05/25/1964 ItJ~;~';'~~s{':r~;:)":lf";rr~~'t\Y':;~1Y"t':':2:~;fi'!::':': .. : ';,; ';i'~:;,~',"':' 'I,:, U',: ....:.'. C < >)': 't. "'I ~ ' .~~. ~(.;''>';'~. ~~~!;'::'~{.<~:;[.:' . c ,'~: .,', 'e < "~r',":: ~'~;~":'~_:.t.~,:~.";~' .',.: '.I' :" " .. :. . . ~; . f ; ,c. .' (".. ;.' : :,'~ .' " . <'. J. '" ~ . I." t'.<' 'l , ., ' '0,. I. :{~l2::';. :i~~J':':;: .,~ .. . ",c\." , '. ~. 1,," - , .';L,~....:";J.:"':~~"."";_~__,~,,p~I;'V;r,.. '."'~""""""__.",,,.' , ' " ;.i ll' , ~ .I. ' y' { ': , , , ',~ ., ~ :. . _~.tr;#~'~""'>' J: POLICE SUPPLEMENTARY } PENSION Minutes '. +. ,- J DATE. ',. OCJ~ ?( . ,I,~ .' ,. ., .:.\. ..\ .'. ".' : , ..>" . . })... ~:-::.'~)::" '": . ~.' ~ ~ .' .: .... ~ t. .: '. '..t"" " -. '~<,.' \:-. ' ~ . :: . . i' .' ., ,. . ~ :.. '.' " c. . ll' ..... I I . .' ,'. . ',. i''. . .' ',,::,,,: . . ~ . ... .: .':. .' \, ".:' " ~'..:~ . ~">:,~'.'.:,;;,'.;::\>.. 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Mr. Martens informed the group that all of the bonds were sold, and that the money was in the savings Account at the City National Bank and that on or about June 1, 1964 checks would be issued by the, Clearwater police Supplementary Pension. Fund to the federally insured savings and loan associations chosen by the Board of'Trustees at this meeting. Mr. Martens suggested that one-half of the funds be placed in the high- yielding California associations which are insured, and the other one- half in Florida Building and Loans. He stated that letters should be written to the banks selected, requesting the necessary signature cards in order to open an account for the Police Supplementary Pension. The entire transaction should be completed before June loth in order not to lose any interest. Mr. Martens stated that the amount in the.Savings Account at City National at this time is $92,493.00. Mr. Martens stated that he thought it was a good idea to confine the maximum initial deposit ,with each bank to $9,000.00 rather than $10,000.00 in order that when each account with interest accrues $10,000.00, all monies in excess would then be placed in a local savings and loan institution. All members agreed with the aforementioned recommendations. The Board discussed the various suggested Savings and Loan Institutions, and after a lengthy discussion, unanimously selected the following according to geographic distribution: First Federal savings & Loan, Orlando First Federal Savings & Loan, Sarasota Ocala Federal Savings & Loan, ocala First Federal Savings & Loan, Melbourne First Federal Savings & Loan, Winter Haven Pasadena Federal savings & Loan, pasadena, California First Federal Savings & Loan, Las Vegas, Nevada Edward L. Johnson, Trustee for Financial Federation, Los Angeles, California. It is understood that $9,000 will be deposited by ,Mr. Johnson in the three federally insured savings and loans he represents that are presently reporting the highest divident yield. sgt. Marston moved that the Trustees empower the Chairman and ~he Secretary to open savings accounts in the above named savings and loan associations. Withdrawals are to be permitted only upon'two signatures, that of the ~/. Chairman and the Secretary.of the Board of Trustees.. Mr. Martens seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. , " " '.' ',' :' ;?'~.(:;, <:'. ':(\~~:',:" ::;'~' :f:.' "('~~::';'. :::)~X~ ;;'.i'.::rr. , , ~ t ." .1 ;~ ,;.',~ ir::Y~'.',:: >; ?:)J',':':T<,F:;":'. :::::..'.~~,:~.." :~~\ ::~,':.:~'{!'::..:"~:~':;~~ :.' :?':' "':.'-:'~.~; ,':> '::: :': ;': ',.;>; ~:.;::.",,~:: ,"," i '. l.:('. ,!..... }i.:.~<;L>':\~., :. ,~":' {.....~..,~ : ;.~ ~ . . ';":. \,.~. i..I>,:1.:~~. ,<, '.f ~ " i: .' .' ,I ,I ,', ,.1, f~ ~.~ r .'. ~.' . ~!': :'. " ...-, ~' .. 'i" " , ' ,i . .1, . . 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' , as'towhat . the amount a discussion held on the subject of bonding the Board of The Secretary was instructed to contact,s~veral agencies Fidelity Bonds, and,.ask them to submit proposals in writing the cost would be to bond each of'the Board of Trustees in of $100,000'" ~:. ~. c'j:: i '.~. .,,'.... . . t~ "r '" There ,being no further business the 'meeting was adjourned at' 4:00 P.M. " , . ',' .' " . 'l .,/ ,. ,'; ~ '. 'l , 'r -I . \ " , ".c '\" '. :! .' i. ',' '0