05/28/1996 (2) . . , ._~_'. _. .......~...~ .. . I ,I I . l ~ . I' II . I . I I ,.;(>. ," ,..: "f ... ~... , c, .. , f.' " I..: . ~ > I . ~" IJ " I '! i'. : < '$ J" ~ i': . ~.',~ " ,.' . . 0: I l,~' " ,.\.\-'>...... "'':..... ~ II!~ 't;:;'~'.. '.'. ' ' ',.' r . >~.' c':. ....., 1<. '. , . tl.i!)'.,1" ,n.-'..' ,,- 'f'e' ..~~'t~"'~h':')&"~~"";",:,,,' ';..'. , \, ". . c >. .' . '/~' < ~": . 'c. ' . I :..>~~, I t~'''' 'i'~~~~.!lj.!... ;.,_.... .' . " ',. . ... ~."If,.c~.3.... .. ~,';..",,~\"~'~(i .', . ,.' I..' I, .~ " c \ DRB Design Review Board Minutes .... " , Date' m Q "-, '. ./ a&J I ClQ(p. I. , ,'..' " . q ~cg ,) . ,. . t' " . ~ . . 1\ I) " .<. " '1 ,. . ,...-~....~___,_~o&.-___..~"'~. -' .."........_........,"*'"'\lrw(...,.j:j,.IJ..t.M;Jb,,'\....i.~ ..... ,J:._..l~' ',.'.. ....,'.,. . .~ j~ ~,.." '.;' ~c ,l)I"" ',. ~ , .......~....,.\,~I~"~.::a..k\.'\lb"','I\'J".ld;. ~IYJ.'.h"W..,"...",'l.;..", .. .... If '1+;N ;"'-~;"fW 'I-'ifM"'l........"ta........ ~ ..: ,.J" 'lc '.' .' . "'.< ';'.",::'.':\:/ ;', ': :1". I,. ~.' i~ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CITY OF CLEARWATER May 28, 1996 Present: William McCann Kathy Milam Robert Herberich MacArthur "Mac" Boykins Mark Cagni Alex Pliska Howard Hamilton Pamela K. Akin Don McCarty Gwen Legters Chair Vice Chair Board Mem ber Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member City Attorney Design Planner Board Reporter To provide continuity for research. the items are listed in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 3:00 p.m. in City Hall. Howard Hamilton was welcomed as a new member. Minutes Approval - May 14, 1996 f:> Member Milam moved to approve the minutes according to copies submitted in writing to each member by the Board Reporter. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. New Proposals for Design Review 1 . Robert Levison Community Center. Clearwater Housing Authoritv 210 Ewing Street Member Pliska declared a conflict of interest regarding this item and left the platform. Mr. McCarty verbally presented background information. The applicant wishes to improve the existing building without committing large sums to renovation. Because the subject property is in the area of the proposed downtown lake, the tenants might be forced to relocate in the future. After several meetings with the applicants to review the proposal, Mr. McCarty agreed exterior corrections are needed to provide consistency and make the building more presentable. Staff felt conditions support the request and recommended approval subject to selection of the final color scheme. ~';,;~ ~ Peter Gray and Alex Plisko, architects for the project, gave an overview of the proposal. Mr. Gray said the applicant wishes to remove a deteriorated metal canopy, leaving the steel framework in place and painting it a dark teal color. The existing brickwork is an orangey-yellow color. Large ,areas of existing white stucco will be mdrb05b.96 1 OS/28/96 '..... . :'. ....,:,;.t ..........:...:......__".~'--"~_~............~ ~ \ .' , . ;', .' . , . , ", " . .... , . ':., ~ . ; . i ". i". . '.' '. + "'~, _, .' ", . c > . >' c '., /, repainted e peach-toned cream color. The overhead framework will be augmented with wooden beams to create an open trellis effect over the sidewalk. The portion of the overhead structure at the front entrance will be covered with a pressure treated plywood and membrane system. to create a canopy shielding the entryway from the weather. This new canopy will be the same light color as the stucco. A series of low walls stepping back from the edge of the roof will hide rooftop mechanical units. These walls will be painted with a stylized streetscape, colors to match the rest of the building, and/or blue to blend with the sky. Mr. Gray said the color selection is final. On the northern end of the building, the trellis will remain open. The parking lot and sidewalk on the north side of the building are to be removed and the sidewalk replaced with landscaping. In response to a question, Mr. Gray said he is trying to work decorative planters into the limited budget. Discussion ensued regarding the sign across the front of the building. It was indicated the sign is to be comprised of 18 inch tall, individual letters made of PVC material. Concern was expressed that the metal stands supporting each letter will need to be strong enough to withstand high winds. Mr. Pliska responded to questions, clarifying that this proposal is a temporary solution. The Housing Authority does not want to stay in the building, but the City has not committed to buy the land yet. This proposal is designed to last only 8 to 10 years, as a low cost way to repair the damaged canopy and clean up the effect of the building. The ('.l\A!\ dumpster and air conditioning' units are not being addressed, because the intention is not ""t~ to save the building. Member Milam moved to approve Item 1 as presented. The motion was duly seconded. Members McCann, Milam, Herberich, Boykins, and Cagni voted "Aye"; Member Pliska abstained. Motion carried. Member Pliska returned to the platform at 3:25 p.m. Board and Staff DiscussIon Mr. McCarty said other designs are pending and the applications will likely come forward in June. He said Mr. Shuford hopes to attend in June. Central Permitting has modified their application forms for building, signage, walls and fence permits tor use as generic design review applications. In response to requests from Members Milam and Boykins, he will provide written staff reports and recommendations for each case whenever possible. He hoped staffing levels will increase in proportion with board business. Mr. McCarty distributed copies of a C-View TV programming schedule and the board attendance report for the past year. In response to a question from Member Hamilton, Mr. McCarty said the board meets every twice a month, except during August, September and D~cember, to allow for vacations. Mr. Hamilton was provided with a copy of the ~::J meeting schedule for the rest of the year. mdrb05b.96 2 OS/28/96 :<:::'::':'" '...... .::;',' '.: .', .....~...>. ":.':'::'.',:/'. ' ":' '.."':' .'." .....,.. . . ': ,....' '~.,.,...>...".. '\'.:' .'.....':;...:...1.::..'...'...;..:,. ,'.:,\.' . - ,,', ,...:',. .', ,.., .......'..:,:....:... ,", 'Q" '1'" ._~ . f......., " : ..'" ," ..'., . .' ., 'J~' .'...".. '. .... . . '" . " ,', '., I.....' , ...,...,. " '~~"". ..~..{.:.JI.,'.{I......,. ";.</\"'~. \l. ',',,' :...... '..... ,," ......: ~.: . :'1' 1':1' "I~""'.""'~';." /. , , ~ '~: . Pc . A c 1 ';', t~ Member Milam questioned the status of advertising the existence of the ORB for public education regarding the design guidelines and review process. Mr. McCarty is working with C-View personnel to prepare a report for broadcast. The Downtown Development Board is publicizing the ORB in its newsletters. Nothing is being mailed to Realtors or contractors at this time. In response to a question from Member Milam. Mr. McCarty hopes the board can review the Clearwater beach design guidelines and make a recommendation to the City Commission in July. ?:} City Attorney Pamela Akin gave an overview of the Sunshine Law and the Public Records law for the benefit of newer members. According to the Sunshine Law, members cannot speak to each other in person. by telephone, or through a third party. regarding issues likely to come before the board. Members may speak together in public, but not about board business. Members may speak to members of other boards about board business. While some penalties are attached, she said it would have to be proven a member intended to violate the law. Regarding the Public Records law, she said all documents related to board business are open to the public and available to be read by anyone. While some exemptions exist, the exemptions do not apply to the ORB. She cautioned members to ensure all documents and members' notes related to board business are kept in files available for public review. She recommended submitting documents related to closed files to the board's City liaison for proper retention and destruction through their department. Due to the nature of the board. she said there is no requirement to advertise ORB meetings. Posting notification of a meeting is sufficient. Some members did not feel their attendance was accurately reported. Staff will provide verification for the next meeting. Member Boykins questioned when members were notified of the attendance requirement. Mr. McCarty responded all members have been advised on more than one occasion regarding the importance of regular attendance. This was discussed in detail at the last meeting when members received copies of the Code regarding advisory board attendance requirements. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3:44 p.m. Attest: 'Board Reporter ~ mdrb05b.96 3 OS/28/96 :- iFt~~!:~;~~~~~~~~~~i,~tlc~~~"<~ :~".i~ . . i ::." t /~. ?:~" ., f .;. '!i v<> FORM 88 MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR 1/?h1 COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, AND OTHER lOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS I.AST NAME- fiRST NAME-MIUDl.E NAME NAME OF IIOARD, COUNCil., COMMISSION. ^UlIIORlrY, Olt COMMIHEE tj. P L I C;}?O UC x.. 13. 5/ tJ ~GIJI'E:W BoArzO t/S-,- MAII.ING ADDRESS THE IlOARD. COUNCIl. COMMISSION, AUTllORITY OR COMMlrlfl: ON b 0 nQ..J-t,;....J 7 f WUICIII SERVE IS A UNIT OF; o V r J-t:. pt.. CITY 0 COUlIoTY 0 OT/IER I.OCM. MiENCY CITY eQUNn e. t..&A I~J<I AT~P- IN G' LJG> N^MEO;;;~'7YliUDD01~: C, t:l3.ARY~An"fl- OATE ON WIIlCU VOTE OCCUR~E.D MY I'OSITION IS: r.." C ELECTIVE ~rl'OINTIVE WHO MUST fiLE FORM 88 This form is for use by any pcrson serving at the count)', diy, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Your responsibilities under the law when faced with a measure in which you have a connict of interest will vary greatly depending on whether you hold un elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the form. <) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES A person holding elective or appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a mc.1sure which inures to his special private: gain. Each elected or appointed local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure whieh inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained (including the parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate: principal by which he is retained); to the special private gain of a relative; or to the'special . private gain of a business associate. Commissioners of community redevelopmcnt agencies under Sec. 163.356 Or 163.357, F.s., and officers of independent special tax districts elected on a one-acre, one-vote basis are not prohibited from voting in that capacity. For purposes of this law, a "rclativc" includes only Ihe officer's father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother~in- law, son.in-Iaw, and daughter-inwlaw. A "busincss associatc" means any person or entity cngaged in or carrying on n business cnlerprise with the officer ns a partner, joint venturer, coowner of property, or corporate sharcholder (where the shares of the corporation are not listed on any national or regional stock exchange). ELECTED OFFICERS: In addition to abstaining (rom voting in the situations described above, you must disclosc the connicl: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and WlTHIN J5 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this fonn with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the (arm in the minutes. . APPOINTED OFFICERS: Although you must abstain from voting in the situations described above, you otherwise may participate in these matters. However, you must disclose the nature of the connict before making any attempt to innuence the decision, whether orally or in writing and '. whether made by you or at your direction. JF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATIEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH . . THE VOTE WLL BE TAKEN: .. U Y~umust complete and file this form (before making ~ny attempt to influence the decision) ,:",ith the 'person responsibie.'f~r i ,', re~~r?ing the minutes of ~he meeting, who ,will incorporate the form in the minut~s.. ,\' " .. '; " . . A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency. .',' . , . ~.' . L _.-_The form m~t be read publicly at the next meeling ailer the form is filed. . ,,-q. - . . .!. .' ~. ~ :. CE FORM liB. 10-91 PAoe I .; .' IF YOU MAKE NO ATfEMPTTO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT THE MEETING: . Vou must disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measntc before participating, . You must complcle the form llnd Iile it wilhin J5 days after the vote occurs 'with the person responsible for recording the minutt.~ the meeting, who must incorporate the form in the minutes. A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the 01 Ii!; I members of the 38ency,llnd the form must be rend publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed. DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST A t. r; x. ? t. 1t?!$C) , hereby disclose that on ;~2B ,19 9(0; I, (n) A mensure camt or will come before my agency which (check one) _ inured to my special private gain: _ inured to lhe special gain of my business associatc, _ inured to thc,special gain of my relative, v inuredtothespecialgainof C:t.6AR.Yf^TG..te.. f/Ot4~//V6t ,lJu 'T7-/tJ/'Z..lt" '/- whom J am retained; or _ inured to the special gain of is the parent organization or subsidiary of a principal which has retained me. (b) The measure before my agency and the nature of my confiicling interest in the measure is as follows: .FeZ i<. 013 e;rz.. r PG ? I ~ tV ,P rtl/fO S /{j C- e 0 1\001 V-,,/ l,( /'"..II ?- '/ ~'t t.J 15 <J ~ THe CON r&rL o/A/AJ6i? 8 Y C /,; ~J1-.P<I A 767l.- rI 0 r4 ? I tV" A (.,f 7f-/o(l-. / r Y I '. ~ - ,,'" Z;';- 2.f~) .... 7(0 / / .' .., / . "... , "... , , . "/1 .':'; ,'<../' Signature / /...,_,.. .', ,'>i . -t.- .>< /' 'd Date Filed , by . which NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES ~112.317 (1991), A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQlL~~JD DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOllOWiNG: IMPEACHMENT,REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCfION IN : SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. \ , CE FORM SD .10-91