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Tuesday, Apri119, 1994
7:30 P.M.
Call to Order
2. Approvat of minutes of March 8, 1993 meeting.
3. Old Business
I) CDBG Timetable
2) Dinner For June Meetings
New Business
1) Proposed Change From Committee to Board
2) Annual Report to City Commission
4. Adjourn
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September 8, 1994
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Minutes ,
,Neighborhood Advisory Committee
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116th Rogular Meeting
April 19, 1994
Clearwater City Hall Annex
ORC Conference Room
Cherry Harris
Rudy Miller, Vice Chrmn
Willie Brewton
.' Tina Pimonidis
Milly JopHn
Darrell Collins, Chairman
Mary Heard
John Gammage
Others present:
Alan Ferri, Joanne Levy both from City, and Bob Joplin.
1. The meeting was called to ardor at 7:48 pm by Rudy Miller, Vice Chairman.
2. ^ motion was made by Darrell Collins and seconded by Milly Joplin to approve
tl10 minutes of the meeling of March 8, 1994. Motion carried.
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Alan Ferri reviewed the CDSG timetable. He explained the purpose of the ad
hoc technical assistance committee is to rate the applications which will enable
NAC to focus on does this program make sense in our neighborhood. As an
example he cited an application previously granted funds that if submitted
today would be returned as incomplete. Additional information was needed.
Darrell Collins explained he has a class and has difriculty getting to the meeting
on time. In an effort to accommodate Darrell's class schedule, members
present agreed the next meeting will start at 7:45 pm rather than our usual
7:30 pm.
Alan Ferri advised the bus was reserved for the bus trip and asked if committee
members would like to be present when the prospective CDSG applications
were presented to the City Commission. The bus trip will be June 17 and 18
at 9:00 am. One member advised she was considering bring her video camera
along. Alan volunteered to see if the City has video equipment we could use.
This would be an excellent tool and members would be able to review each
visit by seeing the tape on a TV at the June meeting.
Dinner was discussed for the June meeting with Jon Gammage suggesting
Publix has large sandwiches, chicken or chicken wings. Staff needs to be
made aware of any special dietary requirements.
Eight persons have so far been suggested for the Technical Review Committee.
Four havo made a commitmont to assist. Ono is from tho Juvenile Welfare
Board and anothor is from Morton Plant Hospital.
Alan told the Committeo the Commission tabled one item on our agenda and
Clsked for mora information. The information roquested was regarding the
roview process for COBG applications. Proving the adequacy of our requost for
more personnel is paramount to the continuing success of the various programs
in existence. We would then be in a position to handle future request promptly
Clnd judiciously.
Alan advised \hut Al Galbraith had explained to him that per the City Charter
committees wore temporary and boards are permanent. The City Attorney had
said a committee could bo disbanded at the same time as legislation was
ndopted enacting the board and the present members could be chosen on a
staggered expiration term limit. Alan also mentioned the Committee had never
filed un annual report. A draft report has been made up from the past year's
minutes. Presentation to the Commission by Committee members in two
presentations would give them added visibility by the Commission. Another
topic is that the Commission approved the NAC Citizen Participation Plan. Milly
Joplin expressed surprise that a Commissioner had not appeared at a NAC
meeting. In addition to CDBG funding, home funding should also be reviewed.
When concern was expressed about term limits, Alan said he would check but
believes the City allows 2 four-year term limits on any board.
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Openings on this Committee were reviewed as well as the Commission action
of removing members who were inactive. The Committee needs new members
who are interested in their community and Jive within the designated area
where there is a vacancy on our Committee. Vacancies exist on the
Committee, two are to be filled by someone who is a North Greenwood
resident and two vacancies represent residents in East Clearwater. Alan will
send a letter asking for candidates to the North Greenwood area associations,
the Housing Authority and will also try to obtain a map delineating the North
and South Greenwood areas.
Now Business:
Concern was expressed about no restrooms at the Ross Norton field. There is
a portolet. The complex is nice and their should be one for park visitors to use.
No "keep right" signs have been posted as yet on the circle of Hamlin and Mc
Clonnan and committee members will remind Alan.
Milly spoke of lawn watering and houso meters. She wants grey (recycled)
wutor put in so she can water her Jawn again. Currently recycled water is
being stored and not pumped because the costly equipment is needed to attain
tho pressure necessary to pump this water.
Questions wore asked about job opportunities that might arise from the
empowerment zone legislation. Low and moderate income persons qualify if
any such program is in place. Tax credits can be received by some employers
with employees from tile designated districts.
Accidents, at loast one a woek, make a strong point for a signal at Bellevu9 and
N. Ft. Harrison. A turning signal would be very helpful. Another area needing
relief with a warning or flashing light is S. Myrtle and Selleair. Also if you go
, southbound on US 19, there is no arrow to turn left at Nursery. In addition, the
signs at Highland, when you arc on Gulf-to-Bay haading downtown, the Court
Stroot name does not but should be on tha overhead signaga.
Infill housing has not been expanded to South Greenwood. Alan wants a study
to determine the density. Also to be considered are 100 buildings to be
demolished. Some lots are only 25 feet wide. Some sites are TBCDC, some
Habitat and others CNHS. There is a need for extended family housing that is
grandparents living with their children and grandchildren. The value of the
property must be there for property to be rehabed.
Darrell expressed concern that east and north Clearwater as well as Clearwater
Beach have libraries. He feels there is great need for a branch in South
Greenwood. The proximity to the main library could be a reason but it is very
difficult for some people to get to. One item to consider is the consolidation
of Clearwater into the county library system. Alan will ask Arlita if there are
any plans for a library in the South Greenwood area. Members feet that library
hours need to be expanded. Closing at 5:00 pm is too early and there are no
hours on Sunday. A member said he would support a study center to help
children with their school work. The police department has expressed interest
in this idea.
Some residents do not like the idea of labeling their area a slum and blighted
area. While it may bo necessary for some programs it seems to have a
negative connotation.
The police departmenl is requesting that a substation be built in South
Jon Gammago feels that following rehab, the value in a home increases. Milly
added and so do taxes.
Jon Gammago made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm. The motion
WrlS seconded by Milly Joplin and carried.