03/01/1993 (2)
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City Commission Worksession Minutes
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Michael J. Wright
Kathy S. Rice
Elizabeth Deptula
M.A. Galbraith, Jr.
Cynthia E. Goudeau
City Manager
Deputy City Manager
Assistant City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
March 1, 1993
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met at City Hall with the following members
Rita Garvey
Richard Fitzgerald
Sue Barfield
Arthur X. Deegan, II
Mayme Hodges
Mayor /Commissioner
Also prasent:
The meeting was called to order at 9: 1 Oam.
.,"'\ Budget Proarams (WSOHAS)
Ms. Deptula offered a memorandum from Tina Wilson. Budget Director, to Mayor
Garvey and the Commission. approved by the City Manager. indicating ~ breakdown of
proposed programs and sub-programs for the 1993/94 fiscal year. The City Manager said
accounting will be kept at the sub-program level, but will be reported in the budget book at
a program level; Mr. Wright will have sub-program detail information. Omission of Police
Department East Oistrict was noted. The Commissioners agreed upon the concept. and staff
will move forward with development of the budget using the proposed breakdown.
Contract for roof replacement at MorninQside Recreation Center to The Dean Comoanv.
Clearwatu. FL. for $22,690 {GSJ
There are leaks in the roof at the Morningside Recreation Complex, causing damage to
the plaster ceiling. Temporary repairs have failed and it appears the roof is beyond repair.
Bids were solicited and one bid was received from The Dean Company. Reviewing this
bid with another roofing project, the square foot cost proved comparable, Staff recommends
contract be awarded to The Dean Company, who will provide a coal-tar pitch, aggregate roof I
20-year limited warranty. at a cost of $22,690.00.
Commissioner Berfield objected to gravel roofs, which prove hazardous in storms. It
was agreed replacement of the entire roof would be cost-prohibitive. Commissioner Berfield
opined that future construction not include roofs of this type. ~iscussion ensued relative to
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county-wide prohibition of gravel roofs. It was indicated such an undertaking would be
extremely difficult. Commissioner Berfield agreed to let it pass.
~qreement with Clearwater Bombers. Inc. re: 'Bombers use of Bomber Stadium (CM))
The City Attorney's office advised a new five-year agreement with "Clearwater
Bombers, Inc.," the legal entity, was required. The only differences in substance are: 1) The
legal entity of Bombers was changed form "Clearwater Bomber Boosters, Inc." to "Clearwater
Bombers, Inc. II; 2) a new paragraph 9 has been added to reflect the Bombers having rights to
install advertising signs on the outfield fence of the stadium; 3) an annual reporting
requirements replaces a final reporting requirement in paragraph 13(8).
The current budget for 1992/93 includes a City contribution of $10,000. An additional
City contribution of $1.00 for every $10.00 raised by the Bombers was discussed but not
Mr. Ream Wilson reported a change in officers of the Boosters and Mr. Wright indicated
he is now dealing with Mr. Mike Moore, who indicated the need for funds was urgent. '
Commissioner Fitzgerald asked whether an annual financial report requested by the
Commission had been received. It was agreed that no reports had been received. Mayor
Garvey said a copy of last year's financial report and this year's budget was needed by 5:00
Wednesday in order to be aware of the distribution of monies last year, and how this year's
award would be spent. Mayor Garvey asked if a list of private sector financing could also be
provided. Commissioner Fitzgerald said that he was not ready to consider further funding for
the Bombers and additional monies will have to come from the private sector.
Contract for Beach Access Improvements for the area from Bohenia Circle South to Junioer
St.. to Unicon. Dunedin. FL, for $43.676 lPR)
Mr. Wilson explained this project involved King Engineering Associates Inc. design
drawings for the beautification of street ends from Behenia Circle South to Juniper Street. The
contract provides for the construction of boardwalks, concrete decks, retention areas,
stormwater improvements, sidewalks and other necessary pertinencies and landscaping,
He described the project in detail and explained the objectives are improved access,
especially handicapped, and maintaining view of the Gulf. Replying to Commissioner
Fitzgerald's question, Mr. Wilson indicated the project meets ADA requirements, and two
handicapped parking spaces at each street end will be provided. Mayor Garvey questioned
why the City was doing this project; Mr. Wright answered it was a budgeted item in the
capital improvement program. Mr. Wilson was asked to bring the drawings to Thursday
night's meeting.
Extension of contract with Rueter. Inc.. Hopkins. MN. for purchase of approx. 2.300 - 90
gallon refuse containers. for the period 4/1/93~3/31/94. at an est. total of $126.400 and misc.
spare parts for an est. total of $23.600, for an est. total of all for $150,000 (PWl
This contract covers replacement of unserviceable 90-gallon refuse containers. Rueter t
Inc. has agreed to extend the terms set forth in the 1992 contract for an additional year. The
balance in Residential Container Acquisition are sufficient to provide funds for this contract.
In the ensuing diSCUSSion. Mr. Wright said the City would probably stay with twice a
week pickup; Mayor Garvey said two solid waste pickups per week were acceptable until
. recycling was significant.
Contract for Storm Improvement Proiec~ (Cleveland/Duncan to Aurora) to Suncoast
ExcavatinQ. Inc., Ozona. FL. for $492.654 rpW}
The work proposed is the replacement of a deteriorated and undersized storm sewer
system and water main along Cleveland Street from Duncan Avenue to Aurora Aenue. The
project includes installation of approximately 4.310 lineal feet of reinforced concrete storm
pipe and 3.038 lineal feet of water main replacement, together with appurtenances, relieving
flooding conditions and drainage. Because of past problems experienced with the low bidder.
Steve's Excavating, staff recommends the contract be awarded to the second lowest bidder.
Suncoast Excavating, with a bid of $492,654.00.
It was noted Steve's Excavating wants unfavorable correspondence removed from the
City's files; staff did not agree. Mr. Galbraith said he looked into the matter and was
confident the City was in a good position to award the contract to the second lowest bidder.
Mr. Wright noted that Steve's had submitted a bid protest which has been subsequently
\~:) Contract for Harbor Oaks Curb Replacement to MTM Contractors, Inc.. St. Petersburg. FL. for
$209,100 (PWl
The purpose of this contract is to replace all of the deteriorated curbing in this
neighborhood, eliminating piece-work patching and overall higher maintenance costs. Present
curbs were constructed with inexpensive "butter curb" which over the years has deteriorated.
Mayor Garvey questioned why Harbor Oaks curbs needed replacement; Mr. Baker gave
the history, indicating the original Marl mix was stuccoed with concrete to patch. adding that
the City is obligated to keep its curbs repaired, He explained handicapped ramps to conform
with ADA requirements are included in the contact, but medians curbs are not. He added
curbs facilitate storm water and drainage management. Later, at the close of the work session,
Mr. Wright offered that median curbs are indeed City right-of-way, are concrete and will not
be replaced. Mayor Garvey asked Mr. Wright to double check this.
Replying to Mayor Garvey's question, Mr. Baker reported ordinarily properly constructed
curbs in the City do not need repair. and it is not a regular problem. He indicated Harbor Oaks
was the only section having deteriorating Marl type curbs.
Mr. Wright reported staff will be bringing recommendations on the bicycle trail on May
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E'olicy re~entrancewaY signs & monuments in City rights-of-way with active pursuit of
adherence to the coUCy bv owners of existina structures (PW)
The City Commission had directed Staff to obtain the agreements and insurance
policies mentioned in the existing policy and to describe the allowable recognition signs
pertaining to the "Adopt a Park" program. Mr. Wright offered recommended language. Several
Commissioners reported receipt of correspondence from Northwood Estates residents relative
to replacement of their sign. It was agreed Northwood could reconstruct its sign with proper
liability insurance and maintenance.
A discussion concerning the present policy ensued and Mr. Wright reaffirmed the
proposed language will obviate future building of monuments. The Commission requested the
word "new" be added, and separate paragraphs will address new and existing monuments.
Commissioner Deegan questioned the placement of monument-type mail boxes on the
right-of-way. Mr. Baker reported the Postmaster endorsed removal by the City. A discussion
ensued as to enforcement. Mr. Wright suggested a survey. Mayor Garvey suggested
prohibition and notification to the public via water bill stuffer was mentioned. Commissioner
Deegan favored a specific paragraph to cover monument-type mail boxes.Mr. Baker will draft
appropriate language. survey neighborhoods and take relevant pictures. Mayor Garvey
suggested the public be informed via video on Vision Cable and Commissioner Fitzgerald
suggested coordination with Homeowners' Associations.
Jollv Trollev - Consider continuation of Downtown Service (CM)
If the Commission would like to continue the Beach/Downtown service on a regular
basis. it will result in an annual cost of approximately $152.400.
Ms. Deptula reported that PST A has decided not to take any action on the termination
of the Beach to Downtown Trolley. A March 24. 1994 public hearing is schedule and public
input ;s sought.
Mayor Garvey requested summarization of the yearly cost for the Beach Trolley. the
Downtown Trolley's total cost, estimated loss of revenue from PSTA for Route 80, and the
amount of projected revenue if $.25 fare were charged. Ms. Deptula reported PSTA has
requested $2,OOO/month subsidy for lost ridership, making the monthly cost $12.700, adding
the City pays in full the operating cost; 90% of- purchase of the Trolleys is borne by Federal
and State funds.
Commissioner Deegan stated there is a market for a tram service and asked if there
were private sector interest. It was agreed Jolly Trolley is recreational, not mass transit.
Commissioner Berfield indic,ated she had been contacted by persons interested in north and
south expansion and they will need to be addressed at Thursday's meeting. Mr. Wright will
investigate legalities before Thursday.
The meeting recessed at 1 0:30am. reconvening at 10:38am.
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City Hall Soace NeecJs
A representative of Rowe & Donnell distributed a memo offering five items, including
backup information and worksheet, indicating space needs will vary relative to the mission of
the agency. The results of soil borings and tho swamp gas issue were discussed and an
additional test suggested.
Mr. Donnell emphasized project cost is determined by the client and no cost estimate
has been done for a new City Hall. He explained the difference between budget and estimat,e,
adding estimates can not be determined until design criteria is set and concepts produced.
The parking survey, structure and shared parking with churches was discussed. Mr.
Wright listed the type of vehicles to be included, the total of which is 400 vehicles. It was
indicated a separate budget has been established for the Community Room. The budget for
exclusions, with the exception of moving and rental costs, is estimated at $1,500,000.
Following Ms. Rice's report on shared parking with churches, Mr. Wright pointed out
the advantages of removing parking from under the building and recommended further
Ms. Rowe reported the cost savings for a consolidated City Hall were estimated at
$213,855 per year and relayed the benefits of this option.
Commissioner opined this item be placed on the agenda for Thursday's meeting;
Commissioner Fitzgerald said he needed more time for review. Mayor Garvey said the matter
would be discussed early Thursday night, right after Public Hearing items. Ms. Rice will
consolidate all current information into one document.
Public Hearing - Maior Amendment to GPO Final Site Plan of Belcher Sunset Center located
at 1801-1876 N. Belcher Rd.. Belcher Point Sub.. to permit an additional 1-storv bldg &
associated oarking on Parcel A (Krivacs/GuilfordHPLD)
The applicant is requesting authorization to revise the final site plan by adding a one-
story 5,004 square foot building and 23 parking spaces to Parcel A. This item requires ORC
review and a public hearing before the City Commission.
Mr. Polatty displayed site plans and reported DRC I,as no problems with the application.
Public Hearing & First Reading Ord. #5332-93 - RS~8 Zoninq for property located at 300
Vanetian Dr.. North Shore Park Sub.. Blk 1, Lots 10. 11 and part of 9. approx. 0.84 acre
(Owens/Citv Z92-10HPlD)
This is a City-initiated rezoning of an existing 1 2 unit apartment building from RM-8 to
RS-8. This rezoning action is being taken pursuant to direction given to staff by the City
Commission in its initial approval of the North Ft. Harrison/N. Myrtle Avenue Zoning Study and
its associated rezonings and land use plan amendments.
Ord. #5347~93 ~ Relating to the Clearwater Downtown Develooment Board: amendina Secs.
2.147 and 2.148
" t
It was noted the Planning & Zoning does not support this action because the owner
could not recover existing density if building were destroyed.
(Cont. from 2/4/93) Varianc~s ~o Sian Regulations for prooertv (Davton Andrews. Inc.l located
at 2388 Gulf-ta-Bav. Sec. 18-29-16. M&8 24,05 & 24.06. and Gulf to Bay Estates. Unit 3.
Lots 594-597 (Massey Motors, Inc. SV92-26HPLO)
(Cant. from 2/4J93) Variances to Sign Regulations for orooerty (Lokev Old~mobile. Inc.)
located at 2339 Gulf-ta-Bav. Sec. 18-29-16. M&B 31.05. and Lokev F.B.C.. Lot 2 {Lokev.
McFarland. Flaws & Barnett Banks Trust Co. SV92-44HPLO}
Mr. Polatty reported the application for a lesser variance as promised by the applicant
,has not been received. Mr. Polatty said staff would have no problem with a variance for a
smaller sign. It was noted although 64 square feet is the allowable area, the requested signs
are in the 80 square feet range. Mr. Wright shared pictures with the Commission members.
Mr. Polatty will confirm whether each of the three businesses has a separate occupational
The DDS has requested an additional amendment that would allow one vote per parcel
VS. one vote per property owner. The City Attorney felt procedurally this item should be
handled as a separate ordinance.
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Ultlmar Site Plan Modific;:ation Reauest
The developer Is requesting approval of a modification of the site plan to allow an in-
ground swimming pool in view corridor.
Mr. Galbraith gave the background and indicated a settlement stipulation. indicating the
present application now violates paragraph 4 of the site plan. The applicant claims because
the pool modification is below ground it is allowable under "protected" site plan requirements
in article 14, i.e., 1) There is no increase in height; 2) setbacks are equal to or greater than
those shown on the site plan; 3) There is no reduction in open area; 4) there is no increase
in density; and 5) there is no reduction in view corridor.
Mr. Galbraith said the item is proposed for reconsideration because of recent
Commission action, although approval of the City Manager would have been adequate.
Opposing depositions from neighbors were mentioned, although they agreed the pool would
not obstruct their view. Commissioner Barfield requested copies of the depositions; Mr.
Galbraith said he would have the transcripts tomorrow.
City Manager Verbal Reports
Legislative UDdate
Ms. Deptula noted four letters which were sent to the legislative delegation relative to
solid waste flow control, building inspection liability, attorney client privilege, and ex parte
communications. She asked the Commission consider possible support for amendments to
the Revenue Sharing Act and home rule for local vendors' bids. Ms. Deptula will prepare a
draft for the Commission's consideration.
Commissioner Fitzgerald noted an item in the Tampa Tribune which noted a committee
meeting wherein the soverign immunity question was addressed.
Ms. Goudeau indicated the Canvassing Board will meet on March 10, 1993, tentatively
scheduled for 12:00 noon. Mr. Galbraith indicated Janice will call and confirm the time.
Commission Discussion Items
Direction re: code amendments requested by Coalition of Homeowners
Ms. Goudeau indicated Bob Wright, Coalition of Homeowners' president, has requested
reconsideration of an ordinance to address parking on lawns. It was agreed, while the
Commission understood the concern. there was no change in the direction provided to staff.
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Televising Worksessions
A citizen has requested the Commission consider televising worksessions. In the
opinion of Mayor Garvey, the work session is only information gathering, not decision making,
and it is not necessary to televise work sessions. Commissioner Fitzgerald agreed, although
he said it might be considered if there were no cost to the City. Commissioners Deegan and
Berfield were also in favor, if there were no cost. Commissioner Hodges believed televising
work sessions would be repetitious. Ms. Goudeau will confer with Vision Cable,
Mayor Garvey mentioned problems with the sound system and a discussion about
microphones ensued.
Other Commission Action
Commissioner Hodges reported she had talked with Mary Dresser relative to library
parking and Ms. Dresser has not received a written response to her request to be placed on
the agenda. Ms. Goudeau offered to follow this up.
Commissioner Hodges also noted a letter from the North Greenwood Merchants
Association relative to parking at a proposed medical facility. Mr. Wright said although it had
been answered, he offered to reply again. In the interest of cost-containment, Mr. Wright
cautioned against buying a specific piece of land. Mr. Wright said this matter should be
resolved in the next thirty days. It was noted this item has remained current for about a year,
and parking should be provided as promised.
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Commissioner Berfield was assured by Mr. Wright the Pinellas Trail will be scheduled
for March 18th. Mr. Wright said staff will make its best recommendation. Commissioner
Fitzgerald said the experts should give one best non-political recommendation after looking at
all options. Mr. Wright said notwithstanding recommendationst the final decision will rest with
the City Commission.
Information on Beach parking lot closings was distributed.
, The meeting adjourned at 1 2:00 noon.
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