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. .The meeting opened at 3:00 P.M. with the following present:
November 26, 1957
James H. Watkins
Rev. Don Coolce
l'lal ter T1 tzel
James B. Murray, Jr.
Willis Booth
R. G. Whitehead
Better Business Bureau
Ministerial Association
Chamber of ,Commerce
Jr. Chamber of Commerce
Police Chief'
City Clerk
City Attorney Ben Krentzman came in later in the meeting. It was
announced that Mrs. Daniels was still ill and therefore unable to attend.
By consent of those present, it was agreed that Mr. Titzel would serve
as Chairman of the Board and Mrs. Daniels as Secretary.
The applications on file were then considered as follows:
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. Veterans o-r Foreign viars (Old Fort Harrison Post :fr'2473) for (/'
New Years Ball - approved.
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.':." Chief Booth brought up a question as to a group of' Boy Scouts selling
"'/;,:. doughnuts for a doughnut shop with the boys getting a conunission on their
;':;';;;~saleB. Mr. Murray expressed the opinion that the boys would not be
~:'):"'. permitted under Scout regulations to either wear their uniforms or state
',"::," . they were Boy Scouts. By consent, it was agreed that the doughnut shop
"... operator would be requested by the Chief of' Police to submit an applica-
tion on the subject to the Board.
Clearwater Welfare Center for Aprons and Novelties Sale -
Clearwater Auxiliary United Spanish t'lar Veterans Past Presidents v"
Club for Apron Sale - approved.
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Those present agreed to a meeting each month on the f'irst Tuesday at
3:00 P.M. with special call meetings 'between the regular ones if necessary.
The meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M.
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