,January.19, 1961
The meeting opened at 2:00 P.M. with the following present:
Walter Titzel, Chairman
Mrs. E.. J. Daniels Secy.
Col. J. H. Watkins
R. G. Whitehead
Chamber of Commerce
Merchants Association
Ministerial Association
Better Business Bureau
City Clerk
Chairman Titzel called the meeting to order. Col. Watkins
moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of January 6,
1961 be approved in accordance with copies submitted to each
board member in writing. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Daniels
and carried unanimously.
The board had requested a representative of the Suncoast
Heart Association be present to explain some items in their
Financial Statement presented with their application for
solicitation during the month of February, 1961. Mrs.
Margaret Mattson, Executive Director, and John Chesnut, Jr.,
President of the Upper Pinellas Heart Council, were present.
Mrs. Mattson explained that the item "Contribution Received
in National Office" in the amount of $105,583-46 was left
by the estate of a..Clearwater man and. transmitted directly
to the New York Office; but was, credited to the local chapter.
The item "Excess of Income over Expenses" in the amount of
70,591.45 was explained by Mrs. Mattson, who said that
155 ,373.00 went for research for the 3-county area served
er. She broke this down by saying that
by the Suncoast Chapt
x.0,000.00 .00 went to a Senior Research Fellowship at the Uni-
versity of Florida; $9,373.00 to Grants in Aid; and $6,000.00
to the Mound Park Hospital Gerontology Project. The balance
of the 070,591.45 went to such things as setting up a Clear-
water Cardiac Clinic, a Clearwater Nursing School, Seminars
for Doctors, and Stroke Seminars for Nurses -- with some
balance being retained for operating expenses at the beginning
of the next fiscal year.
Col. Watkins moved that the application be approved and that
permission be given for the identification tags to be stamped
with the City of Clearwater Solicitation Permit Number. Rev.
Waller seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at
2:30 P.M*
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