09/19/1967 ~ I. ", .:1: '.\ ,'. .,' , " I'. j' ':'1' ;,'<" , '. ~ ~ ~ , J .': ~ . ,;:':.'~' :': ::,~',:'~":''''::' :~.~:f:~r;'~:';~7i.f?~:~:.;t:H~.1f~ ")':':,:", .'1 .'/ ." ~jli,{[~i~r;~f~r:,;~i'~<:'l':I'i~\:~:"'\;',:r:.;>:" '! ,<,. f/~ .:- / , . '; \,. .., , " \' 1: ~, " ", ",$:' ., ~ /.i " ~" . ~ ," \ '~Y' ' ,~ , : " . ~: i' ." '.' !; :/?:~':: ::::'j "~>:: '~,.' ;l~~::t';",:. .', i;:, '. r ,~ ~:.: 'I . ;Hi:-~ . ~l~:..'.; l.q:.. ,; 't;, : ,. .' \. .\.!." .. '" 't r " .':,:~ ,~, " '.' " ., " i,1 .' ~ P, , ~, . . .' <', " , '. ~ " ,\ , ' , .' "11 .,: '., ".: '1. "tl ,'J' i: . ;'. ",' \, '.,' y '.1. ' ~ n <.-"c ., ;. ~,:.. ~":":":''''~_<J\ u,. "~'~.:~~ > . , .. ...........>...:.....~;.;.."I-~lo!~I~....~'....:'~ ~C\h~r..,.J~"'~ ~;r.....""u .',n. '.' \ ", POLICE .> " SUPPLEMENT ARY PENSION Minutes' '. DATE o () '(/ () .1) , I MINUTES , <:) Clearwater Police Supplementary Pension Fund Board of Trustees meeting held 10:00 A.M. Septemb~ 19, 1967 in the Office of the Police Chief, Police Headquarters. Those present were Mayor H. Everett Hougen, Assistant City Attorney Guy L. Kennedy, Mr. Jack Martens, Police Chief Booth, Captain William McClamma, Sgt. E. Lester Marston. The meeting was called to order at 10:15 A.M. by Mayor Hougen, chairman. The minutes of the ,meeting held February 21, 1967 were approved as read. Mr. Kennedy made a report on the recent meeting he and Chief Booth had with Mr.' Harry Boggs of the State Treasurer's Office regarding early retirement for Police Officers participating in the Supplementary 2eBR Pension Plan. Mr. Boggs interpretation was that the participants would be able to retire and receive a discounted retirement before age 55 or retire and defer receipt of benefits until such time as they reach the proper retirement age. Mr. Kennedy read corres~ondence to and from the Provident Insurance Company ~elative to early retirement'with specific regard to sgt. Paul Cason who had inquired about this matter. ..'..J ',.-/ There was a discussion as to whether the age for early retirement is age SO or 55. Mr. Boggs' interpretation is age 50. Provident states 'the age for early retirement is 55. A Reso~ution was adopted by Mr. Martens making the motion that the amount of $17,526.20 be withdrawn from the Savings Account at City National Bank and be deposited in the checking account at Ci.ty National Dank in order to forward the annual insurance premium to Provident and to maintain a $500 balance in the checking account. Sgt. Marston seconded the motion, and motion carried. Mayor Hougen suggested that Kenneth McCreary, Finance Director, be contacted regarding the broadening of investment powers, and regarding a corporate trust officer, and the Board agreed to invite Mr. McCreary to the next meeting. ~le Board agreed by consensus to renew the certificates of Deposit and to have Mrs. Ward deposit the interest fram the C.D.ls to the Savings Account, City'National Bank on a temporary basis. chairman Hougen had to leave the meeting at 11:15 A.M. and turned the meeting over to Chief Booth. The Chairman requested an agenda be prepared for the next meeting. ~ Mr. Martens moved the meeting adjourn at 11:30 A.M. Motion seconded and carried. WILLIS D. BOOTH, Secretary Clearwater Police Supplementary Pension Fund ':i3!~.: :,';:':.:.: ''.''"1, ' " ; " .. ~ 1: .\:: '';;'' . ,. ~'p , . ,},~:\ ., . ;' I~ >> I"', .';-','1 " ,:' I .~:- " ." ;.", :::,:~ . 'II,' l..., .',;' " '-) ~ E:. ...'.: \ :.(;: ':... 1 " I'" .' ~, , :: ?, ':;'." :;j;'; /. ..~ ~):~~:: .,:~':} ,', )',', ~,~/ cl '",: ~. , ~ t.", "1:':: :,:f:,' ;.",. '.: ~:~~ '\ '~I 'l:',.! , ~I ':,\' ....,~ ,; 'I:',' I.' . ~ ,;" '\l: . '., .'. ,'. l.....) :::\" .,".j ,~': " . , ,."...., .,'/' I, ,', ': '." .,' '. .' ", ':"'\::. ., ~. ~ I ;]:;fY:;':<;' ',i:;i::; ":'~~~:,kd:gj'::,;:'~,,\;I;!:,),,:-,:..";<~;:t\;fi'~lk;':;:;~;~:~~ici':;(:;~,~\~if~)?;::!~;;{':;:t:[,;:f,~;i~~'1{:.,., i~,~);'~(9:: ". Minutes of Board of Trust~es, 'C1earwater Po1i6e ~upp1ementary Pension Fund, held February 21, 1967 at 9 A.M. in the Office of Chief of' Police W.D. Booth, police Headquarters. '! Those present at the meeting.were Mayor Turner, Assistant City Attorney Guy L. Kennedy, Mr. John Martens, Police Chief Booth, Capt. William McClamma, and sgt. E. Lester Marston~ The meeting was called to order at 9 A.M. by Mayor Turner, Chairman. The minutes of the meeting held January 19, 1967 were read and approved. Chief Booth commended Mayor Turner for having attended all meetings of the Clearwater Police Supplementary Pension Fund, and for his valuable assistance as Chairman of the Board. Chief Booth read a letter from the Provident Life Insurance Company dated February 13, 1967, relative to the purchase of an annuity for retired police personnel, with specific regard to Melvie Dyal. Mr. Martens made a motion that the contract the Board of Trustees has with Melvie Dyal be implemented by purchasing the required annuity to which he is entitled as a retired police officer of the City of Clearwater. Motion seconded by sgt. Marston and carried unanimously. A discussion was held regarding the possibility of broadening the investment powers of the Board of'Trustees. Mr. K~nnedy submitted a proposed ordinance and there was a discussion as to who would act as a professional investment counselor. The Mayor said it was his understanding that we would be able to hire a professional counselor per the ordinance. Mr. Martens made a motion that the Board of Trustees of the CPSPF heartily endorses the suggested ordinance enlarging the investment 'privileges of the Trustees as outlined in the proposed amended prdinance prepared by the city legal department. Motion seconded by Sgt. Marston, and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned 10:30 A.M. R~spectfully submitted, . __ .- ..... "..-_.~ ~5 ' ,:,-c>~~:~~ W.D. BOOTH, ;~~ary -' Clearwater Police Supplementary Pension Fund