03/08/1994 ~'l : < ... c ~~~.~:".~:':.\ .:..' ',' . , ,- . .., ~.. > "i", . ',' ,\-:. '.'/" ' "'. .~. '... c. " ... ~ . , , c.., ..,. -' ft'Sr;~.~"," ~,:.j ;. '._. . . ~, ,. ~ ~ ....;, - ., ' h . ~ " . .. <- ,.. .. .:~ ' .~ . " .. ...' < _. .. ~r ... ..... " NAC ,c, '1,,"114 Millttt0B Neighborhopd Advisory Committee " , DATE 3 - f'-- ~t.{ -1- /S-0 1Jt~:~.(~. '.... ~. ,.....-... AGENDA CLEARWATER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE , 115t11 REGULAR MEETING CITY HALL ANNEX - DRC CONFERENCE ROOM 10 S. MISSOURI AVENUE Tuesday, March 8, 1994 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes of January 11, 1993 meeting and summary of February 8, 1994 meeting. 3, Old Business 1) Pat Lafferty drainage issue. ,:) 2) Vem (Jay) Elliott 3. New Business 1) CDBG Timetable 2) CDBG/CP Process and Role 3) Schedule Bus Trip for Site Review 4) Enterprise Zone Bmpowennent Communities Application Process 5) Annual Report To City Commission 4. City Clerk - Attendance at Meetings 5. Adjoum V L:\DATA\CDO\jolll1no\nacm/lr.AGD J.. , . ' .-. ". <.~.\ ~~ " ~.. .., .. ..,',:,'., ': L ~ :,I~ ' ...:,. , , .I~) , > " : .. ~ 'I ' ...::". . " . " ,~'. ~ ,.. . ~ ~ \> . "\. ' .: .,' ~ ". \~:.> ," I~. " ." . , ' ~.:' . ~rJ.r~?'~';.'"-+y. ; ~~ ... , '. ", .~. .;. -....... , , . ,\ NAC , ' , Minutes Neighborhood Advisory Committee DATE I 3- a-- "'1 -1-13 0 , " ',oil . .' . I " I f>:.I-,','" , , ' .' , , OFFICIAL CLEARWATER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE 115th Regutar Meeting March 8. 1994 Clearwater City Hall Annex ORC Conference Room MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE Cherry Harris Ralph Linn Rudy Miller. Vice Chrmn Richard Hinseher ' Willie Brewton Thomas Brooks John Gammage (P) (A) (Pl (A) (P) (A) (P) Milly Joplin Fred Infinger Robert Mi tchell Darrell Collins. Chairman Mary Heard Tina Pimenidis (P) (A) resigned (A) (P) (P) (P) Others present: .."",LIp, \ "c""",../ 2. 3. 4. '....J Alan Ferri and Joanne Levy from the City. Ms. Pimenidis, and Bob Joplin. 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:38 pm by Rudy Miller, Vice Chairman. The only correction to the minutes of January 11, 1994 was the spelling of Milly Joplin's name, Rudy Miller made a motion to approve the minutes from 1/11/94 and 2/8/94 with the above noted correction. Milly Joplin seconded tho motion. Motion WDS carried. Mr. Ferri informed the committee that the City Commission denied the claim made by Pat Lafferty for water damages to her property. The members were disappointed that their recommendation was not heeded but accepted the Commission's decision. Cherry Harris questioned why the insurance didn't cover the dalllDges. This will be looked into. Darrell Collins apologized for being late due to being in another meeting that ran Inte, He proposed we move on to the second item in old business, Vern Elliott. 5. M r, Ferri sta ted tha t M [lyor Garvey will respond to the communica tion sent to the City Commission by Vern Elliott. There were no comments on this item. 6. Mr. Ferri discussed the CDBG timetable. He explained the first table with the graphic win bo going to the City Commission's meeting on April 18th, It au tlines tho major deadline dates we have to follow to fulfill our obligations to all the subrecipient requests ror CDBG funds, to evaluate them and make rccommenda tions to the City Commission. The 2nd chart has the dates 1 .. .. ; I \' " ~ ' ~ ~ + , '.' , {t..... < : --.., 7, ." ''', , ) ...--:-..... 8. ......J showing tho stops CD goos through to complete this process. He stated hoVl important tho NACts role is in this process. The NAG review Is one third of the process in evaluating ovary application, The committee will be looking at how to distribute the COBG funds and the Cityts Social Services funding. Both require the same documentation, therefore tho Community Development department is planning to use ono application for both. The noxt item discussod was the CDSG Policy Recommendations draft (copy distributed~, Mr. Ferri discussed directing small grants (under $5tOOO.) to the City's Human Relations Department Social Services Grant Program. He also stressed the importance of linkage between public service providers and development organizations. Darrell Collins mentioned that one of the committee's goals is to reduce subrecipients dependance on COSG funds every year. They should be working on funds from other sources. Mr. Ferri then discussed the formation of a Technical Review Committee. This committee of technical experts would review all applications and make their funding recommendations to the NAC, The membership would consist of representation from organizations such as: Pinellas Technical Education Center, Juvenile Welfare Board, St. Petersburg Junior College, Pinellas County Social Services, Florida HRS, City of Clearwater Community Response Team and Morton Plant, The TRC would only make their recommendations based on technical review; whereas NAC would make recommendations based on whether the program will benefit the neighborhood. At this point Mr. Ferri introduced the evaluation form he Is proposing to use for tho subrecipiont ranking system. City staff will review the first part of the ovaluation form, I. Mandatory Evaluation Factors, When questions A through D are answered "no", funding will automatically be denied. This will end the need to review all applications. Number II is taken directly from the federal guidelines. Numbers II tl,rough VI use a point system. Mr. Ferri explained the process including the bonus points. The objectivos in /I V come directly from foderal regulations. Tho following concerns were discussed: . bonus points might give the established programs an advantage over start up organizations; . whether the evaluations should be reviewed by the committee members individually or as a group; . tho numbor of agencios possibly being left out of the funding; . the location of facilities being approved; . ways of holping groups to obtain funding from other sources; 2 r t, ~ " .' l.. . . ~ ,..., ' n 1<:" ", , " . . . smtiH roquosts not gotlinn tl10 same attention as largor amounts; . agencies/groups not being knowlodgeablo in fund raising process. Although Mr. Ferri preforred tho applications be roviewed by the group case by case it is the committee's call. He reminded everyone that they are ultimately tho ones who make the recommendations. A copy of the evaluations will be returned to all applicants. The committee will respond to the applicants Questions. He also mentioned that there will be an all day technical assistance meeting on May 5th in the annex auditorium to go through the application process step by step. If an applicant can't make it on that day, we will try to Ineot one on one with them. After all issues were discussed, Milly Joplin made a motion to give the proposal a fair trial for this year. Mr. Ferri requested that the motion recommend use of the evaluation form and policy recommendations. Milly Joplin said to amend tho motion to read as such. Rudy Miller seconded the motion. Motion adopted unanimously. 9. A discussion ensued to determine when it would be possible to schedule a bus tour of the agencies requesting funding. This will take two days, possibly a Friday and Saturday. Applications for funding are due by May 27,1994. Copies will be distributed for preliminary review at the June 14th meeting. It was decided to have the bus trip on Friday, June 17th and Saturday June 18th. A box lunch will be provided, The NAC will meet again on June 21 st to complete the review of applications. There will be a public hearing on June 28, 1994, \ \..,,~,/ ....c.1. 10. Mr. Ferri asked whether a light dinner would be appropriate before the June meetings. The consensus was it would be fine if we get together earlier. Soveral members come directly from work and might not be able to make it Dorlier. The matter will be discussed again at the next meeting. 11, Mr. Ferri gave a brief summary regarding tho Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community program, During the next fiscal year there will be six urban Empowerment Zones and 65 urban Enterprise Communities designated. The urban Enterprise Zones are expected to receive approximately 100 million dollars each. We have only one targeted area which is the North Greenwood section. The City will be looking at the application process. The community noods to be involved in order to tell the City what their needs are. There will bo a meeting Saturday ot the Martin Luther King Center to discuss this, ',~.-I 3 , , . .... . . , ~ ~, 'I' . '. > ' . I ' . ' . ;'. ~,.~,...~:~.,~I,>r:~'.. '~1-',~, .', ~ .),' .... 'I' :... ,,' ,c ~, c, '. , ..1', < : . /"' . . " ~ '., r""'..... t . ~ .',", 12. The final new business item was a remindor that the City Commission requires an Annual Report from the Committee. 13. The last item on the agenda was the discussion on attendance and the need for four new members. Mr. Ferri will ask the City Clerk to clarify both the number of times a person can be absent before being dropped from the membership and what the membership term is. Members were asked to submit the names of any persons interested in serving on the committee to the City Clerk's office. , 4. Concerr)s from the floor were as follows: Milly Joplin mentioned that the circle at Hamlet Street & Me Clennan is very dangerous. She discussed this with our traffic department but nothing was ever done. Alan said ho would check with traffic on this; Cherry Harris mentioned that the "No Parking" sign at the end of the trail on Harbor Drive was taken down and has not been replaced. The annual Appreciation Day Dinner will be on April 12th., therefore we will schedule our next regular meeting for Tuesday, April 19th. Rudy Miller made the motion to adjourn. 'it was seconded by Darrell Collins. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. o joanne\mnacmar.8 v 4