11/14/1991 (2)
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Maas Brothers Task Force Meeting
November 14, 1991
Members present:
Ed Mazur
John B. Johnson
Phoebe Moss
Hal Ebersole
" Nancy Simmons
Jim Graham (arrived 5:57 p.m.)
Stephen Saliga
Joanne Faruggia
Bob Bickerstaffe
Joshua Magidson (arrived 5:45 p.m.)
Robert Kennedy
Jackie Tobin
" Debra Weible
Members absent:
Item III. - Staff Reoort
The City Clerk distributed the Florida Statute regarding the authority of
the Community Redevelopment Agency (eRA). She indicated two major distinctions
between the CRA and the City Commission are that the CRA is exempt from the
charter development restriction regarding the 281 contour line and the CRA can
sell land differently than the Commission, that is, more on a business and/or
incentive basis while the City has to sell land at appraised or higher value.
She stated currently the City is the proposed purchaser of the property and
the charter restrictions regarding the 281 contour line and the sale of the
property will apply.
A question was raised regarding whether or not the CRA had more authority
and it was indicated that while they did not have any more authority, they could
conduct business in a slightly different manner.
Ed Mazur distributed a copy of page 10 from the contract for purchase
showing the agreement can be assigned to the CRA.
A concern was expressed that the CRA would not be answerable to the
citizens and it was felt they had sold some property for much less than it was
The City Clerk then reported on the status of the bid, indicating a call
had been received alerting the City there may be another bid. She indicated all
the City has been told is there is a real estate broker representing a client who
may submit a bid. She reported that should a higher bid be received by the
court, the City would then be notified. A City representative would need to be
in court in Cincinnati next week and there would be open bidding in the court.
A special City Commission meeting would be necessary for this.
In response to a question, she indicated the task force would be notified
if there were a court case.
The City Clerk stated the City is requesting input regarding how the task
force wishes to operate from this point. She reported there have been several
items which have been suggested: 1) for people to come in and discuss
development potential for the site; 2) develop the site as a retail incubator;
3) review a French firm's proposal for development on the bluff, and 4) the need
to talk to people with park development interests.
In response to a question, she indicated these have been noted to her
verbally and she is asking the task force whether or not they wish to follow up
on any of this or how they wish to proceed.
I t was suggested the task for"ce proceed with the elect ion of a Cha i rperson.
Item IV. - Elect Chairoerson
Mr. Bickerstaffe moved to nominate Ed Mazur to serve as chairperson of the
Maas Brothers Task Force. The motion was duly seconded.
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Mr. Johnson moved to close the nomination. The motion was duly seconded
and carried unanimously.
Upon the vote being taken on Ed Mazur being appointed chairperson, the
motion carried unanimously.
The City Clerk turned the meeting over to Mr. Mazur.
Mr. Mazur i nd i cated the way he wi shed to conduct the meet i ngs was by
standard rules of order with people heing recognized from the floor and they be
allowed to speak without being interrupted. He stated he will attempt to keep
the individuals to the topic.
The first item of concern was confirming the meeting dates. Mr. Mazur
indicated he felt the task force needed room in which the public could attend and
the Chambers had been recommended. The City Clerk indicated that a meeting place
could not be determined until a meeting day had been established as there will
be conflicts in meeting in the Chambers. She relayed those meetings that ,are
already scheduled. Consensus of the task force was that the meetings be held on
the second and fourth Thursdays of each month starting at 4:00 p.m. and lasting
approximately two hours per meeting. It was also the consensus that meetings
, would not be recorded unless requested for particular instances.
Mr. Johnson recommended the task force meet on December 12th at 4:00 p.m.
and then there be two meetings in January, the 9th and 23rd. Consensus was to
follow this schedule. The City Clerk will notify the task force of the meeting
Mr. Mazur indicated he had two areas of concern, the asbestos's effect on
the sale and use of the property and the need for an environmental audit. The
Public Works Department had agreed to do core samples on the parking lot and he
questioned when those would be ready.
Discussion ensued regarding the need for the core samples. It was
indicated this is a prudent thing to do in case there was contamination in the
parking lot which had migrated from the old gas station site.
Joshua Magidson arrived at the meeting at this time.
Mr. Mazur indicated he was also concerned regarding estimates on asbestos
removal and stated he will be calling people he knows to see if the cost estimate
is reasonable.
Discussion ensued regarding the need to remove the asbestos. It was
questioned how much asbestos was in the building and it was stated the exact
amount is not known at this time.
Discussion ensued regarding the flow of information to and from the task
force members and it was stated all information should be submitted to the City
Clerk in order to have it distributed to all members.
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Concern was expressed that staff's recommendation ~eems to lean toward the
building being demolished. It was indicated it was felt the building needed to
be more fully investigated prior to this decision being made. It was indicated
staff's opinion is being provided as information and may not be the task force's
Discussion ensued regarding how the task force wished to proceed. Items
of concern regarded the size of the property be considered, whether or not it
should be considered with the overall downtown development and whether or not the
task force should be involved in specifics at this time.
Opinions were expressed that the task force should hold open forums to
receive input from the public and as many ideas as possible. Then the task force
should begin to brainstorm and get down to more specifics such as the asbestos
and environmental audit questions.
Concerns were expressed regarding additional staff time being spent on the
gathering of information until it is known whether or not the City actually owns
the property.
Additional discussion ensued regarding the need to receive publ ic input and
how to do so. It was also suggested task force members submit their views in
writing. Consensus of the task force was that the next meeting date, December
12th, would be an additional organizational meeting at which time the task force
would discuss how they wish to hold public forums and decide who they wished to
specifically invite to these open forums. The open forums would then be the two
meetings in January. It was requested that a list of groups the City has been
notifying of the meetings be provided and the task force will determine those
groups to whom they wish to send invitations. They would then discuss how to
receive the input.
A question was raised regarding whether or not the time frame which had
currently been establ ished for the completion of the task force' s work was
reasonable. Currently, the task force is shooting to complete their work by the
end of March. It was requested the City Clerk approach the City Commission
regarding what time frame they thought should be followed.
Charlie Mason requested permission to address the task force. He reviewed
his history in Clearwater and stated he had more than a passing interest in this
project. He indicated he would like to be on the task force and pledged to be
present. It was indicated the City Commission had appointed the members and that
Mr. Mason needed to approach them regarding his request.
The meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m.
ATTEST:__~~~. ~. - C_
~ Clerk