03/06/1968 :<'.~' ... . I .. I ~ '. " ('. . , .:. " , I , I' ' . , C .,: I" . . ,1' '. " . ". . ,. , .. . ,,'. .' , e ,\"t,,, :.:'1 r~~, ',\. ~:" : :":' :. ,~::, ;,J:{r< I:~:<~ c', ...." t~ty.~., ::"1: ~.,. _'~ ~~'II:' ., '.<, . ~,,,,,,,,~,,,\,,~,~,p'~r.r"..-.....,.,." ',. T'.' ,,' " ", .. . ""', ' ., CHARITY '. . SOLICITATIONS BOARD Minutes . Date . (,8 , t/ tf.c; l(, , .::>,::..~::..:_. ',"" .,'" " ;.... '.:. ','.1.,' . ,': ::.: ."::-,.,::'..,):.':.~.':<:':,,:::' .::......::...:.;:'.<:.::..:.,".:':...; ,'.'" .::.';'.::".' :' .... :::.;. .....';.~',..:.....:::.<,:::\:.'..:.. ,'.':)1':,:.':.:'~'i::~::~:;.':'::.;':~': :>~:;:~'::"'::"::'.':.<......:.,':,<.\'.::,":"'.:.~.\:';,:: . .,',.. .'. .'\, ....' , p'. .',' :." ..... ..,,',' "l~' '. "':u '.k,',C"" .,' '0' ",', :.' .'. '.' '.: ::'. ,,': :'i'... :,> :.;'i, . :.',: ''':'' '.' :,:..... :".;. ;':::.:: .:~ :./ .:....:,',':::...~:.: .~<...~...\:. ,;,::'::'~".~;f .., .': ,::'~':':."'.'.., :'~:":':'>"/~.~:J;.:'::' ",:"'<" ':".71:: ,:'~":>~':;',; .,':::;"/: :.::":: ':'::..,: '~:"":,: :':<':I,'::>rj>':::,:':~:~ '11;";' ,.:',~,.:I i. ~_,__-:,~_._..._';"'...,...._.' " " " ':',"" ';, .<' I. . \ .:.~. " , ' < f, '. c> \ ~ . ,. .' . , "' /::2.0 ~ CHARITY SOLICITATION BOARD March 6, 1968 The meeting opened at 11:00 A.M. with the following present: Rev. P. W. McBride, Chairman Willis Booth, Secretary Irving W. Dribben Joe Wolfe Guy L. Kennedy, Jr. R. G. Whitehead Ministerial Association Police Chief Chamber of Commerce Jr. Chamber of Commerce Representing City Attorney City Clerk o The Chairman called the meeting to order. Mr. Kennedy moved that the minutes of the meeting of February 12, 1968 be approved in accordance with copies submitted to each Board member in writing. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dribben and carried unanimously. The application of the Operation Forgotten American Servicemen was presented for consideration. Mr. William Dufoe, President, was present and explained the operation of the project. The Board requested that the time of solicitation portion of the application be made more definite and therefore Mr. Dufoe amended the applica- tion to show the ending date as May 6th, 1968, with the understand- ing that they could either request an extension or file a new application for another period. Chief Booth moved that the 15-day requirement be waived and that the application be approved as amended. Mr. Wolfe seconded the motion which carried unanimOUSly. The application of the Tall Ceda~s of Lebanon to conduct a solici- tation on March 22nd and 23rd, 1968, was presented for consideration. After a brief discussion Mr. Kennedy moved that the application of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon be approved. Mr. Dribben seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The City Clerk reported that the Clearwater Youth Council of the NAACP had not submitted a written financial report on Monday, February 26th, as required in their permit. It was also pointed out that their permit would expire on Thursday, March 7th. After discussion Mr. Kennedy moved that the City Clerk write a letter to Ray Green with a carbon copy being sent to the vice-president of the organization, Claxton Boykin, pointing out the requirement of the permit regarding reports had not been complied with and the final report would be due on Monday, March 11th. Mr. Wolfe seconded the motion which carried unanimously. o There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:35 A.M. (! 1f, mBJ ~ Clia~rman ':>::':_' . ".:, ,'. .':. "'. "':~.' ..... .....:,;):~;:::,,;:i;\:';S.::':;:,'.,..,::::'.:::.:'\:;'J;\ :/,,;".,:',r:r;,'i~C d, ',-- ."..\ 1 '.' ; "',,:1, .- ;. ",;. .,.. t. ,. ;. " ,'U...' ' ; ~\\. ..;.. 'f ;1"'" . ,',..'., '" " . .,"- . I, .' .." 'r:,,:,:.' " :', ", '.'. ,v.:.: .'-:::.) }(::', '''i .'{;.' '. :: ., ',:;"'/::11~" ,<,: ,0.\:': ;:,::; .: ';';\ :.' "<,"; 1,;;..:.;..'".....,1..:.::,. :.... '. '<':<'