05/25/1993 :"" .>-'.<r . ~; . ., "",:i "';;, ".: , ' ~-'!-t1~"^>.,,(~ ,< ~,... C~U"~"" 5" : NAC. Minutes Neighhorhood Advisory Committee " " DATE 5=.)S-. fl3 . -+ ~ II () ~l. , ~, '" -. ~ CLEARWATER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE 110th Regular Meeting May 25, 1993 Clearwater City Hall Annex DRC Conference Room MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE Cherry Harris Ralph Linn Rudy Miller, Vice Richard Kinseher Willie Brewton Ri~hard Kinseher Chairman ( p) ( P) ( E) ( E) (A) (E) Chairman Millie Joplin Fred Infinger Robert Mitchell Darrell Collins, Mary Heard ( P) ( P) (A) ( P) ( P) Other present: James Polatty and Ginny Larcom, both City Staff. Charlie Mann and Martha Skelton, guests. 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Darrell Collins 7:35 p.m. He then gave a short invocation. 2. '-." \ .,_.,J 3. 4. 5. J Jim Polatty explained the system staff used for arriving at the funding dollars for the, Public Service Agencies. He gave a cursory explanation of the spreadsheet containing recommendation of staff (each member had a copy); reminding them that there is a ~5% cap on Public Service (a copy of the HUD 570.202 is attached to these Minutes). He suggested that if the need existed elsewhere, some funds could be taken from Infill; conversely, any overage, should be delegated to Infill. Jim also commended Michael Holmes on all the work that went into this application procedure. The members agreed. Discussion of rezoning 501 N. Greenwood for Sgt. Allen Moore Community Partnership. Jim Polatty responded that even if the City Commissioners agreed to the rezoning, he feels that Pinellas Planning Council would reject it. (There was further discussion later in the meeting) Millie Joplin announced her intention to abstain from voting on item #34 (Tampa Bay Community Development Corporation), in order to avoid possible conflict of interest. Darrell Collins requested the guests introduce themselves'~nd state .a few facts about the agency they represented: .".. a. Charlie Mann of Community Service Foundation, recapped the services they provide. He extolled the "Neighbors II training and education components; this program provides financial education assistance for home-buyers. He stated that the CRA law ensures that banks work with people who need education in this area. This is the second year of this {Neighbors} program. b. Martha Skelton of Community pride stated their very real need. The Holt building is 3S years old, and is o~en all the time (even the Fourth of July this year), and in dJ.re need of renovation and improvement. She had questions concerning the Social Service Grant: how is eligibility determined... how to apply. Jim Polatty recommended that she speak with Eleanor 1,.~,. ~>: v . .- .. ~ Breland .- (City staff), and complete the application which was recently mailed to possible applicants. Since the City doesn't allow nepotism, a question was raised about it in subrecipients. It appears to be a double standard. Ralph Linn motioned that it be investigated as to whether HUD had any rule against it. Second by Millie Joplin. Carried unanimously. The committee feels that policy should be set. 7. As a matter of interest, Jim Polatty stated that there was question whether the Greenwood Panthers would be able to meet the low/moderate income standard. 6. ! .'..........,.. 8. Discussion ensued concerning North Greenwood Association (NGA). It was suggested that an Agreement of Lease (with an option to buy) be negotiated between NGA and the owner of the old Plaza Theater, and that the purchase price be included at the time of the lease. Fred Infinger made a motion to that effect, second by Ralph Linn, and carried unanimously. 9. Regarding Latch~ey Services for Children: the committee speculated who 1S responsible for water that floods this property. since Clearwclter tax-dollars are directed to the storm water runoff, it should be determined whose responsibility it is. Ralph Linn motioned that this matter be looked into, second by Millie Joplin, motion carried unanimously. 10. There was discussion concerning Community Housing Resource Board. Although the Committee felt there are enough agencies which deal with the problem, Jim Polatty assured them that no one else does auditinq on discrimination. 11. Concerning the application of Pinellas Habitat for Humanity: Ralph Linn motioned that they be funded for $25,000. on the condition that the money be used in North Greenwood, and that the City buy lots for them. Cherry Harris seconded, and the motion carr1ed unanimously. 12. Fred Infinger motioned that any surplus or shortfall of funds be attached to the Rehab Program. Second by Ralph Linn, carried unanimously. 13. Recommendations by each member present, and by Richard Kinseher in absentia, were tabulated. The results were announced to'~he meeting at large and accepted as correct. A copy of the NAC recommendations is attached to these Minutes. 14. Chairman requested that any new business be tabled for the next meeting. This was unanimously approved by the members present. 15. Next meeting set for two weeks: June 8 in the DRC Conference Room of the Annex building at 7:30 P.M. 16. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. grnl/nac0525.min v