12/16/1994 , ~;''''~'~ :.>/<' ..J " ",.' I . . '. , ,:' ' " , , . ~ .~. . :Ic '. , , ' , , - .-'" ,.. ~, . " LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES DATE 7)t(t"MIJtt!~ /~ /"''1 . , -1-- /g C 9 *'t-""...... ~_... ~ .;< l' ~,.. \" ,';. CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting December 16, 1994 Clearwater public Library 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. PRESENT: Wilbert Bacon, Chair Estelle Dunn Thalia Kelsey Shirley Kennedy Joanne Laurenti Pamela LeClair Dr. William Raffaniello Lucille Weiss Herbert Wickersham Dr. Arlita Hallam, ex-officio ABSENT: Trudi Bils, excused Brenda Hunter, excused GUESTS: Shirley Hunt, GCPLFoundation Chairman Tony Bacon called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Bacon welcomed new Board member, Shirley Kennedy. Mrs. Laurenti moved to approve the minutes of the November Board meeting as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. MOTION CARRIES. Dr. Hallam reported on the status of the rental best sellers. A call from the Assistant General Counsel with the State revealed he was probably not going to approve Clearwater's request to continue the rental best seller collection through the Friends of the Library. However, the person responsible for this original decision has since been terminated; therefore, after Sandy Mortham takes office, the Friends of ,the Clearwater Library will pursue this matter. In the meantime, Clearwater is discontinuing the rental collection. Dr. Hallam noted that Largo is returning to 10 cent fines instead of the 5 cent Coop fine for overdues. clearwater's fines were originally 10 cents before joining the Coop October 1. Dr. Hallam asked the Board's feeling on this issue. After Board discussion, Ms. LeClair moved that the Board recommend the Coop raise fines to 10 cents with a maximum of $5.00. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIES. Dr. Hallam commented that the Foundation will buy 10 tables which can be assembled in different configurations to better accomodate the various groups using the new conference room in the Administrative Office area. Shirley Kennedy described her position at Tampa Bay Library Consortium working \'lith Internet, providing training and support to librarians. What began as a pilot project is now LSCA-funded Internet service free to 78 member libraries for one year, ending SeptemberJ 1995. Described as lithe global network of networks", the Internet's primary usage is electronic mail. "~;i'~;~.f': c> . \i~, .: I r'~O""'" . ! r \ . . ., . ,I'" '. ". ..'.' > ,~ . .1-. '. .>"'. T . , Dr. Hallam reported the County's Answer Center will be moving into Clearwater Library in January. Dr. Hallam suggested a tour of the Database Place at next month's Board meeting. " Mr. Bacon invited the Board to the next Coop Board meeting on December 20. Mr. Bacon plans to attend and will take the Board's recommendation on f{nes. Dr. Hallam stated an update to the Long Range plan is in process. Mr. Bacon asked the Board to be thinking of things they would like to improve or change in the Library this year. Dr. Hallam commented that the Coop budget this year includes an online magazine source (full text, approximately 1,100 magazines) available by dial-up from a home computer. The next Library Board is scheduled for Friday, Jan~ary 20, 1995, 9:00 a.m., third floor conference room. " Mrs. Kelsey moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 a.m. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIES.