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January 16, 1974
The meeting opened at 1:00 P.M. with the following present:
Guy L. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman
Larry W. Lord, Secretary
Frank Daniels
Chester B. McMullen, Jr.
R. G. Whitehead
Rev. Thomas M. Johnston
The application of the Upper
Foundation (March of Dimes),
verbally approved to solicit
January 31, 1974 was present
Daniels moved to confirm the
Mr. Lord seconded the motion
Representing City Attorney
Jr. Chamber of Commerce
Police Chief
Chamber of Commerce
City Clerk
Ministerial Association
Pinellas Chapter, National
which had previously been
from December 31, 1973 to
ed for confirmation. Chief
approval for the March of Dimes.
which carried unanimously.
The next application to be confirmed having been verbally
approved previously, was that of the Friendship Missionary
Baptist Church, for solicitation of funds from January 7,
1974 to April 62 1974. Chief Daniels moved to confirm the
verbal approval for the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church.
Mr. McMullen seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The last application to be presented for confirmation, having
been previously verbally approved, was that of the Salvation
Army to solicit funds from November 23, 1973 to December 31,
1973. Mr. McMullen moved to confirm the prior approval of
the Salvation Army application. Motion was seconded by
Chief Daniels and carried unanimously.
The application of the American Legion Auxilialry, Post 71
Unit 7, to solicit funds on February 22nd and 23rd, 1974 was
presented for consideration. Chief Daniels moved to approve
the request of the American Legion Auxiliary. Motion was
seconded by Mr. McMullen and carried unanimously.
The application of the Central Florida Chapter, Leukemia,
Society of America, Inc. to solicit from March 12 1974 to
March 31, 1974 was considered next. A brief discussion ensued
on the financial statement because of various questions that
had arisen last year. Chief Daniels moved to approve the
application of the Leukemia Society. Mr. Lord seconded the
motion which carried unanimously.
The Mental Health Association of Pinellas County, Inc.
application was considered at this time, with their solici-
tation to start the latter part of December and end February
163, 1974. Mr. McMullen moved to approve the application of
the Mental Health Association. Chief Daniels seconded the
motion which carried unanimously.
The application of the Suncoast Heart Association, to solicit
funds during the month of February was then considered.
Mr. McMullen moved to approve the application of the Suncoast
Heart Association. Mr. Lord seconded the motion which carried
fund raising expenses`: Chief Daniels moved to approve the
application, but that the discrepancy in their material is to
be brought to their attention. Mr. Lord seconded the motion
which carried unanimously.
The request of the Pinellas County Unit, American Cancer Society
was considered next for their solicitation during the month of
April 1974. In discussing the application it was found that
Item #10,- relating to expenditures, stated there would be no
expenses but the report of campaign receipts and disbursements
for the previous fiscal year would indicate that there were
The last application to be considered was that of the League
of Women Voters of the Clearwater area to solicit funds from
March 7th to March 21st, 1974. Mr. Lord moved that the request
of the League of Women Voters be approved. Mr. McMullen
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The minutes of the meeting of October 103, 1973 were presented
for approval. Hearing no objections the Chairman declared the
minutes approved as submitted in writing to each member. There
being no further business the meeting adjourned at 2:00 P.M.