09/04/1968 " . . : , . .. -~- --......- .. . --' ..,.... - > ..' '!. . , . , ' "/l ~. . "" ' ,. " . "I' . " , ' I"" '. .1, 4'~'J.'~~~,~,.~~" :l'~.;'~""''\".\'''''''-'''''''k'''::''''..+o.,~,.",,,,,,_,: ,". . . , . _ . ..\ ...... . ~..H; I" '. .. ",' CHARITY SOLICITATIONS BOARD Minutes " Date 47~ , ' , , . , , . l ~_. , . -...,. .~4flvHlo~"""'" " ,:.,.,/:'....:... ':'.',' " . '.: ',:',':,',' 'I;, '~'>""""":':J;":'\::" '\,,",,' ....::.:.e.:>~~.,~;.<.:,.,.,>,:,' ,,;,-..:< .<'.:.:::..,':,':',:<:'.'...'..,',:,'/',..:':..:.,..::';<-;:;','':::'''''''.<;:'~''::':,~',:,~':. \.\.,:_' " I I': ',: ." ::;,.'~"'.:-,." It-,"" 'u.' '::, ....".. """L~"" '.' "".". ,:' ":"",'.~': ....':...; :'" ,:.': ':', . \': ' ':.' " . : t.'.'.,',',,',' ::<::~:"'.i~":'.">: '. ,',.',_ ';:, ),':,,;C"' ',..,<,.:.~. :::'.:" 'i,'" ",:.:'~r- ,"', .,:..... ::::"".'i::;"'::':>':':':':'::"'~":"'''''<;::<:: :,~;:': I ' . '~.' '.' . . ~ . . . ," , ..' .l~.....~__~._.._........_..!.....~..... ,', .' ., .' " . -l. " ", ~I,' .: oJ ~ ....,~ .~" . ! ,) r; ! ,..' ~ CHARITY SOLICITATIONS BOARD September 4, 1968 The meeting opened at 1:30 P.M. with the following present: Rev. P. W. McBride, Chairman Irving W.Dribben Joe R. Wolfe Guy L. Kennedy, Jr. R. G. Whitehead Ministerial Association Chamber of Commerce Jr. Chamber of Commerce Representing City Attorney City Clerk Absent: Frank Daniels Police Chief The Chairman called the meeting to order. Mr. Wolfe moved that the minutes of meetings of July 3rd, and August 9th, 1968, be approved in accordance with copies submitted to each Board member in writing. Motion was seconded by Mr. Kennedy and carried unanimously. c ,:) The City Clerk called to the attention of the Board that Chief Willis Booth had been secretary of the Board, but due to his retirement it would be necessary for the Board to elect a new secretary. After a brief discussion Mr. Kennedy moved that Mr. Dribben be elected secretary of the Clearwater Charity Solicitations Board. Mr. Wolfe seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The application of the Clearwater Jaycees to SOlicit funds from September 7th to September 30th for assistance to Olympic athletes was presented for consideration. Mr. Domenic Maconi and Mr. J. Phillips, Jr. were present representing the Jaycees. They ex- plained that the project was sponsored by the National Jaycees and Thorn McAn Shoe Stores. In answer to a question they said that they had no financial statement as this was an entirely new and different project, but while they did not expect to retain any funds they were authorized by the state and national groups to retain up to 10% of the donations to cover expenses. Further discussion ensued at the end of Which the Board dis- missed the representatives. Mr. Kennedy moved that the 15 day requirement of the ordinance be waived. Mr. D~ibben seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Kennedy moved that the application of the Clearwater Jaycees be approved subject to a report of the donations and expenses of the solicitation being furnished to the Board within 30 days after conclusion of the drive. Mr. Dribben seconded the motion which carried unanimously. There'being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1J:t,~ 2:10 P.M. ,.;:;J ~xlf. &/kflf~ ecre ry J:?':_; '."; ',' :.i. ;:"<::'i,':J??:':\;:;':,v', ,:;':('i.;;'.'\:;'8 \;.J:.~:::;~:t'.;i:(\":.:~">?/::,,;U.,X'I\.'j:f;:}::',,;t.;,;::\';:~ ;r;; ,'" ., '.' ..., ". ".,' I., ,.... '.' I, '." J'''' ""'J ,&.?I :.' '...'ir ,Lit , '" ...",J"", ,5)...., .' '. \' I., , ""'0 .\, ',". ""',, -l" I ~:' .'~' ,~~..., '+.,....,,' .'.".;.',"", ::fJ,:".;...~,;TI ...:,:....:.,: /','.\.;.,:.~ ':''''1''.'' ~.~I".': ,I:''''~'', ..,.i:......'.I.l,j..".