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November 12, 1969
The meeting opened at 4 P.M. with the following present:
Reverend P. W. McBride, Chairman
Irving W. Dribben, Secretary
"'Frank Daniels
R. G. Whitehead
Joe R.' Wolfe
Ministerial Association
Chamber of Commerce
Police Chief
City Clerk
Jr. Chamber of Commerce
*Absent at first of meeting. Came in later.
Absent: .
Guy L. Kennedy
Representing City Attorney
The Chairman called the meeting to order. The minutes of the meet-
ing of October 27, 1969, were presented for approval. Mr. Dribben '
moved that the minutes of October 27, 1969, be approved in accor-
dance with copies submitted,to each Board member in writing. Motion
was seconded by Chief Daniels and carried unanimously. .
The Chairman announced the continuance of the request of United
Veterans Councils of America, Inc. Mr. Jack Lipsy was' present rep-
resenting the council and stated that he was elected Vice-Commander
of the national organization recently with Mr. Gerry Echement being
Commander of the national group. He gave a resume of his experience
with rescue groups in the north and stated that he would oversee the
operation but the truck ,and equipment would belong to the local
group. He said the St. Petersburg Fire Chief approved the project
and wanted to be able to call on the p,roup when needed. Chief Daniels
arrived at this time. Mr. Lipsy further stated they would monitor the
citizens band, fire and police radios. He presented a list of items
of equipment needed Which he said totaled about $4~600. He went on
to say the truck would furnish a rescue and first aid service with
volunteers manning the equipment and that they would be fully insured
e~cept for transportation of the public. In answer to a question, he
stated the solicitation would be by mail and personal contact, mainly
with business men interested in the project, and possibly displaying
the truck at shopping centers with donations being solicited. After
further discussion, Mr. Wolfe moved to approve the application of the
United Veterans Councils of America, Inc., for solicitation of funds
from October 16, 1969 to January 15, 1970. Chief Daniels seconded
the motion which carried unanimously.
The application of the Salvation Army to conduct a solicitation for
its Christmas Welfare Relief Program from November 20 to December
31, 1969 was presented. Chief Daniels moved to approve the applica-
tion of the Salvation Army. Mr. Wolfe seconded the motion which
carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the
meeting adjourned at 5
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