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Ruth Bloom, Belleair
Barbara Murphey, Largo Library
Elizabeth O'Brien, Tarpon Springs
Bernadette storck, pinellas PUblic
Library cooperative
, .
Minutes of the Meeting
December 10, 1993
Main Library
9:00 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.
Dr. David C. Berry, Chair
loJilbert Bacon
.Trudi ails
;Estelle Dunn
Brenda Hunter
Thalia Kelsey
Joanne Laurenti
Pamela LeClair
Katherine Merriam
Herbert Wickersham
Dr. Arlita Hallam, ex-officio
william Raffaniello, excused
Dr. Berry called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Guests were
introduced: Ruth Bloom, representing the Belleair community;
Barbara Murphey, Director of Largo Library; Elizabeth 0' Brien,
Director of Tarpon springs Library; and Bernadette Storck,
Administrator of Pinellas Public Library Cooperative. Dr. Berry
reported Mr. Bacon was reappointed to another term of 4 years.
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........1 Mrs. Merriam moved to approve the minutes of the November meeting
as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
Dr. Berry briefly revieweq the background of the cooperative issue.
Mr. Bacon added that the two other library support groups voted in
favor of joining the Cooperative, as did the Library Board in
April. He expressed concern that the Budget Advisory Committee's
recommendation not to join the Cooperative might be taken more
seriously than the Library Advisory Board's recommendation to join.
Mr. Bacon stated he will be meeting with leading Clearwater
citizens on this issue. Dr. Berry and Mr. Bacon reported that some
concern of the City commission stems from the perceived disparity
in per capita support from the different communities. Dr. Hallam
noted that the per capita support reported is an average--that in
fact each Clearwater resident does not pay the same amount of taxes
toward library service yet all receive the same service; likewise,
each community will never really be equal in per capita support.
Mrs. storck noted that Dunedin's per capita is up to $34, exceeding
Clearwaterls. (note: This includes state and county funds).
Dr. Berry noted that state grants (money received from taxes paid
by all state residents) is not being distributed to Clearwater
because Clearwater is not a Cooperative member. A valuable source
of revenue is being lost.
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~ Dr. Berry reported that he and Mr. Bacon have visited with all city
'.,..1' Commissioners except Commissioner Berfield, and do not feel a very
positive prognosis on the coop issue. Dr. Berry commented that one
city Commissioner expressed the view that he would only support the
Cooperative if Coop money would supplant local money. Mrs.
Storck stated the impact of this type of action would severely cut
Clearwater's portion of Coop money, and the other libraries would
also suffer financially. Clearwater residents' library service
would be cut. Dr. Berry noted this is a danger point and the
Library Board should only recommend joining the coop if city
commissioners understand there must be no reduction in the
Library's operating,budget from local funds.
Mrs. Stock explained the procedure for selection of coop Board
members. The present Board consists of 7 members serving a 3 year
term. Mrs. Storck would like to expand the Board to 9 members with
3 members' terms expiring each year.
Dr. Berry polled the board members present and the majority voted
to reaffirm continuing action to recommend Clearwater's joining the
Cooperative, with one Board member expressing reservation that the
Board proceed only if sufficient information is provided to the
city commission on this issue. Dr. Hallam reviewed a proposed
agenda packet with the Board. The Board agreed to proceed with the
agenda item at the January 18, 1994 city commission meeting.
Mrs. storck recommended the preparation of a one page fact sheet to
distribute to the public through the FOCL Point newsletter, area
libraries, support groups, and the newspaper. Staff will prepare
graphs to enhance the presentation to the City commission.
The City Advisory Board annual dinner will be at the Holiday Inn
Surfside'on April 12, 1994.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for January 21, 1994, 9:00
a.m., Main Library, third floor conference room.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
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