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February 3, 1967
The meeti~g opened at 2:15 P.M. with the following present:
Willis Booth, Secretary
Irving W. Dribben
Guy L. Kennedy, Jr.
R. G. Whitehead
Police Chief
Chamber of Commerce
Representing City Attorney
City Clerk
Rev. P. W. McBride, Chairman
Joseph G. Donahey, Jr.
Ministerial Association
Jr. Chamber of Commerce
In the absence of the Chairman, Secretary Chief Booth assumed
the Chair and called the meeting to order. Mr. Dribben moved
that the minutes of the meeting of January 25th, 1967 be
approved in accordance with copies submitted to each Board
member in writing. Motion was seconded by Mr. Kennedy and
carried unanimously.
The application of the Clearwater Chapter #11 Disabled
American Veterans which had been continued from the two
previous meetings was presented for consideration. Mr.
Edward Tietjen", and Mr. Joseph Tenner were present represent-
ing the organization and filed a list of expenditures from
the profits of the last year's solicitation. In reply to a
question, Mr. Tietjen explained that 10% of the profit goes
to the state organization. Mr. Kennedy moved that the" appli-
cation of the Clearwater Chapter #11 Disabled American
Veterans for their annual forget-me-not sale on February
23~d, 24th, and 25th be approved. Mr. Dribben seconded the
motion whiCh carried unanimously.
The application of Clearwater Forest #166, Tall Cedars of
Lebanon of the United States, for solicitation on March 17th
and 18th was presented for consideration. The Board raised
'a question as to why there should be two solicitations for
Muscular Dystrophy Associations Inc., one by the Muscular
Dystrophy Association Inc., and one by the Tall Cedars of
Lebanon. Mr. Dribben moved that the application be approved,
but that a letter be written to suggest that they join with
the Muscular Dystrophy Association in the future. Mr. Kennedy
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The application of the Pine lIas County Society for Crippled
Children and Adults, Inc., for a Lily Day Sale, a mail campaign
and coin containers, from February 20th to March 26th was pre-
sented for consideration. Mr. Dribben moved that the applica-
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cation of the Pinellas County Society for Crippled Children
and Adults, Inc., be approved as presented. Mr. Kennedy
" sec'onded the, motion which carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeti~g adjourned at
2:40 P.M."
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