02/11/1992 , :. ~ , ':......;~ I ! 'I (' 1!V~;.lt'!'~".j'!. ..,". ;- ,.,~ :.~<,!"" ,.~..... ._, . ,NAC , , , Minutes Neighborhood Advisory Committee \ DATE .)-11. f.l . ~t- ::L 7 J.>: . , . ,I. I' f\o-,\~<~~:.". ~"'->": '"' .' ~~ . .~ . ".,~,' 1. 2. 3. 4. , () 5. " 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ..' '":. .... ., ~. ". AGENDA CLEARWATER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE 96th REGULAR MEETING CITY HALL ANNEX ORC CONFERENCE ROOM Located at North End of Hall, City Hall Annex .10 SOUTH MISSOURI AVENUE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1992 7:30 P.M. Call to Order , Approval of minutes of previous meeting " Election of officers Discussion of E. Clearwater representation from Condon Gardens/Wood Valley Grantee Performance Report, 1990-91 program year H.U.D. Monitoring visit Schedule of subrecipient,applications and review for 1992-1993 funds \. Housing activities update other business Set date of next meeting Adjourn " I CP/gml/A:\NACfES.AGD Januory 28, 1992 \ \..../ ~;.i:.';~' ~.:;\';~>I:'" ., '" .c f ~ , , , '. ~ ~ .. L ; 'j.,. ." .. , ,~\ : ....... . >. .... ~~}.:. T " ' ~ .' . , , :. ...., ~. :~t t ,,\.... . I . ~ ~ " .~: ~ . " . .. .. " {,~ :: . .> .;: . ~;... ~ l': , " ,'., . ,i' ..< c. . . , , ~ I. ,: :\:".1-' .' . ~~,....,-._' , lpof"t.3, L,..'./"',~1"r. t+...~...._"-,,... . .. ~ .. I'~ .'. .' , I f , " " ' NAC ." . .\ ' , ~ I " , Minutes Neighborhood Advisory- Committee . ' " DATE ;. _1/.,.. fJ..-r . , ; 1 - r2Cf .""'...,. . .'! . . ,c <. . 1;,. ~'''''' .. ~~r:~'/. ...- . . . ......-..., 1 , MINUTES CLEARWATER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE 96th Regular Meeting February 11, 1992 Clearwater city Hall Annex DRe Conference Room MEMBERS OF TUE COHMITT~!! willie Brewton (P) Patricia Grigalanz Fred Infinger, Chairman(P) Ralph II. Linn (P) Robert Mitchell (P) !-:~thy Roshia Chris Papandreas, city (P) Darrell Collins (P) Cherry Harris (P) Milly Joplin Rudy Miller (P) Donna Pratt Molly stephenson (P) James Polatty, city (P) 1) The meeting was called to order by Chairman Infinger at 7:30 p.m. Willie Brewton gave the invocation. Robert Mitchell, the new member from the North Greenwood neighborhood, was introduced. ..--.., , '> ~""f;. 2) The minutes of the meeting of December 10 were presented, and were approved as submitted. 3) Mr. Infinger announced his resignation of the chairmanship. Cherry Harris nominated Darrell Collins as the new chairman. The nomination was seconded by \vi1lie Brewton and passed unanimously. Mr. Infinger nominated Rudy Miller for Vice- Chairman; the nomination was seconded by Molly Stephenson and was approved unanimously. 4) The Committee tabled discussion of the representation from East Clearwater until a later date. The citizen Participation Plan will likely require amendment, and amendments to the by- laws will be considered at the same time. 5) Chris Papandreas passed around a copy of the Grantee Performance Report which \'/as submitted on December 30. BUD has asked for revisions to this report. A public hearing on the revised'GPR will be scheduled in March or April. 6) Chris Papandreas reported that four BUD monitors visited the City on February 3-6. This is a new monitoring team. The monitoring visit was extremely rigorous, and some procedural findings are expected. to be cont'd/2 l,-J 'ff' .': 'f r\ 7) 8) 9) , ~P.,......., ,._.J - 2 - A draft application schedule for 1992-1993 was distributed. This schedule calls for meetings on April 14 and on May 12, at which time subrecipient proposals Hill be considered. A policy to limit the number of subrecipients was considered. Molly Stephenson moved to recommend that the city commission limit the number of subrecipients to eight grants of not more than $15,000 per grant for 1992-1993. The motion was seconded by Darrell Collins. After much discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The Committee further suggested that the number of requests be limited to one per agency, and that other city funds be allocated to fund some of the smaller subrecipient requests. Staff was further requested to evaluate the requests for consistency wi,th the service levels and number of beneficiaries currently being assisted. chris Papandreas reported that five new homes have been started, and that one of the homes was occupied last week. Five rehabs are currently underHay. Under "other business", chris Papandreas asked the Committee to consider an item to amend the 1991-92 Final statement to merge the CDBG program with the newly established HOME program. Program amendments will increase administrative funding from $80,000 to $120,000; add a new activity, 'rental rehabilitation at $140,550; reduce housing rehabilitation to $193,138; and reduce inEill housing to $255,000. HOME funds will be applied to housing needs to increase funding for owner occupied rehabilitation to $365,688 (which is $50,000 more than the current CDBG funding level). HOME funds will also replace the reallocated CDBG funds to maintain the current funding level for infill housing. Mr. Linn moved to approve this amendment I contingent upon HOME funds becoming available. The motion was seconded by Rudy Miller and passed unanimously. 10) Mr. Linn noted four requests for in~ormation regarding Public Works operations in North Greenwood. These are: stormwater detention, the condition of Stevenson's Creek, the status of availability of reclaimed water, and odors from the Marshall street Sewage Treatment plant. Mr. Polatty suggested that a lunch meeting be held on March 10. Representatives of the Public Works Department will be present to answer questions. The Committee approved this meeting time. 11) The meeting adjourned at 9:15. cp/GML 2/14/92 Af\2-11NAC.MIN '-"