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Members Absent:
Robert Herberich
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''1 September 26, 1995
Members Present:
Arthur Shand, Chair
William McCann
Kate McCullough
Mary Mavronicolas
Kathy Milam
Also Present:
Don McCarty, Associate Planner
Scott Shuford, Central Permitting Director
Vickie Davenport, Staff Asst. II
Chairman Shand called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m.
Don McCarty informed the Board that Mr. Herberich is absent, due to an illness. Also,
that Mr. Godwin had resigned from the Board and sent in his letter of resignation on
September 15, 1995.
A. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Kate McCullough moved approval.of minutes of September 12, 1995. The motion
was seconded by Kathy Milam. Minutes were approved by a vote of 5 to O.
B. Site Improvements Request: Downtown District
Don McCarty gave the background on 500 Cleveland St., owned by Church of
Scientology. He stated that the Church of Scientology is attempting to restore the
building back to it's original design. Their goal is to remove the brick and bench type
planter, along with the trash receptacles and replace them at their own expense. The
purpose of the hearing today before the Design Review Board, is to hear their request
and make a recommendation of Board findings that will go to the City Commission.
Mr. Shuford stated that two members of the Board are also members of the Design
Committee. Discussion regarding setting up a policy regarding this issue ensued.
Mr. McCarty reemphasized this issue, mentioning the Florida Sunshine Law, and how
it affects Board members. Mr. Shand noted that they aren't to discuss things outside
the meeting regarding issues that might come before the board.
Kathy Milam asked if the Design Review Subcommittee of the Downtown
Development Board operates under Sunshine Law.
ORB Minutes
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Mr. Shuford asked Mr. Shand if he or anyone else on the board is with another board.
The AlA was the only one he mentioned, and he is part of Design Committee, but
hasn't attended those meetings.
Mr. McCarty sent small, reduced drawings of the proposed improvements that were
to be made. He stated that there have been other changes now being requested.
James Bond, Church of Scientology, was present. He noted that he has worked with
the church for 12 years. Mr. Bond stated that Mary Story would be handing out
changes from the last downtown development design committee meeting and minutes
from that section of the meeting. He stated they have tried to put back the building
the way it looked originally. He wanted to address the sidewalk issue, a more modern
traffic light, planters, trash receptacles. Mr. Bond mentioned that later on he would
want in-ground up-lighting instead of lights downward on building or attached
The changes are proposed tree removal at the entry, which didn't get approved. He
showed pictures of how it looked in the 1920's and how the benches were oriented
perpendicular to the sidewalk, instead of facing traffic. He had drawings of three-
dimensional building with street lights and benches, noting that they dropped it to one
Mr. Shand observed that the brick planter and bench is different than what's currently
on the street. He asked how long the current benches/planters have been in place.
Mr. Shuford stated he thought about 6 years. Discussion ensued regarding pavers
and having it look the same as the ones currently in place, since time ages these
Mr. Bond stated they were not trying to change the area. He stated that if the
proposal is approved, he will get with Mark Roether, from Parks and Recreation
Department to get the best possible suggestion for bench material. Discussion about
having an arm rest in the bench style, showing the board members a picture of the
one they are suggesting they use.
Discussion ensued regarding the Design Committee and what is required. Comments
were made regarding trash that collects under the current planters and looks awful.
Board members discussed keeping uniformity in the downtown area, benches, trash
receptacles, street lighting, and if new business ownerships would have to conform
to one theme or being able to do in front of their stores what they like.
Mr. Shand mentioned that the board doesn't have guidelines approved by the City
Commission as yet, and to remember the board is there to only make suggestions.
He stated that more lighting, architecturally, is better in a downtown area, in his
ORB Minutes
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opinion. Streetscape needs to be uniform, leaving the trees and having flowers
underneath would really enhance downtown. He commented that he likes the planter
idea, but seems to block parking on side of road.
Discussion ensued with Mr. Shuford regarding how many years before the style being
used could be converted and stay uniform throughout the city. Discussion moved to
the trash receptacles with Mr. Bond showing them a picture of what they wanted to
use. The board members seemed to approve of the design. Mr. McCarty stated that
he has talked to Parks and Recreation Department and what they are planning to use
in Coachman Park.
Discussion then moved to the awning material used and that they wanted to use the
iron awning, but couldn't on the Ft. Harrison side of the building.
Mr. McCarty pointed out that the bench length shown would impede pedestrian
walking, and it would have to be either 6 or 7 foot, instead of the 8 foot proposed.
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Mr. Shuford stated that City Commission would have to approve the proposal, then
because it is a state road, they would need a permit from Florida Department of
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Discussion ensued regarding traffic control devices, how to creatively disguise them
so they aren't so obvious. Mr. Shuford stated that he understood the consensus of
the board to be that these features would be a dramatic improvement to the
streetscape and compliment the existing building and that they are supportive of the
changes in not only this area, but the whole downtown area.
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Mary Mavronicolas is worried that anyone can put them in front of their building, now
or later. Mr. Shand stated that is the reason they need to establish guidelines. He
also stated that site lighting enhances night time downtown depending how it is done;
whether by ingrade lighting or lampposts. He felt that the church coming before the
board was a little premature for the board. He mentioned that the city should
consider looking into the obtrusive things, like the traffic control boxes.
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As no motion could be taken on this issue, Mr. Shand thanked Mr. Bond for coming
today, and hoped the suggestions from the board were helpful. The Board's favorable
response to the proposal will be forwarded to the City Commission.
A brief discussion between board members ensued regarding types of architectural
styles used in different cities.
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Mr. Shuford stated he needed to leave the meeting at this point, as he was needed
back at the office.
ORB Minutes
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C. Board Discussion
1. Decision of Meeting Dates for 1995
Mr. McCarty directed the board's attention to the memo regarding proposed meeting
dates for the last quarter of 1995. Discussion ensued regarding the dates: October
10 & 24, November 14, and December 12. Mr. McCarty explained why the
November 14th meeting will have to be held in the City Hall Annex, due to the
Planning and Zoning Board already being scheduled for that date. November 28th
date was added to the proposed dates.
Motion was made by Kathy Milam regarding the dates stated above. Kate
McCullough seconded the motion. The motion carried 5 to O.
2. Distribution of additional items
Mr. McCarty handed out to the board members small maps of the three designated
districts in Clearwater, so it would be easier for them to find locations. He also stated
that he had extra copies of ordinances if anyone needed them.
Map discussion of beach district regarding Bayside Drive and Devon Street not being
on map, which is because it is only residential. Mr. Shand stated that maybe it should
state where commercial properties are, versus residential properties.
3. Further Discussion of Design Guidelines
Mr. McCarty said he has been investigating other cities, regarding these cities having
a Design Review Board. He stated that he has not heard one that has a ORB, rather
mainly historic or architectural boards. St. Augustine has five historic districts and a
architectural board and are sending information to him. Mr. McCarty will keep the
board updated in the information received. He mentioned that he spoke to Mr.
Shuford about making arrangements to visit one. Kate McCullough suggested calling
Mr. McCarty informed the board that the city has a new assistant attorney starting
soon, who comes from Key West, and has speciality background in historic, and land
development and will be working with the Planning and Zoning Board and the Design
Review Board. Her name is Leslie Dougall-Sides.
Mr. McCarty informed the board that he had discussed with the City Attorney some
board members questions regarding mandating things to be done, or whether but the
Board can only suggest ideas, not demand them. He also mentioned the new act in
Florida regarding when board or commission decisions adversely affect citizens have
ORB Minutes
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more to do with development rights, not architectural rights.
Guideline setting discussion ensued regarding architectural styles, elements and
materials, pictures of buildings downtown or at the beach. Compatibility issue was
discussed at last meeting. Mary Mavronicolas brought pamphlets from the Clearwater
Beach Hotel.
Kathy Milam asked about historic buildings, and protection issues. She stated the
Church of Scientology Building looks very nice. Redevelopment and protection are
important issues.
Mr. McCarty stated that eligible sites would follow our guidelines and criteria, when
the board sets them up, and even a historical analysis of a building could be included
where appropriate before any changes can be made.
Kate McCullough suggested getting a survey of historic buildings, information
regarding matching grants, funds proposal written for survey to be done. She also
stated that the historic tour brochure tells when buildings were built.
Mr. McCarty suggested having Mike Saunders, of the Clearwater Historic Society,
come to the next meeting to discuss and share information with the Board.
Mr. Shand stated that since the Church of Scientoloy came and took up most of our
meeting time, he has to leave and get back to office by 5:00. He asked if Kate would
bring back the books she brought today to the next meeting. She asked what specific
area or buildings those on the board were interested in and she would be glad to do
more research and bring back those things specifically.
The majority of the board likes the 1920's look for downtown, but don't want to limit
it to just that. Would like it to have an interesting look, giving encouragement to
business owners to be creative with styles.
Kate McCullough had a suggestion regarding the design committee, and their
consultants. Maybe this board should start there, with their guidelines and see what
their criteria is. The board agreed that the two boards should agree, having the same
foundation to start on, instead of trying to accomplish two different things.
D. Chairman's Items None.
E. Director's Items None.
F. Board and Staff Comments
Mr. McCarty stated that Mr. Bond volunteered to work closely with him regarding
interests of the board and incorporating those ideas into the end result on Cleveland
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ORB Minutes
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Invitation to the ORB members to attendthe next Design Committe meeting, October
. 18th at 5:30, in the former Clearwater Bank Building Conference room.
G. . Adjournment
Motion to adjourn was made by Kate McCullough, seconded by Bill McCann. Time:
4:45 p.m.
Design Review Board
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