04/01/1958 " . . , . ",>:.ir';,>:::'."<,';:,:,<,!,;"{;;,:,~,,\:,,~ f!:r';:?r.~":~t;:~ '~::'Y':~:" ""::_.,, :" ."'" "" ,,,.," ':' ,'" . ", _ _, . ',I CHARITY SOLICITATIONS BOARD , , .' , , ,.. ,. , " Minutes Date' . roi I ':'. .,:, ". , j,. ': l '/ ':2~g H +~ ':~. ( ',' ;. J1 , '" ~:. ; .,/ " , . ". ". '. , , :.: , >, ' " ~, :' ., ..~..-.,- (,~......""--....-... -... .. ", . ~'.~. :l..'ff::ti#:w.~ '. j I""~ ~.~."j. 1'1' ,~ . :...; ;'i'''';J~",f+:., :~~, ,',:: ,; :~, :':~:'~'::~ ';/,.:;'~~:~<: .:,~ , t" ";'j :'.~".:.:~. / " . "." , .. ~'. ."'.. '.' " '",'. '" ;', ,,;' .,,: '<; ..... ......,0,;< i/i:';: .1,':t.:>X:~,/:C:i';:'::::'?{'\:\Y. .." ,',::',:::';:"":"':,;:'i:':-,;'/.':'-::',/; "::""::'~,"> ..,~' /":':';';'f' ~,; ,;:>::,::".ft:;'-' ~,:,,:, ,L,:,:'.-:, ':':,"'::",~::,: :;':":"\"/,:..":,:.<:~::::".\':,.. ',>,':,';',:" '/::"/::,: ':'>:, ' ,'.. 1'" q.,.. ',. """,", ...'. t::J'" , ,::~,d_', , ""'" :'<-"~'-,::,-:<::;:,::>,:".'\:;,:;:,:,";:>','.;'-~.',~ ",::"'-':",':-':,:, ~ ",:.,:,"::: ~'.."." ....' ;':..:'" .' "".. " , .. ~ . . . .. , ~,: '\ '. .\.; )./,-, ,.' ,!. , . . \, ,..,. CHARITY ig~~Ilt~o~S5DOARD ~ The meeting opened at 3:30 P.M. with the following present: Walter'Titzel, Chairman' Mrs~ E. J. Daniel, Secy. Rev. Don Cooke Wil~is Booth R. G. Whi tohead Chairman of Commerce Merchants Assooiation )an1sterial Association Police Chief City Clerk , ' " Mr. fitzel oalled the meeting to order. The applioations ot the Eastor Seal Society ot the ~ellas County Sooiety for Crippled Children and Adults to conduot a solioitation and the application of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority to oonduct a danoe'for the benerit of the American Cancer Society were oonsidered. These applioations had been verbally approved by, phone'and Reverend Oooke now moved that the board oonfirm the approval. The motion was seoonded by Mrs. Daniel: and oarried unanimOUSly. The appli.cation or the American Cancer Society to oonduot a solioitation was considered and approved. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:10P. M. - .~~I/tI? ~( Chairman ? ~.tF9'~~ . eore ary ~ ,\