10/18/1991 (2)
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Members present:
Ed Mazur
John B. Johnson
Phoebe Moss
Wray Register
Hal Ebersole
Nancy Simmons
Jim Graham
Stephen Saliga
Joanne Faruggia
Bob Bickerstaffe
Joshua Magidson
Also attending:
Staff attending:
Maas Brothers Task Force Meeting
October 18, 1991
Members absent:
Robert Kennedy
Jackie Tobin
Jim Stewart
Debra Weible
Charlie Mason
Michael J. Wright, City Manager
Elizabeth Deptula, Assistant City Manager
James Polatty, Planning and Development Director
William C. Baker, Public Works Director
Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director
Jerry Sternstein, Economic Development Director
Cynthia E. Goudeau, City Cler~
The City Manager called the meeting to order and distributed the membership
list and mission statement for the task force. He emphasized to the task force
that they are a public board and therefore subject to the requirements of the
Sunshine Law. He stated the City has made a bid on the Maas Brothers property
and the bankruptcy court has accepted it. There is a fifty day window in which
others can counter-bid. If there are no other counter-bids, it is anticipated
the City will own the property sometime in December as the fifty day time period
expires November 15, 1991.
Mr. Wright turned the meeting over to Mr. Baker, Public Works Director, who
presented aer i,a 1 s to give an tdea of' tftel &i s tory of the prof'erty. He stated in
1951 there was a service station on this corner. He distributed a booklet
ent it 1 ed n I nspect ion and Eva 1 uat ion of Maas Brothers Department Store Property".
Mr. Baker indicated that one of the most important determinations to be made by
the task force is where the 28' contour line lies on the property. The'reason
this is important is the charter restricts development of any publicly owned land
- below 28 feet. Mr. Baker presented a map showing the apparent natural line along
the top of the bluff. He also indicated the 281 line that existed when the rule
went lnto effect, at which time the Maas Brothers site was not owned by
Clearwater and therefore, not a part of the restriction.
Mr. Baker indicated there had been some restrictions on the original 1926
plat however, the property has been replatted and there is no limiting language
connected with the current plats.
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A question was raised regarding whether or not there were any restrictions
regarding the property's use and Mr. Wright indicated this has been searched and
there are no reversion clauses.
Wray Register left the meeting.
Mr. Baker reported on the building stating it would cost approximately
$350,000 to demo 1 ish, not i nc 1 ud i ng asbestos removal. The asbestos remova 1 wou 1 d
add approximately $200,000, which would result in the total cost for removing the
bUilding of $550,000. He reviewed the conclusions reached by staff stating the
bUilding needs a new roof, has water leakage and other problems. He stated the
bUilding is not energy efficient with the store reporting that it was
.experiencing an $18,000 per month electric bill prior to closure.
Di scuss ion ensued regarding the need to remove the asbestos. It was
indicated it is the City's position that friable asbestos needs to be removed and
is required to be removed if there is any substantial renovation to the building.
I n response to a quest i on, Mr. Baker i nd i ca ted the water prob 1 ems are
evident with a ground floor wall showing water damage. There are no
environmental concerns regarding this but it does have an impact on the need to
renovate the building.
In response to questions regarding whether or not there would be
contaminated soil left from the old service station, it was indicated when the
Maas Brothers bUilding was constructed, all of that soil was excavated.
I:} The meeting was turned over to Mr. Polatty, Planning and Development
Director, who reviewed the development elements with the task force. He stated
the building is currently nonconforming to the zoning code in regard to setbacks
and view corridor however, the use is permitted. He stated the use could
continue in the building as it is, however, any additions or modifications to the
building would require variances.
He reported if the building were taken down and new construction
undertaken, it would have to meet the current restrictions regarding a maximum
floor area ratio of 2, maximum density of 42 units per acre, a maximum height of
60', minimum setback requirements of 15' from the side and rear property lines,
or a minimum setback of 10' for side and rear property lines for buildings having
a height of 30' or less. Significantly impacting the development would be the
view corridor which would require 40% of the width of the property to be free of
bUildings for the purpose of providing a view corridor to Clearwater Harbor.
He stated any restrictions in the title have been resolved and the parking
required would depend on the use of the property. The impact of the concurrency
requi~ements would be minimal as the site is essentially grandfathered for 9,650
trips a day. He stated that once the area that could be developed is determined,
he could give more specifics regarding these development requirements.
Mr. Wright reported there is a total of 3.8 acres on the site however,
voter approval would be needed for development below the 28' contour line. The
upland property could be developed without a referendum.
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A question was raised regarding the impact of this if the City should
decide to sell the property to someone else. Mr. Wright indicated the sale of
the property would be subject to voter approval as well.
A question was raised regarding whether or not the City would be 1 iab1e for
the back taxes if they purchase the property and it was indicated Allied
Federated Stores would have to pay this cost.
Mr. Wright introduced Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director, who went
over the potential park development of the property. He displayed a map which
indicated the various deeds which had been received for the park site as well as
the Maas Brothers site. He reviewed the current status of Coachman Park and
5 ta ted the cost to deve 1 op the Maas s He as a part of the park wou 1 d be
approximately $306,000. He stated the current park costs $53,780 a year to
maintain. He provided a list of the current activities which occur in Coachman
Elizabeth Deptula, Assistant City Manager, reviewed the impact of the
removal of the Maas Brothers property from the tax roll. She stated there are
many taxing authorities on the tax roll however, she only addressed the Pinellas
County, CRA and City impacts. Taking the property off the tax roll will impact
the City' 5 Genera 1 Fund and the eRA revenue. The Genera 1 Fund wou 1 d loose
$19,697.88 of revenue and the CRA fund would loose approximately $11,700 if this
property is taken off the tax roll.
Joanne Faruggia left the meeting at this time.
t~~ Mr. Wright introduced Jerry Sternstein, Economic Development Director, who
went over the appraisers' opinions of the highest and best use for the property.
C.B. Commercial assessed the property with the highest and best use as an all
suites hotel. Millspaugh stated institutional or office development would be the
highest and best use. Mr. Sternstein handed out excerpts from the two appraisals
indicating the full appraisals were available if any of the task force members
wished to see them.
In response to a question regarding if individuals ask task force members
for copies of material, it was indicated the records are public and therefore
there would be no problem in providing the copies.
Mr. Wright reported at the next meeting the task force will tour the Maas
Brothers facility and elect a chairman.
Discussion ensued rega~ding a timeframe for the work of the task force and
consensus was .reached that they would attempt to complete their work within 150
days (end of March).
Discussion ensued regarding what day and time would be best for the
meetings and consensus was for 8:00 a.m. on Fridays.
Consensus was to set the next meeting for November 1st, at 8:00 a.m. Mr.
Wright will notify the task force of the meeting place.
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. In response'to a question, Mr. Wright indicated all of the aerials and
appraisals would be with his staff assistant, Denise Wilson.
The meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.
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