and enhance the bayfront. He stated this would revitalize the whole downtown and would produce revenue to keep taxes down. He suggested the development of a festival marketplace which would include upscale residential, cafes and other amen it ies. ' He stated Coachman Park wou ld be preserved and enhanced. The plan proposed would end Drew Street at the park and traffic to the beach would be routed to Osceola. He stated no one wants development to the Maas 1 1/23/92 .',1' ;'.':.,:.,,"'~ ...;..'."..........~~...~.~-..l.-_...._..-....: .....~.....'I'.. '('.~ ..'.;'', ,..... ."j :':..,:I.~::'.. '. ,:.' " ..... ..:.......':.:::~,. ;~ I::> v " bayfront. He asked that the City Commission and the Community Redevelopment Agency take responsibility to make this decision. He stated the library should be moved to larger quarters and the Chamber of Commerce building is currently in need of a quarter of a million dollars in renovations. Again, he reiterated the decision should be de 1 ayed until there is a decision regarding the entire downtown plan. He reviewed the proposal that had been submitted by the Chamber in a letter and requested that developers be given the whole picture regarding downtown. In response to a question, Mr. Hamilton indicated they are not saying stop what the task force is doing but to slow down for the downtown plan. It was suggested the Chamber of Commerce's recommenda t i on s hou 1 d go to the City Commission as they are recommending things that are outside the purview of the task force. Terry Flowers spoke recommending the building serve a community social service and recreational function and perhaps additional areas of the building be designed to be leased to private business as retail and entertainment locations and kiosks. He feels before a decision is made, various alternatives should be considered through planning and requests from developers about the site and any potential pub 1 i c/private venture. He stated the property has the potential to create revenue for the Community Redevelopment Agency or City of Clearwater in the form of leased revenue, property taxes, utility franchise fees, licenses. sales tax, rebates, etc. He requested the Task Force recommend the eRA and the City take a truly objective look at some of the ideas before making a decision. He stated possible functions for the Maas Brothers property are community service and recreation, with meet ing rooms, continuing education classes, historical archives displays, youth activities, senior activities, rental reception areas and perhaps relocation of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. He stated private retail and entertainment uses could include a full service restaurant, food court, retail shops and entertainment locations. He stated the area in which Maas Brothers is located will probably show up in the downtown plan as a park. recreation or entertainment area. In response to a question, he responded that while he was stressing the use of the current structure, he was not against development of a new building, he just felt it should not be done right away. He stated the property should have a commun ity use. Al Sachs, indicated he was an engineer and photographer. He stated the property could be used for mult;Npurposes and produce income. He has submitted a letter to the Task Force containing some of his ideas. He stated the property is ideally located for a miniNtransit hub. His overall proposal is the multiNuse project wh i ch encompasses enterta i nment, din i ng, exh i b it i on, reta il, pub 1 i c event and leisure functions serving as the mini hub for mass transportation and containing upper story prestige office space. He recommended a high tech type building with exposed columns such as the Pompidou Center. Helen Wheelis spoke stating she works and lives in downtown Clearwater and therefore has a vested interest in the downtown. She stated her letter mentions the need to incorporate whatever is done with the Maas Brothers Site with the Maas 2 1/23/92 ........~'J""..JI..I-f.....l'...._.....-,,"'_.r... c. -''''~''''''''-~''''._'''...'-'''''_''dll''''''''.'''''''_ ......_...,.........-.'l--_... . ,"','_" ',:, ,,', ,\:'\,' ", ,:'>," ':,,:,: "",::,,'0., , ' , '. "", ,'" " .' \1, , .. .=- I, \ ' " , , ~ .. ,..... ,~... , J' I.'. ,~ I:) o . .. "., ~ " ' downtown plan. She urges the Task Force to see that their decision regarding the Maas Brothers Site is just one critical part of the big puzzle. She recommended they consider the entire bluff and maybe even the entire bayfront and not to make a decision on the site until they understand how it fits into the overall plan. She requested this be made a destination point in downtown, enlarge the park, close Drew at Osceola, and relocate the bandshe 11. She stated commerc i a 1 development on this site is critical and again reiterated, a developer should be allowed to look at the entire bluff which would include the Maas site, the library site and the Chamber of Commerce building. A question was raised why businesses that had left downtown would come back and be successful. Ms. Wheelis indicated that the two office buildings are close to 80% occupied and there is a need for services such as restaurants and shops. She stated currently there is no reason to stay downtown. When asked if she was stressing entertainment, Ms. Wheelis said she was considering such things as community meeting rooms, boutiques, restaurants, etc. She stated that Mass Brothers did not leave because downtown was declining. In response to a question, Ms. Wheelis indicated she did feel it was possible that businesses that had left downtown would come back. When asked if she envisioned a building of the same height as the existing, she stated she was suggesting parking beneath and maybe only a one story building. She stated basically she was recommending to develop the property with something that would give people a reason to corne downtown. In response to a question regarding whether there was a demand for the building, Ms. Wheelis said no one is marketing the building at this time. Sarah Brown Caudell spoke stating her family has owned property on Cleveland Street for over sixty years. She stated there have been many plans over the last thirty years that have recommended hotels with convention facilities and recreation. Property owners have been paying an extra one mill for twenty years with no positive results, in her opinion. She stated the Pub1ix grocery store in Cleveland Plaza leaving is a major blow for residents and businesses in the area. She gave a history of the uses of the property below the bluff. She stated in the past the downtown hotels featured meeting and small convention facilities and the auditorium was used by teenagers and adults for dances, private parties, hobby shows, etc. She stated there were less restrictions on signs and there was visible parking and safe cross walks and the speed limit in downtown was enforced. She stated with the loss of recreation locations and activity, due to past decisions, the downtown businesses have declined. She stated Sand Key is still beautiful although it has been developed. She stated she would like to see ownership of the bluff and the waterfront stay with the City, for the library and Chamber of Commerce to be moved to the East End property and the whole bluff from Drew Street to Cleveland Street be developed with a ease in height restrictions. She would like to see Coachman Park enlarged over a portion of the lower level parking area and the rest of the lower 1 eve 1 park i n9 area and the tenn i s court property be tied into the development of the bluff. She recommended a major hotel with convention facilities, retail shops, restaurants, an aquatic attraction and possibly a fine arts gallery or museum. Maas 3 1/23/92 41't"~~~~l~l"'n~o;:~:{' H.-t:' ~,<., : l'r\""I~~(VC) . ; I ;~. ~ (~ '~J o ",'1,' ;c .. ~.: .~ ..: > '. , ' She recommended development of the property which will increase the City1s tax base. In response to a question, Ms. Caudell indicated she was recommending leasing the property. In response to a question regarding what would bring the same tenants back, Ms. Caudell indicated visible parking signs for the parking garages and a hotel would do this. In response to questions, she indicated she would like to see residents brought into the downtown. Desmond Buzzell spoke to reiterate the views he had expressed at the last Task Force Forum. He stated the bayfront will benefit most from a hotel with restaurants and shops. A park could be constructed on top of a parking structure adjacent to the hotel. The hotel should have two restaurants, one fine dining and one moderately priced open 24 hours a day. He stated the shops facing Osceola should be of high quality. A monorail system could be constructed which would tie in the Countryside area as well as other communities and the beach. He stated this development will be directly related to the redevelopment of downtown and it should have priority over the East End project, He liked the idea of including the entire bluff in the study done by the Task Force. Pierre Masse stated he was a five year resident of Clearwater. He stated if properly developed, the Maas site could become a key factor in the revitalization of downtown Clearwater. The type of project he had in mind was a festive center similar to the one built in Coconut Grove by a company called Constructa. He stated such a project would draw people to the downtown consistently every day and night. The nature and beauty of the site would make it even more attractive increasing the chances of success. He stated it being an extremely visible location is another asset. He stated the Hunter Interests Incorporated Study showed the need for specialty retail in downtown Clearwater, Last year he spent several days with representatives of Constructa touring Tampa Bay to determine the best site for a new festive center. The Maas Brothers site was chosen above all other sites. He indicated he has spoken to his contact at Constructa and they would be happy to show the Task Force their project and answer any questions they may have. In response to questions, he indicated the sketch he presented was just a conceptual idea of what the project could be. It was indicated the project to which he referred, Coco Walk in Coconut Grove was completed a year and a half ago. He indicated Constructa is ready to begin a new development if it finds the right site. ' In response to a question regarding the type of shops, he indicated the third floor would be nightclubs, the second floor mostly restaurants and on the first 1 eve 1 shops. He i nd i cated he was not aware of the 28 foot 1 i ne restriction. In response to a question regarding the occupancy rate of the Coco Walk development, he indicated it was 95% occupied when it was opened. Maas 4 1/23/92 ~ o o. .. , " , ' ' ': '. , , . I"}'.O c .. :" . ,c .~ Mr. Graham indicated he had been to the development and it is very much alive.' , In response to a question why they would not wish to do this on the East End, Mr. Masse indicated the visibility and view of this site would be better. William Schwob stated Clearwat~r is blessed with a bayfront that matches any and surpasses most. He stated it should be preserved as open space to the greatest possible extent with no commercial development. It stated beautiful open space would bring people to the bayfront and businesses would prosper. In response to a question, he indicated he would leave to the Task Force the decision regarding the building itself. He stated he was speaking of uses and he recommended it be left for public use. William Jonson, President of the Homeowners Coalition, stated the board of the coalition had three general recommendations. One, to maintain the existing open space, two, use the existing building or footprint and that the action of the Task Force be confirmed through 'a citizens referendum. In response to a question regarding to what use the building should be put, he indicated there would need to be a return on the investment that the City has made on the property. He also indicated that the board's recommendation is to have a referendum no matter what recommendation the Task Force makes. In response to questions, Mr, Jonson stated the Task Force needed to think about what makes Clearwater special, what makes it unique and he feels that Coachman Park and the bluff are some of those things. He stated that use of the bluff is an opportunity to be spent very carefully and need not be rushed. Edwin Hogan stated he had been a member of the Planning and Zoning Board for six and a half years and he had seen downtown go back and forth. He stated the only way to revive downtown is to get residential people in the area. He stated it is a bad time to do anything as the economy is tight. He stated more City Hall space is needed and it would be a good idea to bring City Hall services closer and use the building for that. The meeting recessed from 5:30 p.m. to 5:36 p.m. Fred Thomas, representing the Clearwater Beach Association, stated there are two views to this situation, short and long term. He stated that in the short term, leave the building intact until a cohesive downtown development plan is created. Also in the short range, use the property to generate revenue for the City. The ground floor could be used as a restaurant facility with a lease of $100 per month allowing the restaurant owner to use the capital for improvements. An 8% of gross revenue would then be paid. Give the first right of refusal for what the City proposes for the rest of downtown. For the remainder of downstairs, he recommends a basic grocery store, again, with $100 per month rent plus a percentage of gross. The rest of the that floor could be , used for civic purpose rooms. The second and third floors could be actively pursued as a tradeshow and convention facil ity. The Jolly Trolley would need to Maas 5 1/23/92 . '1'\ .' , , . ,. . ~'. . , . '.. " '_ ..,'__..__.~__..: _,,, , ~" ' . '. " . ~. . ' ' " , . " '.. ~ I " '. ',' , " ~ f be extended to bring people to the area. He stated this would add to the hotel use on the beach. <) , ...-:: He stated the wall on the second floor accessing the parking area could be changed into a loading area. He stated that tradeshows that used to occur in Clearwater are now in Orlando as they outgrew the Clearwater area. He stated the Clearwater Beach Association Board was in full attendance and gave unanimous support to this. He answered specific questions regarding how the tradeshows would work, stating that a person buys the building for the show and he was unaware of how the person who puts on the tradeshow costs those out. In response to a question regarding the long term view, he stated the board was mixed with 60% wanting the building to be removed and made into a park and 40% favoring development with the current building. Arthur Deegan stated that what is done on this site should help develop the City's full potential. It will have an impact on the entire downtown. He stated in the recently revitalized downtown development plan, desires for downtown are as follows: the location on the bluff should be used as a focal point for downtown activities, it should be accessible by road, mass transit, bicycles, and pedestrians, it should be oriented to active amenities, it is an economic center, it should offer unique opportunities. The residential component of downtown should receive primary emphasis. Downtown redevelopment should be linked to the future of the beach. He stated multi-use of this property could contribute to this goal. He stated it would appear that it would be expensive to restore the current building to current code. He stated therefore, the building should be demolished and something built rather than trying to make do with the current facil ity. His recommendation is a combination residential/commercial development, sixty feet in height with five stories with the upper floors being residential and the ground floor being specialty shops and other retail establishments. He stated the most important feature is the residential component. He stated the entire development should be above the 28 foot line and that perhaps there should be underground parking. He stated it could also be used as a terminus of a people mover back and forth to the beach, a floating restaurant across the street could be a future development. He stated this should be done by a commercial developer, not the City. He stated the property is too important to remain off the tax rolls. o In response to a question, Mr. Deegan stated he is only addressing the Maas Brothers site, that if it was possible to incorporate other properties, that would be good. Sheryle Festa stated she agreed with most everyone that it was important to bring people downtown. She reviewed her proposal which inCluded development of dwelling units, movie threatres, restaurants, a pier and a ice roller rink. She stated that the start of development in downtown should be in the core area, She referred to an article by Public Relations Manager Patty Paxton that appeared in a AAA magazine which was supposed to be describing what downtown Clearwater Maas 6 1/23/92 --~",;oo\-U"'''''''''''''''''''_.--~'' . c"," -........... .......... '. .........." .,......F~. "','I........ ..., .~,,,_,,,""'_''''''''''_WT' .~ .., ~" j > T ,,:.','.:'_' "'. . ;<<'\/",.';,,:.,,:,:.:H", .',",'';'.,', '<:"""':""\ , , ' , " ,', ,.", "",' , ",l~:'.'t, " .~ , ,( I " I "\,, \, ,', " , j r ,'J' 'r,' .~', ;.', I '., .... '~',':'..~:, .~" "\1' r _' ",',' I '~>,", ", I ~ <) o was all about. People said that while the article was nice, it was not downtown Clearwater. She stated again that something needed to be done to bring people to downtown. Gordon McDougall stated that the 1983 referendum stated that the property was not to be developed for more than open space use. He stated 9 out of 10 citizens voted to keep the open space. He stated the Maas site could be used for offices and if the Chamber building is in bad shape, tear it down and to expand the parkland. He stated development in downtown has not occurred and that downtown has not done anything for themselves. He stated the CRA should condemn everything east of Osceola for one block and develop downtown in that area. Lillian Silbertswite stated she is a Countryside resident who goes down to the Maas Brothers property because she loves the way it looks. She stated she moved here from New York in 1992 and wanted to go see the bayfront to see it the way it is. She is distressed by the lobbying for commercial development, She stated she is taking a course called "America Today" and three weeks ago, the topic was the Maas Brothers property. Consensus of 45 out of 55 people was against commercial development. She stated the suggestion of the Task Force should be placed on referendum. Nat Swann stated he was a former Vice-President of a large Department Store. His recommendation is to move the departments in the Annex to the Maas site. He stated this would save the cars running back and forth between City Ha 11 and the Annex. He stated everyone knows why there is no traff i c in downtown. He stated we need a marina attached to the mainland and the City has a harbormaster who can handle this. Jay Rhodes, representing the Clearwater Historical Society, stated any proposed development should recognize the historical value of the land and it should be kept in the public domain. He stated, if possible, the building should be demolished and allow enlargement of Coachman Park. He stated it is admittedly not the most economically feasible choice but it should be taken seriously. He stated that if the building must remain, improve its aesthetic value and provide for civic and community use similar to the old City auditorium. He stated that from a personal standpoint, he felt the tradeshow proposal was good. He stated they wanted to see the bluff in its original condition. Marvin Moore spoke stating there is no other place on the East Coast with a bluff such as Clearwater's. He believes this should remain open space and a referendum would guarantee the people of Clearwater a vote on what happens to the bayfront. He stated more office space is not needed in downtown. In response to a question, he indicated he did not feel the Task Force should pack its bags and do nothing but they needed to look at alternatives and if the recommendation of the Task Force is approved by the voters, there is no fault. Bert Gooding, a former resident of Island Estates, stated he has just returned from a trip to Europe and recommends Clearwater mainland and Clearwater Beach be connected through an escalator that would move people back and forth. Maas 7 1/23/92 (~ ;:) ,0 . >. -j- '\ '1 . He stated the escalator would be over the highway at a height that would allow boats under it. He stated there could be billboards inside the Maas building such as those in airports. He stated the waterfront could include glass covered boats that go to Caladesi Island and through the pass. He stated the current building could be used with very few changes. Lois Cormier stated she had spoke with Bonnie Harding who is sick tonight and can not attend this meeting. Ms. Harding feels the Maas building should be used for City services and move from the City Hall Annex. Ms. Cormier stated that, she, Ms. Cormier loves the bayfront and misses Maas Brothers and abhors the idea of tearing down the library. She stated she could not envision residential or condos on this site. She stated she was glad to hear that people in Countryside do care about downtown and she recommends keeping the bayfront open. Nick Anderson stated he lives on Cleveland Street and uses the park and shopped at Maas Brothers. He is not in favor of creating more parkland as very few people use the park except for special events, He said something needs to be done in order to recoup the investment on the property, He stated alot of good ideas have been stated and the Task Force has a difficult job. In response to a question regarding why this site should be developed, Mr. Anderson indicated because it has all the advantages that a developer looks for. He stated more entertainment is needed in downtown. In response to questions, Mr. Anderson stated that in talking to people about downtown, he has never heard any comments about the beautiful bayfront. Michael Frangites stated he has been a resident of Clearwater beach for twenty years and remembers the downtown as a busy area. He congratulated the City for obtaining the Maas Brothers building and stated it should be used to help the City, downtown and the beaches. He stated the building could be used as suggested by Fred Thomas but it would also make a good import/export facility. He stated the use of a transportation system such as a ski lift or monorail would enhance the property and it could be used as a convention center. He stated the tennis courts on the bayfront are not needed where more parking is. Anne Garris provided additional information to that she had provided at the last meeting. She questioned if everything east of Osceola was thriving and if this decision had to be made, would there be any discussion regarding developing this property. She stated the citizens have been trying since 1981 to obtain the Maas site in order to regain the bayfront. She stated that while the property was bought in bad economic times, people need to think of the future. She stated there are plenty of places for shops and other things in downtown. She read from pages in the Downtown Plan that stated the City needs to preserve its natural resource and it recommended the removal of Maas Brothers in order to open the view. She stated if this is done, the Economic Development Director can say that we have an urban park in this area, She said that if this is made into an unique area, it will bring the rest of downtown back and increase the tax base. She stated she was pleading with the Task Force to be creative, courageous and say that Clearwater is a lovely, quiet, beautiful place where people want to live. Maas 8 1/23/92 , .: . 'I. -', .. ..__.-.;.~~...._""":'~~_...v..1 ",_~'.. ,,' ~ " .' ,l I .', ' . . . ," , ' :;. ,~ " c . '" . "..,:.". ,::.>'; :~i :.\::! '. '.; '.: > " ' Kathryn Christenson recommended the building of a well organized ferry terminal to ease congestion on the beach. She also stated a museum of Clearwater could be located in this area. In response to a question whether the building should be removed, Ms. Christenson indicated she had not thought through that far. Bill Stephan stated that open space is difficult to evaluate and when there are concerts in the park, it is we 11 attended and even when there are not concerts, there is someone there enjoying the open space. He stated open space will become more valuable as time goes by and that any recommendation should be affirmed by a referendum. In response to a question, he indicated a referendum would not be needed if the Task Force1s recommendation is to use the property as open space however, from a moral standpoint, it probably should be, Mr. Magidson read the Task Force Mission Statement establ ished by the Commission into the record, Fred Thomas indicated he had created the "Save the Bayfront~ committee. He had proposed a development plan where the development was the highest at the Chick Smith property and that the level of development went down from there to the bayfront. He stated monorails can be built for a million dollars a mile. He feels downtown is too valuable not to redevelop eventually and if there were a thriving downtown, you would not be able to get into the park. ~~ ITEM #2 - Where do we QO from here? Mr. Mazur indicated the revision to the downtown plan has been prepared and he proposed that it be discussed at the next meeting. Consensus of the Task Force was to have someone from the Planning and Development Department present at the next meeting to discuss the downtown plan with the Task Force. 0', ~"A~""" , [,;ft;;'i:'\,'t8J' i.'lW r~\ :.t~.'!~.' >". ~ ' It was questioned whether or not a clarification was needed from the City Commission regarding the task with the Task Force looking at the 3,8 acres of the Maas site or more. It was suggested that the agenda for the Task Force be set at the next meeting. Discussion ensued regarding what should be discussed at the next meeting and whether or not direction from the Commission was desired. It was also suggested that someone help the Task Force with the difference between the eRA and the City Commission. Ms. Reg is ter moved to cease and des i s tall discus s ion and adjourn the meeting. The motion was duly seconded. Upon a show of hands, the motion failed five to nine. Maas 9 1/23/92 , ' .. :' ... . . . ..... ....' .>", ,<' . . '>'q' ,', ,~",:..: :' ','~,', ~,:' ,-' :. :: ,'~,' ': ': ',~~ ",~:>" ',:'~,:,';. , , \" " , ", ." ,1.:, I " " ".,.0' " I " . I , J . ." .' _. ~ . ~ . . ': ". ~ . " ~ '. J.' ~'\ I' ' , , In.' " ~ ' . . I, , _ ._.._ ....--_.............~- ., . . . I ~ ,'...,.:' .: ."'::,:' :'f: i ;"- :~:~"':'\'i,,;.,~;'~y:~yn.}.i:,:;l~~~,~~;):::'\ ..,:;' :':,.i' . '" <' >;. , ' o It was stated that more specifics are needed and it was requested that we have a discussion regarding the referendum at the next meeting. Some stated they did not feel the referendum was that complicated and they simply needed a legal opinion. I' Mr. Mazur stated he would like to get past the next meeting and receive direction from the City Commission. He stated the Commission had asked the Task Force to come up with a proposal of what to do, not how to do it. Mr, Graham moved to have the City Attorney give a statement regarding what the referendum means legally. The motion was duly seconded. Some discussion ensued regarding whether or not this was necessary and upon a show of hands, the motion carried eleven to three. The City Clerk questioned where the Task Force would like to hold its next meeting as the Main Library and the East Library are available. Consensus of the Task Force was to meet'at the Main Library. In response to a question, it was indicated that the 3,8 acres of the Maas site is a whole and is not split between the City and the eRA. ' The meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m. ATTEST: (}\ Fl'. A .9.~ CitY~ lerk o o Maas 10 . 1/23/92 :",', :'_' . '. ........" ":':.,',:, ::"'::,'< ...:-:i :",0:0,", I,. , ' " , , " . ,', 1:.:..1 .:=1 \ .. ' " \ .. , I . [ \t . I ~' , ..... '. f ".'1 ,.' ,'. .,' '.', ", ' ., it I ':. '.', L' . I .