10/15/1993 . I , -' " " ," \ '" I <, ..' . , > .' +, ,. .' ,':::~::,>: '...., ' , , '.' , " , ~I.. ' , , ' ,"t" ' ' , ' ",' " . '. ' ',~ .." . i, " , "~, c." . . A ;, ' , ' ...... ~ ........ .",~>.'." ~.' ,......, ~t '...., ~. . " .. . _ '~. ~ -. . c, '" . ' . . ".....' oJ"" ~ .". , ' n " , , LIBRARY BOARD , , " , " MINUTES " , ' , ' .. . . DATE tJt.V41J~~'/~; /9'~ J~/ g 3 3 " , ' ' , ' . , ,.,.,., ", '. ' ".', " . '. ,. ., " p' . - . .. . I \ I. . L< CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting October 15, 1993 North Greenwood Library 9:05 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PRESENT: wilbert Bacon, Vice-Chair Estelle Dunn 'l'halia Kelsey Joanne Laurenti Katherine Merriam William Raffaniello Herbert wickersham Dr. Arlita Hallam, ex-officio In Dr. Berry's absence, Vice-Chair Tony Bacon called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Mrs. Merriam moved to approve the minutes of the September meeting as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. MOTION CARRIES. l\BBENT: Dr. David C. Berry Brenda Hunter, excused (two vacancies) Mr. Bacon reported that Douglas cowley submitted his resignation from the Board due to his new position. Mr. Bacon commented that Mr. Cowley was a great help on the Cooperative project--lIa real mover", and noted how much the Board hated to lose Mr. Cowley. ~. Dr. Hallam gave a presentation to the Board on the Main Library Building Program prepared by consultant David Henington. Dr. Hallam will give a similar presentation to the city commission on october 18. Mr. Henington proposes 88,000 square feet to be necessary to meet the Library'S needs. No site is mentioned in this report. There was some discussion by the Board of site possibilities and the uses of the square footage. Dr~ Hallam reported that a task force committee is still working on the best seller issue. One of the plans being examined involves a company selling best sellers to the Library at a 45% discount and then buying back the books within 18 months at 33 1/3%. Dr. Hallam hopes to have a plan available on best sellers in about a month. Mr. Bacon commented on the idea recently reported in the newspaper of building a library atop a parking garage. Mr. Bacon stressed how unsafe riding an elevator in a parking garage can be, and noted that the City'S parking garage on Garden Avenue is a proven failure. He felt the Board should stand their ground against issues like this one. Mr. Bacon reminded the Board of the October 19 meeting at 9:00 a.m. before the Budget Advisory committee on the pinellas Public Library cooperative issue. Dr. Hallam distributed updated figures on the Cooperative budget. Dr. Hallam noted that state funds will eventually stay with the Cooperative and not go to the individual libraries. This will help supply costs for networking, delivery vans, resource-sharing, cooperative exhibits and publicity, etc. > " >,'.., .,' , ',"'" ' . .., . :, >.. ~ ~-:' ....J' .'.. v:.~",.' " ~:. . .. . .. c' Board members reported they hear comments from citizens who want Clearwater to join the Cooperative. Or. Hallam commented that the Friends of the Clearwater Library are collecting approximately $1,000 per month from the book store at Main Library and the "booklets" in the branches. In addition, the Friends still hold their semi-annual book sales at Main, the next one of which is scheduled in December. Mrs. Kelsey asked if old books are weeded periodically from the collection. Dr. Hallam noted that if it is the last copy, th~ Library may keep it in the collection if it has research value. Mr. Wickersham questioned the necessity of keeping outdated non- fiction books when more up-to-date material should be in the collection (for example, old architectural design books for remodeling should be replaced with newer design books.) The Board again discussed the status of a draft ordinance on gifts to the Library (see March and April, 1993 minutes attached). Dr. Hallam reported that the city Manager asked Dr. Hallam and Ream Wilson, Parks & Recreation Director, to prepare a city-wide ordinance on gifts. The draft ordinance is presently in the city " Manager's off ice (copies sent to Board). Dr. Hallam reminded the Board of the Foundation's annual cognoscenti Auction on Thursday, November 11, at 6:30 p.m. at Main Library. "--- The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. The next meeting of the Board is November 19, 1993, 9:00 a.m. at the Memorial civic Center, Clearwater Beach. ".' I . " , ,(' ", ' " , " ' ' , ., ",,' . " , ' ',' ......,". . ," .. l CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARU Nlnu!::ea of the Heating Hnrch 19. 1993 Clenrwnter Public LIbrnry 9:30 n.m. - 11:15 a.m. ( . - PRESENT: ABSENT: Dr. David Derry. Chair Mr. Wilbert Bacon Mr. Douglas Cowley Nrs. Estelle Dunn Mrs. Brendn ltunter Mra. Thalia Kelsey Mrs. Joanne Laurenti Mrs. Katherine Merriam Mr. William Rnffanicllo Mr. Herbert Wickersham tlr. Jack Wilson Dr. Arlita IIallarll, ex-officio none GUESTS: Becky Wogoman, eFLS Staff Sid r ley lIun t, GCPLF Dr. Berry called the meeting to order nt 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Merriam moved to approve the minutes of last month's meeting as submitted. Tile motion was seconded ~nd appt'ov~d ulla~limously. MOTiON CARRIES. "- Dr. Berry discussed the proposed gifts ordinance as approved at last month1s meeting. Dr. Berry raised the question whether the wording of tile ordinance should address publi~ funding, such as money received from the Cooperative, and asked the Board if they wished to re-open discussion on the proposed ordinance concerning this point. The Board suggested treating these issues separately, putting the gifts ordinance through now and dealing with tIle Cooperative issue if and when it happens. Dr. Berry also mentioned that the words "Library Doard" in paragraph 2, line 2, referring to soliciting funds, were requested to be deleted by tIle Board originally; it still appears in the wording of the proposed ordinance. Dr. Ilallnm will review with the City Attorney. Dr. Hallam reported that this item will be reviewed at a City Commission work session a~ which tile press will be present. The Board recommended Dr. Berry be spokesman for the Board at this work session. Dr. Berry will prepare a written statement for the Commission on the background of this issue. Dr. Hallam reported that the recommenda~ion for the sale of the doll collection with proceeds to buy children's materials is on the City Commission agenda for April 1. Dr. llallam distributed an executive summary of the Library1s output measures survey. 2. 77~ surveys were returned systemwide. Dr. Hallam gave n report on Amnesty Nonth. 'The average return of books was 76 items per day. The oldest item returned was 11 yenrs overdue. Dr. Hallam discussed n report distributed earlier to the Board showlng usage and stntlstics for enell Clearwater Public Library racility. Clearwater's usage is up. Dr. Jlnllam noted that the greatest demand is at the Countryside Library-- a facility with the least amount of staff. Dr. Hnllnm noted the City Commission .,.. ...-", ' ,I ~ .. .. }.:, l CLEARWATER PU8LIC LIBRARY 80ARD Minutes of the Meeting April 16, 1993 , Clenrwatcr Countryside LIbrary 9:30 a.m. - 10:35 n.m. PRESENT: Dr. David Derry, Chair Mr. Wilbert Dacon Mr. Douglas Cowley Mrs. Estelle Dunn Mrs. Brenda Hunter Mrs. Joanne Laurenti Mrs. Katherine Merriam Hr. William Raffaniello ABSENT: Mrs. Thalia Kelsey, excused Mr. Herbert Wickersham, excused Mr. Jack WIlson, excused Dr. Ar1ita Hallam, excused GUESTS: Wendy Foley, CPLS Staff Marsha McGrath, CPLS Staff Shirley Hunt, GCPLF, Inc. Dr. Berry called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Merriam moved to approved the minutes of the March meeting us submitted. Tile motion was seconded and approved unanimously. MOTION CARRIES. ' Dr. Berry reviewed the current situation with the proposed gifts ordinance. the discussion of the Library's doll collection before tile City CommIssion, the City Manager was directed to prepare a general ordinnnce for all gifts or donations to the City. Dr. Berry suggested the Library's proposed gift ordinance be tabled until the City staff's ordinance is published. Then, if not sufficient, the Board will go back to the Commission with a proposed ordiuance. Board members agreed with this suggestion. Mr. Bacon made a brief report on the Library Cooperative Committee. The Committee's report is unanimously in favor of joining the Cooperative. ^ position paper will be prepared shortly. Mr. Bacon noted the Pinelias Public Library Cooperative will accept application from Clearwater to join anytime before Narch, 1994. Mr. Bacon will meet with Dr. Berry and Dr. lIallam. The Board unanimously agreed with the Committee's recommendation. Mrs. Foley, former Branch Mannger of Countryside and now Branch Manager of East, gave a presentation on the progress of Countryside Library since 1988. Circulation figures for tile branch have increased from 185,000 to 237,000 and reference questions have doubled from 21,000 to 45,000. Mrs. Foley noted the initial challenge was how to provide large branch service with medium-sized branch staff. Mrs. Foley complimented the volunteer staff assisting the regular stnff with 155 volunteer hours each month. Mrs. Foley commented that recent work in caulking the windows may have solved the reoccurring mold problem at Countryside. ~farsha McGrath, Youth Services Division Hanager, discussed the upcoming summer library pragtam far children. Mra. Merriam gnve the nominating commit~ce report. T\le slnte of officers for 1993-94 is: ( Dr. David C. Berry Wilbert Bacon Chairman Vice Chairman Dr. Berry asked for nominations from the floor. lIearing none, Hrs. Herriam moved that nominations be closed and the slate of officers presented be elected. The motion was seconded and unall1mously approved. MOTION CARRIES. 't