01/17/1973 CLARITY SOLICITATIONS BOARD Minutes Date 716 ! ?R I9 ?(`° . CHARITY SOLICITATIONS BOARD January 17, 1973 The meeting opened at 1:40 P.M. with the following present: Guy L. Kennedy„ Jr., Chairman Representing City Attorney Rev. Thomas M. Johnston Ministerial Association Chester B. McMullen, Jr. Chamber of Commerce R. G. Whitehead City Clerk Absent: Larry W. Lord, Secretary Jr. Chamber of Commerce Frank Daniels Police Chief The Chairman called the meeting to order with the first application being that of the Central Florida Chapter, Leukemia Society. Present at the meeting were Mrs. Amy Bravo Newberry, Executive Director, and Mr. Don Chicosky, representing; the National Leukemia Society. A lengthy discussion ensued with Mr. Kennedy and other board members asking numerous questions, particularly relating to their financial statement where they showed assets of $270.00 and liabilities of $2,100 or a deficit of $1,830. Another item that was questioned was titled Tax Refund Receivable. It was pointed out that this was at least the second year that a deficit balance had been shown on their financial statement. Mr. McMullen moved that the application of the Central Florida Chapter, Leukemia Society, for solicitation during the month of March, 1973 be approved subject to the organization correcting; accounting; deficiencies and receipt of a letter from Mrs. Newberry agreeing to take the steps to institute a better system of accounting. Motion was seconded by Reverend Johnston and carried unanimously. The next application to be considered was that of the March of Dimes or National Foundation. The request had been approved at w evious meeting subject to representative being present at this meeting., A Mr. Gene Pacula, District Field Representative of the National Foundation was present. Mr. Kennedy read a letter from Mr. Richard Delker, the president of the local chapter, attempting to explain the excessive cost of raising; their funds. As neither Mr. Delker or other representatives could be present, Mr. Pacula took their place. He explained that the organization and the local chapters are trying to streamline and cut costs to bring the fund raising costs below 20%. It was shown that past performances were over 20% for some years and the projected budget showed a cost of raising the funds of approximately 27%. The Board, particularly Mr. McMullen, spoke of the high salaries being; paid at the National it 1-17-73 headquarters and other board members asked questions based on a report of the National.Information Bureau. By consent it was agreed that a letter should be sent to Mr. Delker thanking him for his cooperation, approving of Mr, Pacula being present and notifying them that the Board will check carefully in the future, The next item to be considered was that of the American Legion Auxiliary, Turner-Brandon Unit #7 for them to hold a Poppy Sale on February 16th and 17th. Reverend Johnston moved that the application be approved. Mr. McMullen seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The American Cancer Society's application requested approval ofsolicitation during the month of April. With everything being found in order, Reverend Johnston moved that the application be approved, Mr. McMullen seconded the motion which.!carried unanimously. t The last application to be considered was that of the Suncoast Heart Association to solicit during the month of February. As the application was in order, Mr. McMullen moved that the application of the Suncoast Heart Association be approved. Reverend Johnston seconded the motion which carried unanimously. j? The City Clerk reported that the application of the American Vital Organ Transplant Foundation had been withdrawn at this time. He also reported that the County Charity Board had received some information regarding an organization known as World Changes Inc, based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The minutes of the meeting of December 13, 1972 were presented for approval. Hearing no objections the Chairman declared the minutes approved in accordance with copies submitted to the Board in writing. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3;20 P.M. i Oct eta 2, r ' pI. 1-17-73