05/10/1994 ;,j ':;;' , ' , , I ' :;~~'1:-~r",/~.; .~': ....'~.. ,~ ~ I. , . . " ' NAC A 9~n'A tM:ia it tell l Neighborhood Advisory Committee DATE o-II~ ftf -f- / ~ 7 " . , l , , "C . ~', ~.~,;,;:t:,,"".~~> ;..,'....~.',. '..i,I""..~t '< . .. :. r .' I.., . . ...' ~'.::' ~. ';'1 AGENDA CLEARWATER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COl\1MITTEE 117th REGULAR MEETING CITY HALL ANNEX ~ DRC CONFERENCE ROOM 10 S. MISSOURI AVENUE Tuesday, May 10, 1994 7:45 P.M. 1. Call to Order '.' . 2. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting , , 3. CDBG Subrccipient Evaluation System 4. Old Business Discussion :) 5. New Business Discussion " . ~ 6. Adjourn ~ ~\. - ~. ~. j, r::.~ ':. '-'.. . " .J,. . . :\ i _ " , ~:- . ..f . .... ' . ,~ . . . .J I ~ '. I.' . I~.:: .. .... . , .. t'. ~"'!"";,~;,,,t:"....,. ',~.. ) , , '.! ,. ;"'. .' , ' . \ ~ . ., . NAC , , ;, Minutes . Neighborhood Advisory Committee , . DATE 5"-/t::'- ;~ -+-/7/ . .' ~ ~ ' . .. ~ " I I." .... ." . . . OFFICIAL ..--..., Neighborhood Advisory Conunittee Meeti'ng 117th Regular Meeting May 10, 1994 Clearwater City Hall Annex DRC Conference Room MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE willie Brewton John Gammage Mary Heard Tina Pimenidis (P) Darrell Collins, Chairperson (P) {A} Cherry Harris (P) (p) Milly Joplin (P) (P) Rudy Miller vice Chair (P) Others present: Mike Holmes, Joanne Levy, both City Staff, and citizens Lois Cormier, Bob Joplin, and Vernell Brown. ,...,~>!I The meeting; was called to order at 7:48 pm by Darrell COllins, Chairperson. The invocation was given by Willie Brewton. The minutes of the April meeting were reviewed and Mary Heard asked for clarification on what was being tabled by the Commission (item # 7) Mike responded this was regarding the review process for CDBG applications. Milly Joplin requested that the street names, Hamlin and McClennan, be added to the minutes in item # 9 regarding the "keep right" signs. There being no other changes or corrections, Rudy Miller motioned to adopt the minutes. Mary Heard seconded the motion. Milly Joplin led a discussion on putting a permanent slot on the agenda for citizens to be heard. As an example there were three persons in attendance who might like to speak. Darrell stated that each citizen would have five minutes to speak. Rudy Miller made a motion to have a place on the agenda for citizen participation (visitors comments) after the minutes of the previous meeting are approved. Milly Joplin seconded the motion. Motion was carried unanimously. Michael Holmes discussed the CDBG applicant evaluation form. There will be two different committees looking at applications. The Technical Review Conunittee and Neighborhood Advisory Committee. The TRC will be taking a hard look to be sure everything on the form is true and will be making sure all forms are filled' out completely. The TRC will also take a close look at leveraging and budget and will base their recommendations on the technical processes, but will not be recommending amounts. NAC should be looking at applications from the neighborhood perspective. It was noted that NAC doesn't have to agree with the TRC recommendations, differences can be discussed. Mike mentioned that he and other city staff would be available to help agencies with their applications since city staff will not be involved in evaluation process. l......~j 1 . I , .' I .. .. . ",. .J . ' " 1.':'" ~' . .' '--... ,.e....... _/ ,......) The following concerns were expressed: priority being given to those who have not received money before possibility of overlooking the small agencies is there a projected number of applicants to be approved will the applicants receive the evaluation form with the application that bigger agencies would be able to manipulate the system would NAC be allowed to rank and recommend dollar amount as it was felt they needed to be able to have some control over the dollar amount city needs to put some kind of education program together to help small agencies get started up agencies getting money every year and each year they ask for more and more, are they going to get dropped? What is going to happen to them since they have come to depend on funding from us do the applicants know they should not be asking for funds every year, and this is not a guaranteed source of funds. Should they have something in writing to explain the process? Darrell asked about item 16 - would like more information on the I Cope study. Mike responded there are books available in Community Development Library explaining the study. They are available for applicants to review. Darrell then asked the members to review the CDBG evaluation thoroughly and bring up any questions since this evaluation is going to make or break the applicant. Mike suggested holding a special meeting to fine tune the evaluation fonm. The meeting was scheduled for next TueSday, May 17th to go over the concerns and to discuss any other issues. Mike noted that any changes would have to be completed in time to send revised copies of the evaluation form to the applicants. Mary Heard asked if the agencies were monitored. Mike said yes. City staff makes visits throughout the year to be sure the systems are in place. Darrell apologized to citizens for making the new rule to allow them to speak and then not asking if anyone wanted the floor. He invited citizens to make comments. Lois Cormier addr~ssed the committee with the following comments; . City is putting in ramps at inappropriate places. The City Engineering department has been notified of these problems. Also, the contractor is doing a very bad job. She called City Manager's office and complained about this situation. Many citizens are dissatisified with the work being done. She 2 .' '. . '. ,,' ."c.., ~.' '.' .... ." } -, "".'\ ! '".) asked to have city staff conduct a tour with her and other concerned citizens. Is going to ask for Community Development money for sidewalks. . Lois then discussed movement of homeless shelter mobile homes due to the School Boards need for the property at this time. What is going to be done about this? . Chief Klein's statement regarding the clean up of drug problem. Police sub station proposal!! I There is still a drug problem in S Clearwater. Darrell asked if Lois was opposed to sub~station and she responded no she just doesn't like the way it is being handled without asking the residents of the neighborhood for their input. She has discussed this with Chief Klein and he is supposed to have a meeting with the neighborhood residents. Old Business: Milly asked if the Technical Review Committee has been chosen yet and if so, have they met. If not, will there be enough time to go through the whole process? Mike responded we will have enough time to hold the meetings even if we have to change the members. New Business: Rudy asked if anything was done about restrooms at Ross Norton park ballfield. Mike will check on it. Darrell asked whether Alan discussed library plan - Mike responded He and Alan talked about a police sub station combination library but it is still in the discussion stage. Willie Brewton mentioned that the drug traffiking was not really slowing down in his neighborhood. It is being done in the early hours when no one is monitoring the area. He also commented that letters should be sent out to all citizens in South Clearwater advising what is going on as far as the City is concerned. Mary Heard asked about tutoring program - is it still going on for children after shool~ several members responded yes. Darrell said not,in South Greenwood. Cherry mentioned that her neighborhood has had the same drug problems as others. After calling the police ~ they now cruise the area and she feels it is safer. Milly talked about a business man in the community who is trying hard to run a good establishment but has a run down building on his property. He was told by the City to have it removed but the building department is holding him up by not issuing the Demolition Permit, why? 3 , ,I 4' \ .', . > '~rr' , . . '. " ." . ~ S:'::... , , .,' '." 'j :;~. .. ~ , , ":~ :,. ';,: ' (, ,~~': > .'1;",> " ' . ~.~ > " . j'f :.: " . I ~ . ;. ~ ' . t ." , , ~1':i":''''h.'Ik~,' t:~t.":":.". -r " ....,~~"._ ! , ' . ~ I . '/ ~, ~ ,"J., ~: ... '..... 1"~"T'h_... ,. ,,- There being no further business to discuss Rudy Miller motioned to adjourn. Milly, Joplin seconded the motion. ..--..\ Meeting adjourned at 9: 10 pm J' " >' ' , ' " o .0 4