09/24/1985 . " ,\. :,. . , , ',' ~ ., j , ' I. , , \ +, ' , ' ., . , ,> ~ :,' ::, 'J ,:~.\~~ < k , . , '1- " , ". , . ,. '. ~~ ~ .' " . " . . . , ,. .<" '<' .,. ;\; , .', . .j.. '. , " ' .fC,' , . ; ~ . < " ~ : ..... . " " ; . . , " , ___~~,'f:;~~";~~j:;:;"_"'::':~r. :;,:r.. . . " . NAC Minutes Neighborhood Advisory Committee . DATE 'JW'''' q.. fJ'.s- . -1-22-:50 : ' lJ.:;.\(~ '7~'7\, h~, ~Ij~:, '.....p , ~".k::::'~'.~,,~'.").r\.:.,:.,f~ o"J". '~', ',' \~. . ,'," . , , :.~':.,~;:TJi?~d~(~./."(. .. .~:,';",i ;.'1.';:',f/".. " ...~" ~-.... ~ ,,~~II,~" ~"'.. ..~. ~tI~~':yf.~' ,. : >, -" ....." '. ~ --, '..' >'.: :~'>,'," '~,~'~f~:I" /,:.:~:) ;,)~'; ,).;.;" NEIGHBOID100D ADVISORY CO~~ITTEE ~ . 'Clearwater, Florida . If-,4 Minutes of the ~h Regular Meeting. . . . . . . September 24, 1985 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Annex Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue. The following persons were present: Mrs. Anne Brooks Mrs. Cherry Harris Mr. Rudolph Miller Mr. Willie Brewton Mrs. Ella Mae Atkins Mr. Winfred Infinger Mrs. Molly Stephenson Mrs. Lois Martin Mr. Don Jass *Mr. Mohamid Rahim *Guests The following persons were absent: Rev. Walter Campbell Mr. John Welch, Jr., Mrs. Jo Ann Wolfe Following the invocation,' the meeting began with a review and .~ approval of the minutes of the May 28, 1985 meeting. After the '.-J Guest was introduced, the' following items were discussed: 1. Lois Martin and Cherry Harris requested an update on the progress on plans to dredge Stevensons Creek. 2. Mrs. Harris discussed plans for the October 5, 1985 Clean-Up Campaign. She appealed for support to. make a major effort this year~ 3. Mr. Rahim spoke of his concern regarding the City1s involvement and committment to improving the .North 'Greenwood Area. . He was concerned that the work of the. "Neighborhood Patrol" would be focused on enforcement, and would not involve itself in providing a posi ti ve influence in the neighborhood. . 4. The problem of street maintenance (sweeping, cleaning of catch basins and curb inlets) was discussed. It was agreed that the individual property owners are responsible for that portion of the right-of-way in front of their homes. ~ 5. Mr. Infinger requested that new signs be installed in Ed Wright Park similar to those around the "Plumb House". He also suggested that lights be installed around the "Plumb House" for security purposes. , ? 6. Mrs. Atkins complained about the Police Department running off the vegetable peddlers who used to serve the residents of Condon Gardens. 7. Mr. Miller requested information regarding the use of Ross Norton Park to practice hitting 9plf balls in the evening when the park is not being used. Mr. Art Kader is looking into this matter. 8. Mr. Infinger expressed his concern over the many trees that have been blown down during recent storms. He requested that every effort be made to save them including righting them with cables when possible. '9. Ms. Atkins spoke of the progress b~ing made at Condon Gardens. . She stated that they are doing better in keeping the common areas picked up and mowed. 10. Mrs. Brooks reported a'drainage problem behind her house on Dovewood - she requested assistance. She also reported a problem with the sidewalk on the North side of Drew Street between Fairwood Avenue and Eisenhour Elementary School - the sidewalk is blocked by a fallen fence and ~s overgrown with weeds. she reported that the roof of the Community Pride building on Holt Avenue is in need of repair. . 11. Mrs. Mart{n reported that several dead trees on the vacant lot next to her home need to be removed. She is afraid that they may fall and damage'her home. 12. Mrs. Harris reported that the basins at the west end of Harbor Drive have been blocked by a large accumulation of tras~ - she asked that they be cleaned. 13. Mr. Brewton requested assistance in controlling a problem with mosquitoes in the south Greenwood Area adjacent to Lake Belleview. The next meeting was scheduled for November 26, 1985 The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ,': <', ~ .~' ~ ~ \. I \~