02/08/1994 . I,. "" ~}!.~)"".,..., ~.', '.'.. .' r~AC 19 ~A'h ~4:1Antei' -r ,. Neighborhood Advisory Committee " DATE , - ;.. &/1..( -1- ISO . . - . , I ~ ~ . .. " ~ . . . . t't~,::"I.....~n," ~..,.'. 'I" '.,.' ~ , '. .'l',: ",'.: . . \'" -. '.' '\ AGENDA CLEARWATER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE l1Sth REGULAR MEETING eIn' HALL ANNEX - DRC CONFERENCE ROOM 10 S. MISSOURI AVENUE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1994 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Introduction of new Community Development Manager, Alan J. Ferri. 3. Approval of minut~s of previous meeting. 4. 'City Commission response to NAC request for Pat Lafferty. 5. Discussion of proposed CDBG Application Process ....... ~1. . ~. )~;:':'.:r :~ ~ .'. . ., 6. Old BusiI}ess Discussion , ~~.:f>,;}.': ':' ", . .. 7. New Business Discussion i ,'" -.. ,~. ,- .... . ' ~ 8. IvIeeting Adjo1;med .;+ '. \...) L:\DAT A\CDO\NACFEB.AGD February 3J 1994 " o .. ': I,. ,;.: ~ :r:. . . ": c' l ~ . L ~. . , , '. " NAC ~' } Minutes Neighborhood Advisory Committee J DATE , 02-'- 9L/ ~- /S::L ::"?'/"":~I OFFICIAL CLEARWATER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE 11 5th Regular Meeting February 8, 1994 Clearwater City Hall Annex ORC Conference Room MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE Cherry Harris Ralph Unn Rudy Miller, Vice Chrmn Richard Hinseher Willie Brewton Tl10mas Brooks John Gammage (P) (A) (P) (Al (A) (A) (A) Milly Joplin Fred Infinger Robert Mitchell Darrell Collins, Chairman Mary Heard Tina Pimenidis (P) (A) resigned (A) (A) (A) (P) Others present: Alan Ferri, Michael Holmes, Pat Fernandez, all from City, Lois Cormier and Bob Joplin, residents. 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm by Rudy Miller. 2. There was no quorum and the members present agreed to review items on the agenda for possible discussion. Cherry Harris spoke of the need to involve more people. Many people, particularly young people, have difficulty responding to their wants and needs in the community. .-......~\ ) '- 3. Mike Holmes introduced Alan Ferri, the new Community Development Manager, to the group. He also advised that Jim Polatty had resigned. 4. Alan discussed a new concept for COBG allocating money to applicants with linkages to various other human services program elements that are put together by block grant applications and capital improvement programs such as housing infill and housing rehab. If these programs work together the community benefits and HUD is pleased with the overall results. If an applicant can tie his service in with another program, the reward to the community is greater. The community consensus just completed confirms there are problems which if the various programs work together that the benefits are one which the community as a whole can enjoy. Those questioned were asked what the problem was and then how they would correct it. This approach is more of a solution than working on one facet of a problem. 5. Rudy Miller congratulated those members who gave up their time to be in attendance. He asked for a discussion on the by-laws where it states that if a member misses three consecutive meetings on an unexcused basis that .J member will become vacant. Sick or out of town would be among the valid excuses accopted for absence. Staff will keep the attendance and send out a memo each month detailing the attendance. NAC members agreed that a warning letter be sent to members who have missed two consecutive meetings Cldvislng them that missing a third meoting could result in tl1eir removal from this committee. Rudy feels that enforcement of this by-law is important. A member advised she has been a member for years and does not know some of the members of the Committee. ," .. " 6. The Committee asked for the results of the City Commission relating to their recommendation on the Lafferty case. Mike Holmes advised the Commission denied their request. Counseling is continuing and it is not extended to contractors. A view expressed is that architects are among those who should make sure the architecture is appropriate to the terrain and that we do not build garages that are subject to flooding. New homes owners in these programs should be advised they can come before the NAC should a dispute arise. Members queried how their recommendation was presented to the Commission. The members do not appear satisfied and do not know why the Commission reached their decision. ~, , Lois Cormier, resident, was critical of the city that. as a courtesy, did not provide the NAC members with a copy of what was presented to the Commission. She was further critical that the NAC members had not been advised of the Commission action. NAC members were not advised when the item was scheduled and were not present to personally give their views. Ms. Cormier advised she taped the Commission meeting and that the motion was made by Commissioner Fred Thomas. The vote was taken rapidly with very little if any discussion. Ms. Cormier advised this issue is not a dead issue and there are other avenues to explore. She may decide to spearhead this item herself. .~...,! Mike Holmes will present to members at the next meeting or if available prior to then, will mail members a copy of the memo that went to the City Commission and a copy of the commission minutes on the Lafferty item. 7. The CDBG application process will have a different role for the City. Departmental staff will be reviewing applications for completeness only. A social services technical review committee to be formed will make recommendations. This committee will have a small representation from the city and will have members from service groups that will not be applying for CDBG funds. All cases they considered along with their recommendations will proceed to the NAC for input and recommendations. These then go to the City Commission. Some members asked if there was a need for their committee. 2 - . . ~ .'", ~. .. , . , .' " i.,;::, MJJoI!:.'.~'''''.'' ,l~1,. ", Ie ,,' "", -, , i .' a .. . .. 8. The tour will walt until the applicatIons are in. Members of the City Commission will join NAC members on their bus tour to visit the potential subrecipients. A date will be designated later. ..-..., 9. Ms. Cormier is horrified that the NAC was not better informed by the City of the action taken by the Commission on their recommendation. Of further interest, Jay Elliott was ill and unable to give a presentation. He turned in a lengthy letter. She questioned when the Grantee Performance Report will be on the agenda again. Mike explained when it is revised, a public hearing notice wHl be advertised and it will be placed on the agenda. She was surprised that the City Clerk's office sent a letter to the various boards on the Sunshine Law. She feels this letter should have been sent by the City Manager. 8, Mike Holmes has received ,the communication Jay Elliott left with the City Commission. He has not had the opportunity to respond to it as yet. 7. Rudy Miller motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Cherry Harris and the meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm. ' '~"""" J co".1 3