02/18/1994 :~~~'.;.>:::/. '.. . I' .' (. , 'I ~ i~ . " . . 'I, . c I.,'.;" ." , . ., .. ~ .'~ '~.........'..~..~".....:..~I - .... \ ~. : '. - .... .' ;/ , c ,\ " , . I . .' " . ",'!j .. .,. I:. LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES (.: . . DATE ,N1!,rU'"i /~ /f~ 1- /Yb::L . ' . ',' '. . . ~ '. . J . I . . " .......,..'. . .. CLE~WATER PUBL~C LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting February 18, 1994 Main Library 9:00 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. PRESENT: Or. David C. Berry, Chair Wilbert Bacon Trudi Bils Estelle Dunn Thalia Kelsey Joanne Laurenti :Pamela LeClair Katherine Merriam William Raffaniello Herbert Wickersham Or. Arlita Hallam, ex-officio Or. Berry called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Mrs. Laurenti moved to approve the minutes of the January meeting as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved. MOTION CARRIES. ABSENT: Brenda Hunter, unexcused Dr. Berry introduced cyndie Goudeau, city Clerk, to address the provisions of the Sunshine Law as it applies to the Board. In summary: * No two or more members of a public body or board can communicate in any way, shape or form regarding the Board's business outside of a duly noted and/or advertised public meeting. No telephone communication No conversation in a social setting * No one is to be used as an intermediary. * Subcommittees must follow the same guidelines as the Board. * communication in writing is acceptable as long as copies are submitted to all members and the public (noticed)". * To meet Sunshine Law requirements, all meetings of two or more Board members must be noticed a minimum of 24 hours in advance, open to the public, and minutes taken showing subject and action taken. * Board members violating the Sunshine Law can be held personally responsible: * nUnintentional" violation of the Sunshine Law is a noncriminal offense. . "Intentional" violation of the Sunshine Law is a second-degree misdemeanor. , . .' '. . '. .~ . . '. : . . I. . , ..... . . . _ _ . 1_ . * If members of a Board are found in violation of the Sunshine Law, it can negate whatever action the Board has taken, and beyond that, can negate whatever action the city commission or other Board may have taken based on a recommendation from the Board that violated the Sunshine Law. Ms. Goudeau asked Board members to call the City Clerk's Office for any questions or assistance. Board members expressed their concern that the Sunshine Law has not been clearly explained or defined in the past to Board members. Ms. Goudeau will review the brochure which is distributed to new members and make sure new members are informed by letter. A condensed version of these guidelines will be added to t~e Library Board Manual. Dr. Hallam distributed and discussed suggestions from staff for goals/objectives for the Long Range Plan 1994-1999. An annual Long Range Plan update was distributed for Board review earlier. Dr. Berry expressed interest in computer linkage of nonpublic libraries into the public library system so that holdings information would be available. Mrs. Kelsey suggested a computer literacy class for people unfamiliar with computer terminology and usage be available. Dr. Hallam asked the Board to report any other ideas at next month's meeting. Dr. Hallam reported the collection inventory is completed at Main, North Greenwood and Beach libraries; East is almost finished and Countryside is 50% completed. Loss at Main since 1985 is only 4.2%, with the compact disc collection showing the greatest loss. This collection has been moved to a more visible location to reduce loss. There was discussion of creating "psychological barriers" at East and Countryside to help reduce the number of materials which could "walk out the door" due to the location of the checkout desk. An automatic checkout next to the door with a built-in detection system was mentioned. This issue will be examined more closely after completion of all inventory. Dr. Hallam asked the Board to review the requirement in the meeting room policy pertaining to the need to have a Clearwater Library card with the impending Cooperative membership. After much discussion by the Board, Mrs. Laurenti moved that after October 1, 1994, the existing meeting room policy will prevail with the exception that an individual applying for meeting room use must live in Clearwater and have a Cooperative library card. The motion was seconded and approved by majority vote: 9 in favor, 1 opposed. MOTION CARRIES. Dr. Hallam asked for the Board's recommendation on the best use of the present Adler Room in response to Commissioner Thomas' comment that this load bearing floor space might be better used. The Board discussed various options, but expressed concern in changing the Adler Room, which is a tribute to two people who were so generous with their contribution to the Main Library, as such action might " . ,~ . .. ~,. .". r . I ' oj; . . . .' .' . . . ~. ',.' .:.,.: " discourage future contributions. Dr. Berry appointed a subcommi ttee of Mrs. Laurenti, Mr. Bacon, and Mrs. Merriam to consider this issue and report back to the Board next month. Dr. Hallam and Mrs. ails will be attending Library Day in Tallahassee on March 1 and 2, 1994. Dr. Hallam reported a gift of $13,049.95 from the estate of Frederick McLaughlin has been given to Main Library for the purchase of large print books. Dr. Berry appointed a Nominating Committee of Mr. Wickersham, Mrs. Merriam, and chaired by Mr. Raffaniello, to present a slate of officers for Chair and Vice Chair at next month's meeting. The Nominating committee will meet at 8:30 a.m. on March 18 before the regular Board meeting. Dr. Hallam reported that the city commission accepted the Board's recommendation on the issue of advertising on magazine covers. Regarding rescinding the 25 material limit, the city commission has asked staff to prepare a method of preventing prOfit-making organizations from checking out large numbers of materials. The Board discussed the following options regarding the number of materials limit: 1) leave limit of library materials at 25 2) raise limit to higher number 3) rescind the 25 materials limit. Concerning methods of preventing profit-making organizations from taking out large numbers of materials, the following options were discussed: 1) Require anyone wanting to check out more than the limit to tell staff why they need a greater number of materials. 2) Post signs stating liThe Clearwater Public Library's collection is for use of individuals in pursuing their recreational and informational needs. Businesses are encouraged to use library services, but not to check out collections of materials in order to provide library service to their clientele." 3) Require applicants to sign a statement that they will not use library materials to supplant business libraries. Mrs. Laurenti moved that the 25 material limit be rescinded and patrons sign a statement at registration stating the materials are not to supplant business libraries, and that a statement be posted in the libraries to read "The Clearwater PUblic Library's collection is for use of individuals in pursuing their recreational and informational needs. Profit-making businesses are encouraged to use library services, but are not to check out collections of materials in order to provide library service to their clientele." The motion was seconded. There was some discussion as to why the Board was having to prepare a recommendation on this issue when they felt the Board's original recommendation of no limit on library materials should stand. The motion was defeated by a vote .,...... ~."" . '\ . " ."\ ... of 2 in favor, 7 opposed. during the,discussion). Mr. Raffaniello moved that the Board wishes to reaffirm its original position not to have any limit or conditions on library materials to be checked out. The motion was seconded. Board members discussed the fact that there has never been a problem of abusing the collection in the past and therefore do not feel a limit needs to be imposed. Rescinding the limit is in the best interest of thel Library. The motion was unanimously approved. MaTZOH CARRIES. (One Board member left the meeting Dr. Hallam distributed a listing of Library Board recommendations for 1993 to date which will be part of the Library Board's annual report to the city commission in April. Discussion of changing the video check-out period was tabled until the March Board meeting when the Board will review other policy recommendations which might need revision due to impending Cooperative membership. Dr. Hallam distributed copies of the City Charter for Board review as requested by the city Clerk. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, March lS, 9:00 a.m., Main Library. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.