Neighborhood Advisory Committee
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97th Regular Meeting Clearwater City Hall
March 10, 1992 DRC Conference Room
Darrell Collins, (Chairman)
Patricia Grigalanz
Fred Infinger
Ralph H. Linn
Robert Mitchell
Kathy Roshia
Chris Papandreas, City
(P) Willie Brewton
Cherry Harris
Molly Joplin
(P) Rudy Miller
Donna Pratt
Molly Stephenson
(P) James Polatty, City
Others present: Bill Baker, Public Works Director
Isay Gulley, Executive Director, Clearwater
Neighborhood Housing services
1) The meeting was called to order at 12:22 by Chairman Collins.
Mr. Brewton gave the invocation.
2) Molly Stephenson moved approval of the minutes of the previous
meeting. Ralph Linn seconded and the minutes were approved.
3) Bill Baker, Public Works Director, was introduced. He
described several public works improvements being initiated in
the North Greenwood neighborhood, as follows:
a. A new sewer main will replace the deteriorated pipe which
runs down from Drew Street to the Marshall street Treatment
Plant. This is a $2.5 million contract. The project will
also include a reclaimed water line to take treated effluent
from the treatment plant and permit its use for irrigation.
There is a 15 year phasing plan for the reclaimed water
project. It is estimated that 5 to 6 years is the minimum
time until reclaimed water is available to the neighborhood.
b. A stormwater detention pond is being built adjacent to
Stevenson's Creek, in the vicinity of Community Pride Day Care
Center. This pond will have a border of aquatic weeds to help
filter the stormwater. Funds for this improvement are
provided by the stormwater utility.
c. odor control at the Marshall Street treatment plant has
been accomplished by enclosure of all odor producing functions
in buildings with air filtration systems. Within the last
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several.months, the city has eliminated dumping of septic tank
wastes by a private contractor, which was a source of odor.
Mr. Linn noted that there are no odors of sewage emanating
from the plant, however sometimes the odors seam to be "too
perfumed". Mr. Baker noted that they will continue to fine--
tune the system.
d. Existing water lines will be replaced. Galvanized lines
will be replaced with ductile iron or PVC, where appropriate.
This will probably not affect every house in the neighborhood.
e. Sidewalk easements will be requested on certain streets
where residents have requested their construction. Right-of-
way constraints have prohibited sidewalk installation where
the existing street is too narrow. Mr. Brewton noted that the
support of citizens from the community should be sought to
encourage community acceptance of this effort. Mrs. Gulley
asked to have the streets identified in advance.
4) Mr. Linn questioned why a detention pond wasn't included as
part of the bridge replacement on Palmetto Street. Mr. Baker
replied that D.E.R. doesn't require a detention pond when the
improvements will not widen the road., '
5) Mr. Linn noted damage done to the seawall just east of Betty
Lane and south of Stevenson's Creek. lie stated that he
believes that the damage was done by machinery owned by
Scarborough Construction. Mr. Baker said that he would look
into this.
6) Mr. Linn asked if trees could be planted around the sewage
treatment plant, and if the recycling station could be cleaned
up and landscaped. Mr. Baker said that this could be
7) Chris Papandreas noted that there may be some slippage in the
schedule for review of grailt subinittals for next year's
program. She will consult with the chairman if it is
necessary to delay the April or May meeting.
8) The meeting adjourned at 1:46 P.M.
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