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February 12, 1968
The meeting opened at 10 A.M. with the following present:
Rev. P. W. McBride, Chairman
Willis Booth, Secretary
Irving W. Dribben
Joe R. Wolfe
Guy L. Kennedy, Jr.
R. G. Hhitehead
Ministerial Association
Police Chief
Chamber of Commerce
Jr. Chamber of Commerce
Representing City Attorney
City Clerk
Also present:
Merrett R. Stierheim
City Manager
The Chairman called the meeting to order. Mr. Dribben moved that
the minutes of the meeting of January 9, 1968 be approved in
accordance with copies submitted to each Board member in writing.
Motion was seconded by Chief Booth and carried unanimously. Then
followed a lengthy discussion regarding the Clearwater Youth
Council of the NAACP.
The application of the Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children
and Adults of Pinellas County, Inc., which had been verbally
approved previously was presented for confirmation. Mr. Wolfe
moved that the previous verbal approval be confirmed. Mr.
Kennedy seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The application of the Clearwater Youth Council, NAACP was pre-
sented for consideration. Ray Green, President, was present. He
explained that there were no paid officials; that they hoped to
send 12 to the National Convention; that the local council includes
Safety Harbor, Tarpon Springs, etc. and that part of the proceeds of
the solicitation would go to the adult group to provide legal funds.
Mr. Kennedy moved that the 15 day requirement of the ordinance be
waived for this application. Mr. Dribben seconded the motion which
carried unanimously.
The Board then proceeded to set up certain requirements and re-
strictions which Mr. Green agreed to. Mr. Wolfe moved that the
application be approved subject to the solicitation being conducted
in the downtown business area and North Greenwood business area,
that only specified people be allowed to solicit, that a financial
report be submitted to the City Clerk on February 26, and March 11,
showing amount received to date from said solicitations, the amount
dispersed to date and the name and address of accounts and banks where
funds are deposited, and that the specified solicitors carry written
credentials when soliciting, that if any improper conduct is noted
that the Board will revoke the permit and that it be understood that
the Board in no way endorses the activities or purposes of the appli-
cant. Mr. Kennedy seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
There being no further business the meet'
adjourned at 12:20 P.M.
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