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April 5, 1966
~ The meeting opened at 2:10 P.M. with the following present:
Rev. P. W. McBride, Chairman
Willis Booth, Secretary
Irving W. Dribben
Joseph G. Donahey, Jr.
Guy Kennedy, Jr.
R. G. Whitehead
Ministerial Association
Police Chief
Chamber of Commerce
Jr. Chamber of Commerce
Representing City Attorney
City Clerk
The Chairman called the meeting to order. Mr. Kennedy moved that
the minutes of the meeting of March 8, 1966, be approved in
accordance with copies submitted to each Board member in ~iting.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Donahey and carried unanimously. '
The application of the Multiple Sclerosis Society was presented
for consideration. Mrs. Eloise Cozens, Executive Director of the
Gulf Coast Chapter, was present. She explained that the Gulf Coast
Chapter included six counties and explained that their percentage
of expenditures to income was high due to it being the first major
drive and they expected a lower percentage this year and subse-
quently. She also stated that expenditures included installation
and rent of telephones, rent of office, five telephone operators,
plus a typist, and post office mailing permit. Mr. Kennedy moved
to defer action on the application until a breakdown of all
expenses, including solicitation and administrative expenses, was
received, which receipt was to be no later than April 18th.
Mr. Donahey seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
. The application of the Salvation Army which had been approved
verbally was presented for confirmation. Mr. Donahey moved to
confirm the verbal approval of the application of the Salvation
Army. Mr. Kennedy seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The application of the Clearwater Little Leagues, Inc., was
presented for consideration. Mr. Kennedy moved to approve the
application of the Clearwater Little Leagues, Inc. Mr. Donahey
, seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:15 P.M.
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