02/23/1995 - Special c" , , , ' ' " ' J'.'. ; , , , ,.. ,< ' J ,~' . ' ,. ~ l >. . ';." ./ .:' ,J ". . " ' ..', , 'i ~~~"ir~~:"'l...,., ,/ < :." ~_.:. .. . c . " . ~ c' ~ . ..'" ..,. . c . <.. . ". , . ~ ..... ....... NAC .' " " \ " " " ' '} '...: . \ ,(:':, ,. "~I ,.1 'i ~', r f:' " , Minutes Neighborhood Advisory Committee, DATE ,)"J:/.. '~--, -+~ d- 0 ~. t) .~: ~ I' . .'~ NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING 123rd Regular Meeting Clearwater City Hall Annex February 23, 1995 DRC Conference Room MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ,~, \ \,:-rt.'1 b Willie Brewton (P) Darren Collins, ch~trherson (P) ~...,......:--., John Gammage (A) C~erry Ha,rris (~lliJ.t' (P) Mary Heard (P) Milly Joplin ,Abi:~tt!;,~ (P) . t . .~::,.--:.:-:::~~.~;~~::::.-:--~..). Rudy Miller Vice Chair (P) Lti;Ar' "qi::1~ t d~."'. ....~. s },'(.. ~::~~~ ~i~;fJ(' ' "*i%f~~l~i>~ Others present: Michael Holmes and Pat Fernand~tli60th City Start~Etb, A~r;fWt: '~"\:~:~~:;01h The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm bY"Q~rf~1I Collin~.. Willie BreWlon offered an opening praye~. A motion was made by Ry,g}?i~iIler al?~~rifconded by Cherry Harris to approve the minutes of November 22, 1994RQ~[1uj!,rYl}17, 1995 and February 14, 1995. There were no corrections and the moti6ht~trI9d. . . /.:t;,;,>,,'~t~%f~~~~~l, No CItizens were present. ,:!.:;,;;'.::'r"~';:(S'.:", ':~i{,;;::~;<... '\~tj::~:t~'>~V~itm[i~;~3:'f:~tt:~"i> '<';~W;#;.~\~" ~he Chairman advised. he had called t~!~~ speci!~~~j;mf!~lL9~~ to infor~ al.1 the m.embe~s ftrst hand of the ordmance to be pre~~.(It~,p$.to U1e0:~lty Commission which will discontin~e th~ present N~~gh~R!hood A'9,&i~i5ry Committee. lack of a quorum was one consideration for an :ordinance to make:ahe new committee serve dual purposes. The ordinance, as writ(iih"':hy th~fcity AttdiH~y, covers the formulation of the joint Neighborhood Advi,sd,ty':' Board ,JiliiAth~ Aif8FtJable Housing Advisory Committee. ....,...-:-; ...:".t 'f,..,c.......,('.I..:,:~ ...~,.~'.::,~;)~.,..,./:.., ..:;,.. Members queried th((pr9POS~(tgt"6lip's:C!:qrpp6sition ~s the present NAC allows three members f~om Nor~ti:':'GF.ie.~Q,~~,o(j. t~ree:'iro'h, South ?reenwoodt etc., while the new group provlde~ta,,~,"gle repre$entatlve from each neighborhood. ,,::,(::{?;t:;E~f}!~Jf')~t; ~,,~ :'::~'f;~;,1.tJ::'~, The State,i$tatute ha~J~(t,en faxe'd\to Darrell who said the statute deals only with the makel}P5.9'f'the Afford~'~l~~Jiousn:WJ group. They inquired as to the reasons for the disbanding of the Neighb'OHlood Advisory Committee. They are still interested In their neighboFfi"~Qq and feel th~Vi are best qualified to determine its needs. ....:~:~:Pt.!<:::~.~ ./\j:~~:/~ It was point~'tr:}jUt, th(;ti'r:~:t several meetings the group had stated they would had, ..,',h/......,. "";:;0.,. ;(I...'.'...~' through staff, invit~J~Jhambers of the defunct Affordable Housing Advisory Committee to attend an NAC meeting. A merge would be positive and strengthen both groups. In response to queries, Mike Holmes assured members that this move was not racist in nature and blacks would be on the new committee. If the present NAC were to join with the AHAC as defined in the state statute, the group would be too large and become unwieldy. Volunteer applications for the Board were available and some members filled them in giving them to staff to turn in at the City Clerk's office. '-/ 1 [, " (t;,ff:r:":~"i", ~ " (>'. ' 'c.'.", .' .... ,'""'\ Page 2 February 23. 1995 .~..:~'~ +~J~r11 Members acknowledged they have not always had a quorum. They are dedicated volunteers and feel they should all be allowed to retain their N~~ membership until their term expires. S,?me expressed the view they should be,ilJpwed to name their replacement should they be unable to serve. They would Ilk2&l'6~~ee the NAC retained and be joined by the Affordable Housing Advisory comr1]!~~~~t{hWith new positions and an increased committee membership, quorums wouJiLeifslly~6~~majntained. Two long.time members advised they joined the group whetY~tt was pr9~hminantly white. Over the years more blacks filled empty spots and.'p~~~'are the majoY~~>:~ They want assurances that the reconstitution is not politicaLa'ficf"blacks will be coriiidered for all )o~.~-::-...ir~/ '~~~-:~..... vacancies. They recognize the group needs ~?.t~lfC:e. ,?,~tk~ ,<~{, ~<q?:;;~t~., l(i~~~r~;r~}' In conclusion, Mike Holmes agreed to speak faf;!'\}~f.g~\f~tnformlng the City and City M a n a r ~~jYr;,;':'~',{;.(:W<- ge --- ..",::\~,,::~..;::"";.-,,:.:t;:, , {"\' ''';\}\~~~)~L_ . the NAC would like considera"il:Sn';Jot,.their conifRolhg dedication to the NAC, b II d f" h h ,-::~:?-';:.::~~{.:.;::;.,~':'~::::'t;..,...~;:~:.:....~:o-. .>~1~}):>.~':~ . e a owe to InlS t elr termS;7arfa;"W<TY<'<:~"..<<, .~t)~i~' ..~. ':' ii..t... ~~'" ':'~ ~ :=- ;$.~:::~:::-:.::..~~:") -..;.;. . be joi.ned bV ~he position~ as d~~&f,~bedJ,p:;~~1h~i,!S~l7 statute for the Affordable Housing AdVisory Committee. '":.iA}" /.)iF'"""i{:;i/ :.:<.,~:'''.:'.L ~,>: '... ..;}~ ,. '.<.: ..;.... 'o,' > ~ . ... . .;:,..,. .~..:, ..., :::~i:':~:.;.;::{ , Mike advised he wouldg~tdjaa~ho them't6t~ week with the City's response. . .::~).~~~?:/,,~ . ~~{::]~~l ." "Y~::!~~;~;t:., . There being no furth~h:-businessn:::thij:?rne~ting:::;t\ras adjourned at 8: 15 pm. :~fi:~::~~;::::\, ,,:<(:::i:;::?>:':" .. :"'::<',\:!~:>:,: < . ."::\~:~:~i:.~(: ::: .. .:<:~f:/,:::':~ '~':: ~::~:) ~:.:~/:~~i~ :~:" ,'....,.,....'..,. .. :.'...'.... ;< ;ii~;tY,1!;l'R~~;~i\~~1~"";~~iatfil, ::.'{~ .,.c.;~~.,. .:....:.:.)..:~ . ,..... ... ';:,:.;.~:'~':: ':: i: ~~:r~)J!:Lb,. t. < .,> '''i;~'~4~"JJ u 2