04/25/1963 CHA,Rl-T,,Y' S01CITATIONS LBOARD Minutes 850 ,3-3 CHARITY SOLICITATIONS BOARD April 25, 1963 The mee'ting opened at 1:30 P.M. with the following present: Joseph L. Coggan, Chairman Rev. C. M. Harris Guy L. Kennedy, Jr. R. G. Whitehead Absent were: Jr. Chamber of Commerce Ministerial Association Asst. City Attorney City Clerk Willis Booth, Secretary William Wise Police Chief Chamber of Commerce The Chairman called the meeting to order and presented the min- utes of March 28, 19639 for approval. Mr. Kennedy moved that the minutes of the meeting of March 280 1963 be approved in accordance with copies submitted to each Board member in writing. Motion was seconded by Rev. Harris and carried unanimously. The application of ALSAC was presented for consideration with Mrs. Pat Hutchison, State Director, being present. She stated that there are no paid employees in the solicitation of funds; that the organization has no connection with the Leukemia Society; that any child would be treated at St. Jude's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, at no charge, and pointed out that ALSAC treats the disease, whereas the Leukemia Society researches the causes, but that St. Jude's. Hospital. also has a research lab- oratory for the study of Leukemia and related blood diseases. Rev. Harris moved that the application of ALSAC be approved for solicitation May 5, 1963, subject to the receipt of 1963 finan- cial statements relating to the drives in Largo, St. Petersburg and Tampa. Mr. Kennedy seconded the motion which was approved unanimously. Mr. Coggan wished that his statement be made a matter of record, that the Board realizes the difficulties, but hoped that ALSAC and the Leukemia Society could make arrangements for a combined drive in the future. An amended application of the American Cancer Society was pre- sented which requested the addition of a tag day on April 26 at Cleveland Plaza Shopping Center. It was pointed out that this amendment had been verbally approved previously, by a quorum of the Board. Mr. Kennedy moved to confirm the verbal approval of the amendment of the application of the American Cancer Society. Rev. Harris seconded the motion which carried unanimously. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 2:10 P.M. OA:Lrdan ? ecre ary