04/21/1995r 1 LIBRARY BOARD. MINUTES :/ er/ /99s r, . }, CLEA.RWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting April 21, 1995 Clearwater Public Library 9:05 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. PRESENT: Wilbert Bacon, Chair Estelle Dunn Brenda Hunter Thalia Kelsey Shirley Kennedy Joanne Laurenti Pamela LeClair Dr. William Raffaniello Lucille Weiss Herbert Wickersham Dr. Arlita Hallam, ex-officio ABSENT: Trudi ails, excused GUESTS: Shirley Hunt, GCPL Foundation Chairman Tony Bacon called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. Mrs. Laurenti moved to approve the minutes - of the March meeting as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. MOTION CARRIES. Dr. Raffaniello reported the Nominating Committee met today at 5:45 a.m. with all members present. The Nominating Committee heartily recommends Wilbert Bacon as Chair and Joanne Laurenti as Vice Chair for 1995-96 officers. Mr. Bacon asked for any nominations from the floor. Hearing none, Mr. Bacon asked the Board to approve the Nominating Committee's recommendation. The Board unanimously voted to approve the officers for next year. Mr. Bacon reported that Fred Dunn and Dick Fitzgerald have submitted applications for the COOP Board. Mr. Bacon commented that his presentation of the Library Board's Annual Report to the City Commission on Thursday night, April 20, went very well. Copies of the Annual Report were distributed to Board members. The Board discussed the need for a summer meeting. it was decided that Dr. Hallam would call a meeting if necessary. Mr. Bacon appointed a study committee to compile a list of projects for the Board in the 1995-96 year so that the Board will have direction when it resumes meetings in the fall. Some ideas may be determined from the effectiveness surveys after June 1. The study committee will be chaired by Mrs. Kennedy with Ms. LeClair, Mrs. Kelsey, Mrs. Hunter, and Mrs. Weiss serving on the committee. This committee will set a meeting at a later date. Mr. Bacon discussed the possibility of another committee to discuss publishing a complimentary letter about the Clearwater Public Library System in the local newspaper. Mr. Bacon commented on the excellent attendance of Library Board members at the City's Advisory Board Dinner. Mr. Bacon reported that a new format will be used in the future for the "grandparents" computer classes. Three used computers are needed for hands-on use in the class. Mr. Bacon will request help from the Foundation. There was discussion on the issue of the Friends rental collection of best sellers. Mrs. Weiss commented that the Friends are no longer in favor of continuing their sponsorship of this service due to costs involved. Mr. Hunt noted that the Foundation would help the Friends in this service. Discussion on this matter ended, as it is a Friends issue. Dr. Hallam distributed Effectiveness Surveys to Board members to complete and return to the Library. Surveys will also be distributed to City Commissioners, City Department Heads, volunteers, Friends and Foundation Board members, and patrons. Mr. Hunt commented that the Foundation has new officers as well as new members. Mrs. Kennedy noted that Freenet is up and running. She asked that we be patient while they work out some problems. Donations are needed. Dr. Hallam reported the Library will be upgrading to an Alpha Server to improve the Galaxy system. An LCD projection panel will also be purchased. The Clearwater Public Library System will become an Internet host this summer. Eleanor Scharf and Chris Lofback from Main Library will be giving demonstrations of Internet/Freenet to City employees and LOGIN to City Department Heads. Mrs. Weiss expressed concern about the handicap accessible door at the Beach Branch. Dr. Hallam has requested an estimate from Building & Maintenance Division on a new set of doors for next year's budget. At the close of the meeting, Mr. Bacon asked when a meeting might be arranged with a few Board members, Mr. Hunt, and someone from the Clearwater- Times. Mr. Hunt said he would contact the newspaper himself about publishing the complimentary letter. The meeting was adjourned at 14:15 a.m. The next meeting of the Library Board is May 19 at 9:00 a.m., 3rd floor conference room, Main Library. L _, CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Nominating Committee Meeting Friday, April 21, 1995 8:45 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: Dr. William Raffaniello, Chair None Estelle Dunn Thalia Kelsey Herbert Wickersham Dr. Raffaniello called the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m. All members were present. Dr. Raffaniello reported that only two members are willing to serve as off icers of the Board: Wilbert Bacon and Joanne Laurenti. Mrs. Kelsey moved to accept the nominations of 'Wilbert Bacon for Chair and Joanne Laurenti for Vice Chair for the 1995-96 slate of officers. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIES. ..The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 a.m.