05/09/1989 :.~~~., ...,":~ ,:.", 'r '. . . ,d . . .... '.: :,:,'::; . .:. , , . '. -I; , " '. ~, , \.1, , , .... . " . . ; ...' NAC. I , /1 ,~,/'" . Minutes Neighborhood Advisory Committee \. DATE s". f... 8'1 4- 2.3 S-O' .t~ . "j 'l~ .' ;<:: ." " ~. ,. ~..:-y;;'" \~.F~\'''. ,;' ~ ;'" ."'"<. '} .,'.. I'~ J h \ t.' ~. .:.. r> {' "~.I\ "i P . , ' <-, ~. AGENDA CLEARWATER. NEIGHBORHOOD 'ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY BALL ANNEX CONFERENCE ROOM TUESDAY, HAY 9, 1989 7.30 P.M. 1. Call to order 2. Minutes a. Approval and review of items 3. Old Business a. Project proposals status b. Membership status - North Greenwood c. South Greenwood/Ross Norton stat~s - Darrell Collins d. Handicapped playgrounds/After school care - Rebecca Kane '8 e. East Clearwater swimming pool - Monika Moore/Rebe~ca Kane f. Other 4. New Business a. Other 5. Schedule next meeting .................................. June 13, 1989 6. Adjournment .'" (;; " :.~:' "I HINU'1'ES CLEARWATER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COHHITTEE 74th Regular Meeting April 11, 1989 City Uall Annex Conference Room Members of the Committee William Aldridge Ella Mae Atkins Willie Brewton Walter Campbell (P) Darrell Collins, Vice Chair (P) Cherry Harris (P) Fred Infinger, Chair (E) Milly Joplin (P) Rebeccn Kane (P) Rudy Miller (E) Monika Moir (P) Jim Sheeler t, City (P) Molly Stephenson (P) Sidney Hardwick, Quest Bob Joplin, Quest 1. Meeting called to order nt 7:35 p.m. 2. Minutes reviewed and approved. The need for another North Greenwood member was discussed. Cherry Harris will bring some suggestion~ to the next meeting. , 4. A proposal has been developed for a library in South Greenwood. A library is needed in this part of the City and this may be a long te~ project of the CoIIm1.ittee. 3. ,.....,. ( "I ".'" 5. Obtaining recreational equipment for Ross Norton Park was also discussed, as well as converting the "PAL" building to a weight and recreational building. This will be another evolving project. 6. potential projects for 1989-1990 were reviewed and discussed in detail. All of the projects seem worthy, but there is not enough money to cover all of them. Projects were ranked by the Committee. CDBG Progr~ Statement of Objectives was previously distributed. 7. The next meeting will be May 9, 1989, in the City Hall Annex Conference Room. 8. Meeting adjourned at 9.20 p.m. '-/